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Peter Navarro unleashes on Jared Kushner…

submitted by Reawakened to Opinion 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 14:45:51 ago (+3/-0)     (amgreatness.com)


The Clown Prince of Pennsylvania Avenue

2 comments block

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 1.4 yearsJan 14, 2023 11:24:14 ago (+0/-0)

Fortunately, if Trump makes it back to the White House, it will be a Kushner-free zone. Kushner has already disqualified himself from future White House employment by cashing in on his White House connections to fund his many entrepreneurial ventures.

Lol does he not realize that the other jew handler Stephen Miller has now taken over that role?

He's so close to realizing the JQ. If only he'd question why a man would be so suddenly subservient to his son-in-law when pride would typically prevent such a thing from ever occurring in a normal family unit...

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 1.8 yearsAug 16, 2022 16:31:29 ago (+1/-1)

Good article, but it's exactly what Trump supporters who never met or knew any of them were saying.

But trumpenstein had his own kabbalah teacher. He wasn't supposed to be anything but another israel first stooge yelling America first.

Stephen Bronfman is the prime minister of canada.

jared kushner was the president of the US.

they're in every political office, and the puppet actor politicians just get their vanity stroked and their personal investment portfolios increase while they commit treason