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Death blossom! A Q tard article showing that the maga crowd is now waking up to the reality of fifth generation warfare!!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to 5GW 1.6 yearsNov 24, 2022 14:13:52 ago (+5/-1)     (badlands.substack.com)


The article isn't very good imho!

I'm just posting it to show that this writer uses the term "fifth generation warfare" about half a dozen times.

The article is too long winded but it makes the point that we are under attack by these methods and the people doing it are shitting the bed worse each time they attack us.

Their tactics are far too well known and are less effective with each new campaign.

They are losing the war they started and considering how completely they have exposed themselves they must know the consequences for them will be dire to say the least.

They took part in countless capital crimes and are far too easily identifiable to get away with it. That will ultimately mean they are executed for their treason and genocide.

I just saved you the effort of reading this.

But my point remains. Fifth generation warfare is going mainstream and that will destroy the cabal and their minions.

5 comments block

[ - ] Peleg 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 24, 2022 15:01:13 ago (+1/-0)

The people that I talk to are definitely waking up! Even the one that has been getting "inside information" from people he knows but they claim to be the "boots on the ground" and the "White hats in the military"! LOL! Even That guy is coming around! He's had enough of their "we're going to bust everything wide open just any day now" bs. He is now saying things like, "they should have Done something by now" and "they told me it would all be Over 6 months ago".
I have a different guy I've been talking to that is kind of high up in the company he works for. He is ready to walk off his job, take up arms, and start go to war!

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 1 point 1.6 yearsNov 24, 2022 15:52:01 ago (+1/-0)

I'm talking to more and more people that where impossibly brainwashed before. But now they are coming round to the reality we are facing.

People are actually interested in the information I am giving them rather than looking at me like I have two heads.

I think the "white hats in control" line we have all been fed was very useful in keeping patriotic soldiers in line. But that won't work very much longer. Especially once they are given orders to face off against their own people.

So considering that people are now seeing the genocide jabs for what they are that won't be long now.

The woke generals can't hold the hold military back. They will eventually be facing a revolt.

We can't expect law enforcement to do the right thing since they took part in all this treason. They are the most guilty of all.

We are really at a point where we are waiting for the straw that breaks the camels back. Then it's open season on all traitors.

The military will be forced to act by this point.

The exposure of fifth generation warfare being used on the public makes mass tribunals and executions inevitable. It exposes the sheer number of traitors and the horrific slaughter they created.

Peace will be impossible without their blood.




Company directors





They are all running out of time and are having to capitulate more each day. Even floating the idea of an amnesty lol. Fucking please.

[ - ] AmalekTheZOG 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 24, 2022 19:16:30 ago (+0/-0)

Boomers now think 5G is something to do with General Flynn.

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 24, 2022 17:09:51 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, you and Alex Jones are going to break the conditioning of millions of NPCs while they continue to consume mainstream media nonstop. The average number of hours spent in front of a screen just keeps going up. These people still watch Talmudvision.

[ - ] dassar 0 points 1.6 yearsNov 24, 2022 14:39:10 ago (+1/-1)

No, they are not waking up, they are still wired into the matrix of a well funded psi-op. Tow moar weeks/ giggity.