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Goddamn i fucking hate spics

submitted by Not_a_redfugee to whatever 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:00:35 ago (+36/-0)     (whatever)

The males always try to eye me down, and they always have the same stupid fucking "serious" look on their face, eyebrows lowered.

Fuck you taco nigger I'll put you in the fucking ground.

Idk why they try to dick measure with complete strangers. You're in MY country. Noone is gonna attack you here except maybe other spics or niggers.

And dont get me started on my spic neighbors who jabe loke 50 cows on 2 acres of land. Not a blade of grass on it, all they can eat is the hay he puts out.

But yeah. Fuck spics. They're worse than niggers in certain parts.

86 comments block

[ - ] FoxyDiscernment 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 28, 2021 16:58:04 ago (+0/-0)

Not all Mexicans are bad. Not all Negros are bad. Not all Euros are bad. There are bad apples in every bushel basket. Try not to judge the whole because of the few. White guys do the same thing. You just do not see it because you are blinded by your hate.

[ - ] Fascinus 12 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 20:21:29 ago (+12/-0)

Story time.

My father in law used to work for a natural food company in commie cali.

Every year, they’d host a rockin’ company picnic. Back when we lived there, I looked forward to it every year.

All in all, we’d have a great time. Everybody loves Pop at work. He work(ed) with some interesting people. They’d put on a good spread, with healthy food that we could eat (kind of a big deal for us since we can almost never eat out), awesome games and activities for the kids, nice venues, etc.

Over the years, they began to hire beaners. The last year we went, the place was full of them.

Looking back, the first sign that something was awry was probably when the warehouse foreman greeted us wearing a T-shirt that said “MAKE AMERICA MEXICO AGAIN”, along with a map of what territory this glorious version of Me-Hee-Co would occupy.

Anyway, beaners. So many in number and so wet were their backs that this year they hired a translator to speak in tandem with the CEO during his address. Needless to say, I was not impressed.

The day progressed. Good conversations with interesting (white) people about this or that. At a certain point, I found myself walking alone to return to my group. I am having an swesome day when, all of a sudden, I get this sensation of utter hostility and derision. I’m like “what the fuck?”. Then I look over and see it. A table full of beaners giving me the stink-eye. Fuck it. Go back to my group.

Fast forward to later in the day. We’d gone off for some group activity and, when we returned to our table, had found all of our stuff moved and the entire table occupied by a horde of beaners.

Some background here; my father in law loves me like a son, only he finds my NatSoc beliefs and “racism” utterly distasteful. Never mind that we’re being invaded and systematically annihilated - we wouldn’t want to appear impolite, now would we?

There I was, the whole situation depicted for me beautifully in tableau. Our space had been invaded by spics and there’s my well-meaning, otherwise intelligent and honorable father in law sitting there like a fool using the brazier set at the end of the table to cook something, pretending like nothing’s happening.

If that’s not a metaphor for commie cali (a.k.a "Me-HeeCoh Norte"), I don’t know what is.

[ - ] jewsbadnews 8 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:37:22 ago (+8/-0)

Tell your father in law some guy on the internet called him a pussy faggot boomer.

[ - ] Jiggggg 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:51:55 ago (+3/-0)

Ooh me too, me too

[ - ] AttilaHitler 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 05:21:27 ago (+1/-0)

Tell him it's from all of us. on the internet..

[ - ] SmokeyMeadow 5 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 23:08:58 ago (+5/-0)

I got one. A while back I was buying groceries, when a spic male clad in full denim and a white cowboy hat tried to cut the line for the self checkout register. Just waltzed right in front of about eight niggers and I. He had a stupid cheap bouquet of flowers in his hand. I was expecting one of the nigs to say something, however when I turned around I saw nothing but dull stares of complacency. This is how we lose America, I thought to myself. Turning my attention back to the spic, I let him know that if he didn't move to the back of the line I would shove that bouquet of flowers so far up his ass he would be blooming next spring. Needless to say he was unimpressed, even making intonations about parking lot fisticuffs that I was similarly unimpressed with. It wasn't until the self checkout attendant nigger came waddling by on an unrelated mission, and I was able to flag her down and tattle on the-line cutting spic that he relented and moved to one of the human checkouts instead. I reveled in that moment of triumphantly scanning my groceries while he awkwardly watched from the next lane.

[ - ] boekanier 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:50:34 ago (+2/-0)

Yes, you have to be firm with those fuckers.

[ - ] dassar 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:54:24 ago (+0/-0)

Wahahaa, that put him in his place - the next isle - well played ....

[ - ] ShalomEveryone 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 03:22:01 ago (+1/-0)

Like a pussy, you did nothing about your table being taken. You had the perfect chance to call them a beaner to their face and stand up for yourself but you did not. Yet, here you are talking tough.



[ - ] SmokeyMeadow 10 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:45:01 ago (+10/-0)

It's kind of funny how spics are world renowned for doing yard work, but at their own houses they usually kill the grass by parking in every available inch of the yard. You'll never see a spic house in Better Homes and Gardens, unless a rusted old car with weeds growing out of it counts as a garden.

[ - ] FacelessOne 4 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 22:04:40 ago (+4/-0)

Neighbor had a beaner with the chemical truck for spraying. He intentionally nuked his grass via chemicals so he wouldn't have to mow.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 9 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:39:42 ago (+9/-0)

50 cows on 2 acres of land

Yup that sounds about right.

Ask them if this country will be nicer when its more like Columbia and Mexico. THey can’t build their own infrastructure properly so they just move in to a nicer place that someone else built. Iberians are bad enough. But half iberian half feather nigger equals shitty corrupt dirt poor countries.

[ - ] ruck_feddit 4 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 22:35:57 ago (+4/-0)

It's been a long time since I've heard the Spanish (or specifically conquistadors) referred to as Iberians. I don't know any actual Spaniards, so I'll take your word for it. I do think I'll use Iberian/feather-nigger.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:01:13 ago (+1/-0)

Well if we are speaking racially, I think Iberian covers Spaniards and Portuguese. Depending on the country or region, latinos are typically around 50 or 60 % Spaniard or Portuguese. Patrilineally they are about 90% Iberian. I wasn’t trying to be politically correct or anything.

[ - ] i_hate_sodomites 4 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:42:09 ago (+4/-0)

Racially, the Spanish are half-white and half sand-nigger due to the Islamic occupation of old Spain. Only the far north are actually white, and they've been trying for centuries to make their own nation because they hate the half-sand-nigger Spanish so fucking much....

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:52:34 ago (+2/-0)

I think theyre only about 10% sand nigger in the south from the moorish occupation. They also have more genetics from an earlier wave of late stone age farmers from anatolia. Overall they have more middle eastern genetics.

[ - ] NeoNazirite 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 06:47:17 ago (+0/-0)

Iberia was a stop by the ancient Hebrews (hence the name) on their way to Scotia and Britain.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 11:54:15 ago (+0/-0)

Well they were taken in by the governor of Iberia under the roman empire after they were booted from rome.

[ - ] NeoNazirite 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 12:19:46 ago (+0/-0)

I'm talking about the group that fled during the Babylonian captivity. They left through Egypt, through straights of Gibraltar, and around Spain eventually to Ireland. The prophet Jeremiah and a Hebrew princess in tow. This was half a millennium before Jesus. Between the Trojans founding Wales in 800bc (I think) and then Jesus' family after he was crucified.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 12:34:49 ago (+0/-0)

Is this one of those “whites are the real hebrews” things? I just don’t sign on to that theory.

[ - ] NeoNazirite 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 13:40:59 ago (+0/-0)

It is, and the European monarchs have always believed as much.
Why were many Roman emperors Brits? Why would they matter? And where did Trojans come from?

Signing on to ignorance of history is weak. It's all there.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:26:48 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 10:14:44 ago (+0/-0)

Well the central american ones obviously got really good at agriculture and created a lot of “useless eaters” in a short period, which tends to happen when societies undergo the agricultural revolution. I imagine life gets really cheap under high population conditions.

I try to understand the conditions under which populations with “desireable” and “undesireable” behavior are created ie, high/lo IQ, altruistism/deception, high/lo productivity, hi/lo violence. I believe human groups evolve much faster than we give them credit for, and evolution does not always go in the direction of smarter and nicer.

So feather niggers are and interesting case as they are a microcosm of eurasia. You see fairly advanced technology in central and south american places mayan and incan cities comparable to early sumerian city states. Celts performed human sacrifice attested to by romans. So did Germanics. So did the greeks as described in the iliad. So did semites according to the bible. It turns out almost everybody was doing human sacrifice up until a couple thousand years ago, though perhaps it was a lot more popular with some groups than others. With large population explosions I would think they would be on the rise since human life became an abundant resource. Smaller tribes could not afford to sacrifice their own people but maybe they would take the opportunity with enemy tribes.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 4 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 20:41:27 ago (+4/-0)

Idk why they try to dick measure with complete strangers. You're in MY country.

You just answered your own question.

[ - ] CPU 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 01:11:50 ago (+3/-0)

They are fucking garbage and in many cases worse than niggers. niggers seem to know their place, spics think they can dominate a White country and 'do it better'.

They are low IQ outcasts of Asia.

[ - ] paul_neri 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 23:56:58 ago (+3/-0)

I don't know what the answer is. I don't think there is one. Seems Government is hell bent on mixing the tribes in one big melting pot and ... we are all brown now.

[ - ] letsgetit 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 06:27:45 ago (+0/-0)

United States of Brazil is here. Getting browner every year

[ - ] account deleted by user 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 21:12:46 ago (+3/-0)

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[ - ] CunnilingusAndPsychiatry 6 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 22:30:46 ago (+6/-0)

"they work hard"
Every fat Texan faggot says that same shit.

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 22:42:56 ago (+2/-0)*

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[ - ] CunnilingusAndPsychiatry 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:12:25 ago (+2/-0)

"...says that same shit."

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:32:13 ago (+2/-0)

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[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 22:20:13 ago (+2/-0)

Because its genetic. They were cutting peoples hearts out about 8 generations ago.

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 22:45:32 ago (+2/-0)

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[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 23:52:49 ago (+3/-0)

No, you can’t “civilize” them. You simple have to accept that whereever there are alot of spics there will be massive corruption and poverty. The smart ones will all be corrupt.

Spain itself is fairly corrupt as is portugal. Thats genetic. Then add 30 or 40 percent feather nigger, 10 percent nigger, and maybe 5 percent converso sephardim. You are going to get Columbia, Venezuela, Brazil.

The only way you can civilize them is an aggressive eugenics program. Yeah obviously even feather niggers are more civilized on average than africans. They are decended from people who lived in Siberia for thousands of years and cold weather weeds out the most niggerly traits. But then if you pop them back in the tropics they start to regress again.

The shittiest whites were killed off by winter scarcity for thousands of years. Thats why we are nicer smarter people. Its a little more complicated than that, but not much more.

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:02:08 ago (+2/-0)

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[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:46:25 ago (+0/-0)

Im kinda tired and Id like to give a more thoughtful reply to this than Im actually capable of right now. I don’t hate southern europeans but Im realistic that they have more social problems than say scandinavians — they are not as productive and have lower IQs and higher corruption. Colder climates favor monogamy more. The more monogamous a society, the less corruption you will see. Thats just the way it is. If you understand what causes differences between groups, even northern vs souther europeans, then you understand that the differences are real and not just cultural accidents. Then you can go about solving these problems through eugenics. Its not about hating phenotypes, its about realizing that some populations have developed highly risk averse strategies for survival and others adopted opportunistic ones and there are lots off people somewhere between these extremes. Spanish are not the most risk averse conservative society in europe. And it is absolutely genetic.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:57:00 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 20:38:21 ago (+0/-0)

Enforce harsh penalties on criminals (like death) and you would see a lot of them start cleaning up their act. It would serve as a form of pseudo eugenics alone.

Im going to say in general no. You cant fix blacks with harsh penalties. You can only prevent them from breeding. Which might work if you incarcerated them before they made 5 babies like George Floyd. I don’t see any other way to fix blacks other than to identify the most violent 5 or 10% early on and lock them up until they are too old to reproduce. Or to neuter them. We could offer them gibs for getting vasectomies.

Where can you actually draw the line between north/south Europe though?

I don’t. I just think there’s a cline, a gradient.

The Romans came from Greece originally before moving to Italy.

No. Southern Italians were partly from greece. Latin tribes came from central europe where they branched off from the celts. Latin is not very close to Greek as a language. Its much closer to primitive Irish and Gaulish.

There is no considerable distinction between North/South Europeans in this way. Some groups got hit worse with degeneracy than others and at different time frames. It happens. Humans are by nature fallible and corruptible. Doesn't matter where they come from.

This is what I used to think. It isn’t true. It turns out cold weather societies are full of people who are smarter, more cooperative and honest, less violent, less promiscuous and more economically productive. So why is this? Its probably because cold winters kill off the children of polygamous men.Polygamy does not allocate the economic capabilities of men efficiently. Some men have no children and some men have too many children. The result is low paternal resource investment per child. In warm climates with a year round availability of plant based foods this does not lead to kids starving. But in cold climates among hunter gatherers or primitive agrarians, it probably does on a massive scale. The upshot is that mother nature selects for monogamy in cold climates, and maybe a few other traits like preparedness.

So whats so great about monogamy? It turns out, everything. When societies permit males to have more than one female, males become hypercompetitive and tend to compete through hoarding women, hoarding wealth, and killing other males. The successful polygamist tends to have traits like thieving and cheating his competitors, raping or being a horny perv, and being violent. Androgen levels may be one genetic trait implicated in these behaviors.

Contrast this behavior with monogamists who tend to be highly non-violent, at least within the tribe. They tend to be more altruistic and less competitive because monogamy eliminates the scarcity of females that polygamists face. Monogamy blunts the reproductive success of “alphas” who tend to spred their aggressive genes to a huge number of offspring in polygamy. Instead, medium status guys have the same number of children. Female bargaining power goes way up when males can’t play one female off of another, and so traits that females desire suddenly become very important traits to compete with. Within monogamy, getting the single best female you can attain becomes the only path to reproductive success ( as opposed to multiple lower value females in polygamy.) So males then begin to compete on two major traits: 1) being a nice guy — chivalry is a good example of this phenomenon 2) being a good provider, a hard worker, a good hunter or farmer. After the agricultural revolution, hard work was even further incentivized by patrilineal land inheritance— a successful farm would ensure reproductive success for your sons and their sons.

So monogamy in the context of a patrilneal agrarian society leads to men who are bred for hard work, honesty, respect of private property, lower libidos and lower violence, men who are nice to women.

The further south you go, the less polygamists were culled from the gene pool. When the offspring of polygamists survive, males begin to become hypercompetitive again and corruption and violence increases.

Some groups of people like middle easterners and Indians and native americans have ancestors the lived in cold climates for significant periods. So the more opportunistic individuals were removed from their populations at some point. But once they migrate south, and potentially mix with more warm climate people, old polygmous patterns reappear. Central americans are a great example of this. Theoretically their ancestors who lived in Beringia would have been a lot more conservative. Blacks and Australoids have almost no ancestry from cold climate populations so they are the most opportunistic and violent.

Southern Europeans have just not been weeded out at ruthlessly for polygamous types as Scandinavians. Life is just a little too easy in the med. Plus theyve got some influx from the levant and north africa as well.

Cold weather doesn’t have to be the selective pressure nor does monogamy. But it seems that highly economically conservative behaviors (low promiscuity, low violence, cooperativity, hard work) are rooted in genetic traits— that Scandinavians have a lot of, and Spaniards a bit less of . Now you know: when lazy violent sluts are allowed to reproduce the society will eventually deteriorate. Evolution is ongoing.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 23:20:58 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 9, 2021 00:09:28 ago (+0/-0)

The Romans were latins, a group the branched off the Italo-celts of central europe and colonized central Italy. Some Gaulish people lived in the far north of italy and estruscans lived south of them and then the latin tribes and in the south were the Greek tribes. The Latins eventually took over the greek and estruscan and celtic areas. The latins were not greek.
We know about the cold weather thing but to argue that across Europe is pretty dumb since every single country in Europe still has winters

Some winters are a lot colder than others.

Your argument about rape doesn't hold up when you realize the Norse literally accepted money to go kill and rape

Im not saying those groups didn’t have rape. Im saying its much lower in those populations and it doesn’t happen within the tribe. For instance would a viking rape his neighbors wife or daughter? We know an african would. Would they have a trial over it? The viking would.

There is a range or continuum on which societies/genetic populations fall. On the one end are the most economically conservative risk averse groups. They tend to be monogamous and altruistic WITHIN the group. There is really no incentive for these groups to be altruistic to everyone, and that includes violence to other societies.

At the other end of the spectrum or continuum are highly opportunistic strategists like africans and australoids. Polygamous behavior works in some places. High violence and theiving and promiscuity and banging on bongos all day works if you live in the tropics. Not efficient societies because they didn’t need to be since there was available food in these places for 365 days of the year

Germanics and maybe some east asians are at one end of this structure. The further south you go, the more opportunistic behavior you see. Yes there is some corruption and violence in southern europe as well as economies that are less productive. IQs are also lower. Middle easterners are highly polygamous and they are a mess. Even Inuit hunter gatherers have higher IQs than middle easterners.

But once again, you bring back harsh punishments and don't penalize people for vigilantism and you will see society start to clean itself up over time.

Only if you prevent crimianals from reproducing. Criminality is hereditary. If you neutered a beaner that commited a crime and you neutered his kids too, then you would fix the problem. But you can never make a really successful society without monogamy. You have to make sex illegal outside of marriage. You can’t get men to get along without that.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:28:38 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:32:53 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 02:24:29 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 02:42:32 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 04:30:02 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] paul_neri -1 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 23:47:42 ago (+1/-2)

Appreciate your honesty. Says you're a truth-seeker and someone with an analytical bent:

"the most part on the job they work hard and are easy to get along with".

Me? I hate everyone ...

[ - ] account deleted by user 7 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:04:30 ago (+7/-0)

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[ - ] paul_neri 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:20:37 ago (+1/-1)

If that's what you want. You know where to find me if you want to chat.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 20:47:24 ago (+3/-0)

Idk. I kinda like all the diversity and stuff. You know like the food and music and culture. Oooo! The culture. I just love it.

La Cucaracha La Cucaracha La Cucaracha

I also like how they ride those little donkeys and say things like "heyyyy seeeenyor, we don' need no stinkin' badges!"

[ - ] dassar 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 01:00:44 ago (+0/-0)

Yup and their "Hey Ese , what cha doin man ??.

[ - ] Systemisgay 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:51:43 ago (+3/-0)

Fuck you taco nigger I'll put you in the fucking ground.

Sigma male grindset

[ - ] bobdole9 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:22:24 ago (+3/-0)

Its either the fact I'm usually a foot taller than them or have the same facial expression, but it's rare I run into hostiles.

More likely niggers puff their chest/pull up their pants than any other race.

[ - ] Jerd34 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:22:02 ago (+2/-0)

Jabe loke eh??

[ - ] Not_a_redfugee [op] 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:35:48 ago (+3/-0)

Tried editing it 3 times. It wont save!

[ - ] Jerd34 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 00:37:15 ago (+1/-0)

Don't bother, i like it anyway. Thanks for the new word

[ - ] Jiggggg 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 01:01:16 ago (+1/-0)

Lol I thought it was a Spanish phrase for a second at first

[ - ] Jerd34 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 14:34:59 ago (+0/-0)

Actually, it just happens to be Bengali. It means "people will go". - according to google translate

[ - ] letsgetit 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 06:21:06 ago (+1/-0)

Egyptian neighbor has .5 acre, the guy let his chickens breed until there were about 30 of them. A few months later, not a blade of grass left in his entire backyard. Now has erosion problems and dust kicking up like crazy

[ - ] ShalomEveryone 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 03:19:21 ago (+1/-0)*

Fuck you taco nigger I'll put you in the fucking ground.

why didn't you tell them that to their face when you had the chance to instead of just talking tough online?

But yeah. Fuck spics.

You wouldn't say that to their face.



[ - ] CunnilingusAndPsychiatry 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 22:22:06 ago (+1/-0)

Beef is high, but cattle are cheap right now.

[ - ] carrotcar 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 22:40:52 ago (+2/-0)

That was covered by another post a short while back.

The beef industry uses kike tactics to keep independent beef prices down, all while being in control of 80% of the processing. This lets them set the consumer price while paying shit for the actual cattle.

[ - ] CunnilingusAndPsychiatry 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 01:33:48 ago (+0/-0)

Yep, jews rigging the open-auction market and trying to push ranchers into the contract-farming system like the poultry industry.

Take a look at your local craiglist ads, there are some pretty thrifty prices for live cattle. I'm tempted to buy one and slaughter and butcher it myself. Don't know if that would be easy or prudent without a tractor or skidsteer to hoist the carcass.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 02:43:51 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:56:21 ago (+2/-1)*

YEah, I think I can work with SOME fags (not raging, FLAMING (sex in the street) ones), but shit skins of ANY variety? NO WAY. Our cultures are NOT compatible.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:23:28 ago (+1/-0)

Habs fiddy cowbs and yoobs be jealous n shit.

[ - ] Fascinus 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:13:50 ago (+1/-0)

Idk why they try to dick measure with complete strangers.

Funny choice of expression. Buddy of mine did time and saw a bunch of them naked while incarcerated. He told me "God does not love mexicans".

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 4 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:25:09 ago (+4/-0)

Your buddy is a dick checker eh? I’ve been locked up too, lots. I’m only worried about Muh own dick. Your buddy is gay. GAF.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 4 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 19:42:14 ago (+4/-0)

Real men turn their head when a dude has his cock out. I was locked up too, and any inmate that can describes another inmate's dick is fucking suspect.

[ - ] Fascinus 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 20:11:28 ago (+1/-0)

I don't know what to tell you guys other than I've never gotten any homo vibes off of this guy and he's conservative and has a wife and kids.

That being said, I've been surprised before. Who knows? Maybe you're right.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 21:52:44 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 02:51:29 ago (+2/-0)

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[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 04:33:06 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 04:37:50 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 22:42:22 ago (+1/-0)

Hahahahaha I just died laughing

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 22:48:38 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 09:58:55 ago (+0/-0)

Same here, bruh

[ - ] paul_neri 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 23:52:34 ago (+1/-1)

Never would have picked you for a felon, pecker (being a funnyman). Care to tell us about it?

[ - ] paul_neri 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 7, 2021 23:50:58 ago (+1/-1)

"lots".Why you in so much trouble, boy?

[ - ] White_Pride_Cis 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 07:29:41 ago (+0/-0)

What is a jabe loke?

[ - ] paul_neri 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 05:17:56 ago (+1/-1)

65 comments - jealous.

[ - ] carnold03 -1 points 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 03:42:26 ago (+0/-1)

Aren't spics from Spain?