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Virginia Guffrey is now facing allegations she recruited and sexually abused young women with Epstein! HER CASE WAS ALL ABOUT GATEKEEPING AND SILENCING THE MULTITUDES COMING FORWARD!!!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2 yearsJun 11, 2022 17:29:34 ago (+5/-0)     (nypost.com)


Guffrey's lawyer was none other than Harvey Weinstein's lawyer of ten years David Boise who threatened and silenced his victims with another female lawyer Bloom!

One victim that was at Epstein island said she saw about 60 girls come through the island in the one month she was there! So where are all these victims?

David Boise and Virginia Guffrey silenced them all and turned the case into a she said he said event that heaped all the blame on Maxwell!

This is why Boise law firm has had over a hundred lawyer quit while the case was ongoing. He shredded the testimony of all the victims and built a list to attack for the pedo elites.

None of this is in this report but you can confirm this from what came out.

Guffrey was the Alison Mack of the Epstein operation!!!

And she got paid $12 million to screw all the victims over and protect the elites caught on video.

Will this case expose this? Will her lawyer get sent all these testimonies and proof that Boise hid them from the courts?!

Or is her lawyer another pedo fixer making millions protecting these rapists?

Either way this case is too big to shut down. Guffrey is fucked imho.

2 comments block

[ - ] DukeofRaul 0 points 2 yearsJun 11, 2022 18:27:05 ago (+0/-0)

What do they call the old hags in porn that entice 18 year olds?

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 0 points 2 yearsJun 11, 2022 23:46:45 ago (+0/-0)

i dont think theyre talking about cougars here