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All 6 trig functions on the unit circle

submitted by happytoes to mathematics 1.2 yearsMar 24, 2023 17:25:11 ago (+15/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


The point goes round and round the unit circle and the pretty colors show sine and cosine, then tangent and secant and all the rest.

2 comments block

[ - ] Grospoliner 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 25, 2023 11:47:41 ago (+1/-0)

In all my years of studying math I have never seen all six trig functions graphically illustrated like this. This would have been very helpful to me in school.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 24, 2023 18:47:13 ago (+1/-0)

Wont pretend I can follow math like that any more these days.
But visualized like that, it’s basically just white peoples art.
Where instead of how modern art relies entirely on a cult willing to agree to pretend it has significance that they make up. The trivium and quadrivium were not just the basis, but the objective of white art.