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Are you a pussy cuck? Or even a nigger lover? Click here to find out and what you can do about it

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WeaknessOfWesternCulture 1.3 yearsMar 2, 2023 19:07:14 ago (+1/-0)     (WeaknessOfWesternCulture)

Fill out this short quiz, and we'll post the score card next week so you can score yourself. and find out if you're a pussy cuck or a nigger lover.

Question 1: Do you listen to rap music while making angry comments about niggers online?

Question 2: Do you realize that if ethnic Americans and Europeans rose up they could crush the other ethnicities of the world and use this as an excuse to do nothing until the day you die?

Question 3: Do make angry posts about the establishment and international Jew online, and never do anything to change reality?

4 comments block

[ - ] SecretHitler 3 points 1.3 yearsMar 2, 2023 19:17:50 ago (+3/-0)

Turns out OP is a faggot

[ - ] localsal 0 points 1.3 yearsMar 2, 2023 21:52:39 ago (+0/-0)

2 was answered by camikatboy a while ago.

In order for 2 to happen, most (he said every) White men in every country have to rise up at the same time.

If any White country fails to direct enough energy to eliminating the problem, then the entire shitshow will end up like Jan 6, or like South Africa during the 1992-1994 sanctions - ie, big losers.

Any hanging back White countries will incur the wrath of the filthy kikes and have the rest of the world turned against the rebels - much like the South in the American Civil War.

There is a very fine line between waiting for enough White men to wake up to enact the final solution, and waiting too long and being pushed into concentration camps. Unfortunately that line is really only visible in hindsight.

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers [op] 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 8, 2023 22:50:05 ago (+0/-0)

Jan 6,

I cannot believe those faggot backed down as soon as "oh noes!! i'm going to be charge with muh terroristism!" I'm like yeah you faggots, you were supposed to go there ready to die, but you PUSSED THE FUCK OUT when they mention criminal charges? obviously they weren't serious in the first place - no amount of CIA plants in the crowd should have been able to derail them.. when shit hits the fan, you fight harder and faster and you kill the fucking enemy - that's what war is and it's a useful tool to accomplish one's goals. violence solves problems, and it is ok to kill people.

and waiting too long and being pushed into concentration camps. Unfortunately that line is really only visible in hindsight.

I don't know how everyone doesn't see it this way. This has got to be the dumbest dying off of a people in the history of the world. Ever. I have never seen anything in the history of mankind like this; unless you count the dodo bird getting killed by man.

[ - ] localsal 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 8, 2023 23:47:14 ago (+0/-0)

You are correct. White people dying off will be a watershed moment in the pursuit of civilization.

Technology and other comforts have made people - especially Whites - very docile in action, although their blood boils inwardly.

The issue is the rise of the zogbots and how detached from our neighbors everyone is - exactly as the filthy kikes have been planning. There is no cohesion and everyone could be (and usually is) a (((government))) plant to either cause an arrest or disrupt any cohesion.

Nobody is willing to fight next to a guy that will stab you in the back. This is a very new phenomenon in human history - where clans and tribes used to be ready to fight at any insult, and now we are so isolated by our paranoia and technology that we cower in fear for TWO ENTIRE YEARS because of a virus that has essentially zero mortality.

However, and the filthy kikes know this - the White man is not down for the count yet, as our ingenuity has given rise to masterful plans while working alone. Time will tell if these plans will spark the revolution.