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21 comments block

[ - ] deleted 15 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 13:11:43 ago (+15/-0)


[ - ] 1point21jiggawatts 7 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 13:26:31 ago (+7/-0)

Same here.

[ - ] Razzoriel 3 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 17:20:55 ago (+3/-0)

Women working full jobs does not even make sense in the atheistic-materialistic sense. Imagine your woman working to pay daycare and people to take care of your house. Its much more economical (and better in the efficiency side of things) to have your wife clean, cook and take care of your clothing while she handles raising your kids. How much does it cost for a staff like that? Thats how much your wife "saves" by doing all of that herself.

Bless your wife, bless all women who bravely chose to go against the tide and stay at home while they trust their husbands to provide. Its a wild society and its much harder for women to deny societal norms than men.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 22:15:14 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 22:19:57 ago (+1/-0)

The tactics I used to coerce her into behaving otherwise would now be considered domestic abuse.

I knew it. I called it. I was right! Ha!

[ - ] deleted 4 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 22:21:33 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 22:34:17 ago (+1/-0)

You said I was stupid when I said women don't come out of the box perfect.

I was right. C'mon say it.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 11, 2022 10:23:33 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 11, 2022 04:26:00 ago (+1/-0)

Keeping her pregnant for most of a decade helps a lot.


[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 11, 2022 08:49:40 ago (+1/-1)

no...not really

"Keeping her pregnant with White children for a decade helps"

^properly based

After all America was founded by and for Whites, non Whites are not legal citizens here

[ - ] Belfuro 11 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 14:36:25 ago (+11/-0)

Separating children from their parents.
Getting wifes into contact with each other and unmarried men.

All were deliberate hostile acts intended to destroy society.

Every advocate ignorant or not is a hostile agent

[ - ] carnold03 6 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 14:25:25 ago (+6/-0)

Not messed up at all. The woman wants to be able to court men of higher status possessing greater resources, but she also wants to have access to yours. If you're stupid enough to accommodate a woman who wants to work full-time, leaving you to farm the rearing and education of your children to people outside of your household, then don't act surprised when Timmy and Samantha suddenly reveal that they're trans.

[ - ] Gowithit 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 14:52:56 ago (+2/-0)*

a woman who wants to work full-time,

Haha...no. They don't want to work but they still send the kids out to school or daycares for "socialization" and still prepare frozen food because they " don't have time".

Meanwhile Timmy and Samantha get bombarded with gender everything and their peers and teachers are gay so then the parent who might have known better than to let their kid slide down that path let it go because they want them to be included in school clubs and have friends and slowly start accepting and even advocating for the gays because "they're not bad people"

Then lgbtqpia groups start handing out money to nerds who are now " asexual" for college and the parents now sing their praises everywhere because Ruby Girls threw 1000 dollars at their kid.

What they are going to put Timmy through is not worth any amount of money but there you go $1000 is now the price of your childs soul.

[ - ] Hadza 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 18:49:30 ago (+1/-0)

They don't want to work but they still send the kids out to school or daycares for "socialization" and still prepare frozen food because they " don't have time".
It's retarded when you think about it.

Which is why it works on women ;)

[ - ] Leveraction 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 22:34:48 ago (+2/-0)

God bless all of you who home school your kids!!!

This coming from someone who works in public school.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 11, 2022 01:14:03 ago (+1/-0)

Took my eldest two out.

One really loves hs the other gets isolated and missing her God awful peer friends

[ - ] Prairie -1 points 1.5 yearsDec 11, 2022 09:23:01 ago (+0/-1)

So that when I get home from work my wife is as tired as I am.

[ - ] twenty5 -2 points 1.5 yearsDec 10, 2022 21:18:45 ago (+0/-2)

sounds like a whiney bitch, a woman wants to work let her

dont grandstand on a screenshot nigger

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 11, 2022 10:25:03 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] twenty5 -1 points 1.5 yearsDec 11, 2022 12:06:04 ago (+0/-1)

naw, you are just a loser

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 11, 2022 12:44:40 ago (+1/-0)
