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Merriam-Webster word of 2022 is GASLIGHTING! The tide is turning hard in the information war.

submitted by GeneralDisarray to 5GW 1.6 yearsNov 28, 2022 15:06:50 ago (+4/-1)     (www.boomlive.in)


I have written posts here stating that GASLIGHTING is the most important word you will ever learn in your life!

It's key to understanding how we are manipulated and abused by the fascist coalition of government, corporations, judicial system, big tech, msm and banks. That they have all lied in such a coordinated way that they have warped our reality completely and removed our rights by insisting we never had any to begin with.

Gaslighting is a key aspect of Fifth Generation Warfare and understanding it makes it a powerless trick.

Isn't it a coincidence that this comes out two days before the release of General Flynn's book on 5GW!

We are building up to a complete exposure of these pathological tricks that have cost us so much. And the exposure of those that used them to devastating effect.

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