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Can't say no to that face. Or those teeth.

submitted by big_fat_dangus to shitbulls 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 12:40:07 ago (+46/-4)     (a.pomf.cat)


27 comments block

[ - ] White_Pride_Cis 5 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 16:15:51 ago (+5/-0)

Ours was the sweetest boy. We had to put him down last year because he started having seizures and on the last day, he had 19 gran mals in 23 hours. We still miss him. We got a Cane Corso and a Presa Canario now. That being said, when I see pitbulls at the dog park, they too make me nervous. They're very very hit or miss. And the full size poodles are always pieces of shit

[ - ] Qwertytoal 4 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 19:03:03 ago (+4/-0)

The smaller those piece of shit toy poodles are the nastier pieces of shit they are

[ - ] xmasskull 3 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 20:31:38 ago (+3/-0)

How about the chihuahua,littlest dawg on the planet,has the baddest attitude of all dogs.From the few I've seen.

[ - ] MuricaPersonified 3 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 19:38:06 ago (+3/-0)

The dogs that scare me are the German Shepherds raised by weak cucks and any dalmation. At least the former are usually owned by dominant people and the latter are almost non-existent now.

Seriously, dalmations are stupid, aggressive, neurotic little fucks and are even more unpredictable than pits.

[ - ] xmasskull 3 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 20:34:20 ago (+3/-0)

Strange,I have that same thought about dalmatians,the few I have encountered have been unruly as a wildbeast.

[ - ] 2017Fallout 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 15, 2022 04:34:09 ago (+0/-0)

I have 3 sheps and they are well trained but know their place. Excellent watch dogs and fine with our hens and ducks. Seen a lit ofbad ones though usually being walked by women who are not their pack leader

[ - ] Broc_Liath 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 16:25:55 ago (+2/-0)

We had to put him down last year because he started having seizures and on the last day, he had 19 gran mals in 23 hours.

Same happened to our collie. We were able to give him meds for a while that kept them under control but in the end we had to put him down.

[ - ] White_Pride_Cis 5 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 16:35:45 ago (+5/-0)*

he was getting 30mg of diazepam rectally every time a seizure happened, in the end even that wasn't working. We noticed in hindsight there was a change in his temperament too. He was still good towards us, but things he used to love, he wouldn't go near. That last day was awful. He would have a seizure and I was on the floor holding him down. When it was over, he would look around to see me, but he couldn't. He would move his head like he could hear me. I did Special Operations, so I am by no means what one would call a "weak man", but the day that we put him down and I held him while his heart stopped, the whole town could've seen me tear up. Still hurts. Originally they said it was his thyroid, but those pills did nothing to stop the seizures. It was about 2 months from his first seizure to when we had to put him down. The vet said that all of the signs pointed towards a brain tumor...

I'm sorry for your loss. I feel that White people have a special affinity for nature and animals. I loved him like he was my child.

[ - ] jewsbadnews 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 22:14:38 ago (+2/-0)

Genocide shitbulls ans poodles, fucking man-made abominations.

[ - ] SpankmeTankMe 4 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 13:56:52 ago (+4/-0)

I love dogs but these ones have only one purpose in life and they make me nervous.

[ - ] sguevar 3 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 16:59:30 ago (+3/-0)*

Well I have a couple of things to point out regarding the picture on the right:

-Soyboy nerdy boy with a long leash and no dog hanger.

First mistake there, boy does not have the character, much less the strength to control that dog.
Does not know that those dogs need a dog hanger around their necks and they need to be next to ones legs firmly.

- The other two beta faggots grabbing the other dog from behind and pulling the dog when it has a fixed jaw molding on the first dog and viceversa.

Second mistake, you do that and they will tear the flesh from each other. You need to put water with either a hose or a big water bottle while pressing it hard so the dogs stop biting each other.

So in summary,

Dogs with character owned by soy beta males = recipe for disaster.

[ - ] dulcima 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 17:34:32 ago (+1/-0)

Every time the < is used you end up with a blank comment.

This bug still hasn't been fixed.

[ - ] sguevar 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 18:44:25 ago (+0/-0)

ty ty

[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 21:04:33 ago (+2/-0)

Everytime a dog acts out it's because of a weak owner.

There should be a test to own certain dog breeds like German shepherds, Rottweilers, Pitbulls, Dalmatians, husky, Dobermans, etc.

Not everyone is allowed to drive a truck, manipulate heavy machinery, dock ships, or use arc welders, but every soy boy can buy a bull-baiting guard dog then blame the breed when it doesn't recognise the owner as an alpha.

These dog fear posts are doing my head in, White man domesticated the dog.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 16:41:58 ago (+2/-0)

Pitbulls are just too dangerous. Pitbulls and guns. Jews know best. We could hurt ourselves.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 16:43:57 ago (+1/-1)

Extremely stupid take. Even for you.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 16:46:28 ago (+2/-0)

No you are fucking stupid. Pitbulls are useful.

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 17:26:42 ago (+2/-1)

Other breeds can do their job better than pits. A pit really is the bigger of all dogs. Can it do certain tasks? Yes it can, but a mastiff guards better. A Doberman guards better, and is far more intimidating imo.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 16:52:10 ago (+1/-1)

Useful if you want your kid's face eaten, sure.

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday -2 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 17:38:46 ago (+1/-3)

pitbull lovers get the rope first

[ - ] KyleIsThisTall 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 15, 2022 03:22:04 ago (+0/-0)

My landlord's nigger stepson murdered the landlord's elderly dog because I reported him to his parole officer for fighting pittbulls.

[ - ] DireDork 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 20:27:29 ago (+2/-2)

My grandma's pitty is a sweetheart pretty much all day every day. Til they brought another pitty home and it got territorial and started attacking it. While trying to break them up it nearly took a chunk out of her leg.

She still has both dogs but they just never let them be in the same room together. It's pretty retarded. I'm one of those people that just loves all animals but f-u-c-k pitbulls.

[ - ] Trumpman1488 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 15:49:25 ago (+3/-3)

Delete this post you piece of shit

[ - ] big_fat_dangus [op] -1 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 15:58:11 ago (+3/-4)

Delete your life bitch nigga

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 16:24:32 ago (+2/-1)

Delete your porn stash! The elf on the shelf saw you jack off to that tranny and is not impressed.

[ - ] Her0n -1 points 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 17:23:23 ago (+0/-1)

Where’s my “only ban niggers from owning dogs!” faggots at?