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Alec Balwin shares his grief after "accidentally" killing cinematographer with live bullet | Daily Mail Online

submitted by carnold03 to Newsoftheweird 2.7 yearsOct 22, 2021 12:02:46 ago (+3/-1)     (www.dailymail.co.uk)


Alec Baldwin has accidentally shot and killed the female cinematography director of his upcoming western movie Rust and wounded the director while firing a prop gun on set.

The 68-year-old was filming a scene for the movie at Bonanza Creek Ranch, near the city of Santa Fe, New Mexico, when the gun went off around 1.50pm, fatally wounding 42-year-old photography director Halyna Hutchins and leaving writer-director Joel Souza, 48, badly injured.

Hutchins – believed to be a married mother-of-one – was rushed to the University of New Mexico Hospital in an air ambulance but was later pronounced dead, while Souza was taken by ambulance to the Christus St Vincent Regional Medical Center. He has since been released, though his exact condition is unclear.

Meanwhile Baldwin was taken to a Santa Fe detectives’ office to be questioned about the shooting. He was not arrested and was later released without charge – though investigations are ongoing.

7 comments block

[ - ] ItsBacon 4 points 2.7 yearsOct 22, 2021 13:32:55 ago (+4/-0)

One shot huh? Did it have some of that Lee Harvey Oswald magic dust on it to hit two people?

[ - ] Unreasonable 3 points 2.7 yearsOct 22, 2021 13:41:20 ago (+3/-0)

A bullet in a movie prop? Doubtful.

Dead from a single shot which, even if there was a bullet would probably be a 22?


[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.7 yearsOct 22, 2021 17:33:01 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Unreasonable 1 point 2.7 yearsOct 22, 2021 19:08:54 ago (+1/-0)

Depends if he gets charged with murder. Which he should be, since he was reckless with a loaded gun.

[ - ] yesiknow 2 points 2.7 yearsOct 22, 2021 14:05:35 ago (+2/-0)

Seriously, the bag of shit ran to twittr to get his fans to adore him?

They aren't human. They're just faces looking for a mirror.

[ - ] HughBriss 2 points 2.7 yearsOct 22, 2021 13:34:42 ago (+2/-0)

"Baldwin, 62, was filming a scene for new film Rust when the gun went off around 1.50pm." It just "went off"? Is this one of those new magic automatically firing guns that just "go off" without anyone pulling the trigger? So, now we learn that the gun had live ammunition in it, too. Curiouser and curiouser.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.7 yearsOct 22, 2021 17:49:56 ago (+1/-0)

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