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"You don't think Simon Cowell is a jew do you?"

submitted by Cunt to Jewdar 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 07:08:11 ago (+16/-0)     (Jewdar)

Asked my husband teasingly when he was discussing Simon's contributions to the music industry (I had not said anything about jews, but I might have made a face). I shrugged, not really caring "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..." I meant it as 'it doesnt matter if he technically is one or not if he acts like one' but my husband took it as a bet and demanded a google search, results:

Wikipedia > Early life > "Cowell's father was from a mostly Jewish family (his own mother was born in Poland),[12] though he did not discuss his ancestry with his children."

My husband took it as win because "Jewishness is passed on through the mother".

21 comments block

[ - ] SecretHitler 7 points 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 10:14:39 ago (+7/-0)

"Jewishness is passed on through the mother"

It sounds like you already know this but for the sake of everyone else... This is a stupid goy argument that people who don't know actual jews make. jews don't give a fuck about that rule. They don't give a fuck about any rules, they just use them when convenient.

I know someone personally who would fail that rule but is still "in" and identifies and is accepted as 100% kike because of his dad.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 13:21:43 ago (+2/-0)

I assume the reasoning was because paternity is more difficult to establish than maternity, and theoreticall a gentile wife could cuckold her jewish husband in import a full blooded gentile in to the group

[ - ] ForgottenMemes 1 point 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 15:36:24 ago (+1/-0)

It's because Ashkenazi are descendants of Esau and a Canaanite woman. Canaanites, as I'm sure you know, being the prototype for satanism and a cursed people the Hebrew God commanded his followers to exterminate for their sins.

It's not important that you believe this. It's important to understand that THEY believe this. That's why they want to exterminate all European Christians, who are the inheritors of the blessing of Israel. Again it's not important that you believe this, jews believe it, you just need to understand that's why they will never stop attacking you. They believe you are literally commanded by God to exterminate every last one of them (and if you're Christian, then you are so commanded).

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 18:39:17 ago (+2/-0)

I believe in an evolutionary explanation— certain populatiins like the jews develop “corrupt behavioral traits because they live for a long time in an environment where they can succeed by lying, deceiving, or otherwise exploiting. Scumbags thrive under certain conditions and become more numerous. Genetics govern their behavior, not a curse from God.

I don’t think it’s important that you accept that thesis, but i do think it’s important that you know they don’t all believe the same thing. They are not all religious worshippers of yahweh. The religious ones justify their hatred of gentiles by insisting gentiles are always picking on them and genociding them — in both biblical and modern times—and of course none of that is true. They choose to believe amalek is whomever is the most convenient adversary.

But the secular ones are just as bad and feel justified in always attacking gentiles, because they are born predisposed to the belief that other people are out to get them. If your entire race makes its living by exploiting other groups, a useful personality trait is the belief that other people deserve to be exploited. People with this personality trait make “better” jews.

So understand that they don’t all believe they are commanded by God to annihlate or enslave us, but they all have the propensity to do it, because it doesnt come from their religion— the religion comes from them.

[ - ] aleleopathic 1 point 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 13:24:57 ago (+1/-0)

jews don't give a fuck about that rule

They do, but their entire culture is based on making exceptions and weaseling out of rules, hence sacrifice (which is substitution) and the stupid wire they hang around jewy areas.

The rule is fast and hard for marraige into their 'priest' lines, namely Cohen (AKA Kuhn) and Katz. Also, their entire cultural system is matriarchal, hence the rule in the first place, and the invention of feminism in the first place circa 1850.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 16:27:55 ago (+1/-0)

They only apply it to the priest class in Israel who has to be 100% jewish. If they applied it broadly, there would be no jews because they're constantly intermarrying.

Oh, I didn't read the thread. Someone already mentioned the priests.

[ - ] SecretHitler 1 point 2 yearsJun 8, 2022 00:46:16 ago (+1/-0)

My understanding is that a few generations back it mattered more, and there was a ton of pressure to convert anyone who married in. The conversion mattered more than the dna.

[ - ] oppressed 5 points 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 09:15:42 ago (+5/-0)

tell your husband in reality there is a one drop rule from either parent. jews dont decide for you who is jewish.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 10:11:57 ago (+4/-0)*


[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 14:24:27 ago (+2/-0)

Biblical names are all jewish.

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 2 points 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 15:03:15 ago (+2/-0)

Yep, the majority of voat users probably have Biblical Hebrew names.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 16:29:34 ago (+1/-0)*

Well, not Jesus, lol. Ain't never heard of a jew named Jesus.

Also, Peter is from Greek, though Simon Peter was a jew.

[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 2 yearsJun 8, 2022 07:05:44 ago (+1/-0)

Well, not Jesus, lol. Ain't never heard of a jew named Jesus.

Yeah Jesus lol. His name was Yeshua (Yoshie the kike) All the names in the King James bible have been anglicised to better appeal to the retard proportion found in white countries.

Also, Peter is from Greek, though Simon Peter was a jew.

Dude, its the same person.
Saint Peter also known as Peter the Apostle, Peter the Rock, Simon Peter, Simeon, Simon or Cephas

Every name in the bible is jewish, every single one is ultra jewish, 100% of names in the bible are fucking jewish.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 2 yearsJun 8, 2022 15:50:40 ago (+1/-0)

Yes, of course. I think in context Peter is a very Christian name. I'm also trying to point out that not everyone in the New Testament is a Jew, so not all the names are Jewish. I guess you disagree with me on that.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 2 yearsJun 9, 2022 02:11:05 ago (+0/-0)

I'm also trying to point out that not everyone in the New Testament is a Jew, so not all the names are Jewish.

I said 100% jewish.

Simon The Zealot שמעון (Shimon)
Thomas תאום (Ta’om)
Bartholomew בר תלמי (Natanel Bar Talmey / Nathanel son of Talmey)
James the Greater & James The Lesser יעקב

Mathew is a new testament book right? Well Mathew was called Levi, oy vey.

They literally changed the heeb names so the scam would be more palatable to White gentiles.
Its like coating cat turds in sugar.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 3 points 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 09:00:17 ago (+3/-0)

I mean, sure, that's how they define jewishness, but half the jews out there had chiksa mothers and they still count somehow.

[ - ] KyleIsThisTall 1 point 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 21:09:51 ago (+1/-0)

Born in Poland after WWI? She was definitely jewish.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 13:17:36 ago (+1/-0)

Ooo another shapeshifter exposed.

Judaism as defined by jewish scholars is passed on throygh the mother, but that is essentially a legal code.

The problem with jews lies in their genes. Their religion is just a by-product of those genes ( or perhaps a meme-gene co-evolution, but that doesn’t matter in this case) .

Simon Cowell is sus because he is largely descended from an endogamous group of social parasites who are genetically programmed to exploit other groups. There’s no evidence that those exploitive traits are only passed on through the mom. We have to assume that jewish behaviors, which are mostly genetic, are mostly passed on through autosomal genes (not sex linked) at a ratio of 22:1.

Whatever the jewish religion’s effect on jews has been, the condition of jewishness is genetic, not legal/religious. That ‘mother’ rule is legal and not reality based.

[ - ] Yargiyankooli 0 points 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 08:50:03 ago (+2/-2)

Wow your husband sounds like a cuck from the last line.

I try not to call out everyone all the time for being Jewish to my wife, but every time we look at early life, she is shocked.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2 yearsJun 7, 2022 13:24:48 ago (+1/-0)

Its really hard not to talk about it.