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Florida COnVID data critic reaches agreement on felony charge

submitted by knightwarrior41 to Health 1.5 yearsDec 12, 2022 13:38:46 ago (+3/-0)     (www.seattletimes.com)


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — A fired Florida health department data manager charged with illegally accessing state computers after she publicly accused officials of wanting to make COVID-19 statistics look less dire has reached an agreement with prosecutors that should result in the case being dropped.

Rebekah Jones, who helped design the state’s coronavirus website, signed an agreement with prosecutors admitting guilt to a charge of illegally accessing the state’s computer system and requiring her to pay $20,000 to cover the investigation’s costs, perform 150 hours of community service and see a mental health counselor monthly. If she completes those requirements, the charge will be dropped within two years. The agreement was filed late last week at Tallahassee’s circuit court.

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