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History has been made!!

submitted by fnbs to whatever 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 15:01:29 ago (+72/-0)     (whatever)

For the first time in history the failure of a medicine has successfully been blamed on those who didn't take it.

13 comments block

[ - ] mememeyou 4 points 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 22:46:06 ago (+4/-0)

black on asian crimes were successfully blamed on whitey

[ - ] derpfroot 3 points 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 17:16:37 ago (+3/-0)

Beautifully put. I will post everywhere with credit to fnbs.

[ - ] TOVA 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 20:00:41 ago (+2/-0)

Mistakes will be made. Others will be blamed.

[ - ] boogienight 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 17, 2021 09:39:48 ago (+1/-0)*

Since May 16th the CDC declared they aren't tracking vaccinated hospital visits with cases of covid. Since May 16th, they decided to study the control group, not the experimental group. The target was on the back of the unvaccinated from the beginning, they don't give a fuck what happens if you take it and have problems, they don't give a fuck about the experiment, there's zero legal reason to give such a fuck. They have immunity, all hands on deck are to get the control group into the experimental group. Any notion of them caring about health is always "The big lie".

Same thing with prostitutes, they don't care about mental health or safety at some point someone calculated whores don't pay any taxes, so it became illegal. When Nevada came forth to make whores legal with paperwork, it was granted.

Same thing with drugs, drug deals made money and didn't pay taxes like tobacco and alcohol dealers do. So it was made illegal. Then the CIA realized they can run drugs themselves and use the black money to fund regime changes around the world. It's not illegal because they care about your health, it's illegal because they wanted the money and control for themselves. There has never been a case where government cared about your health. It's always money or control. Climate change isn't real, it's about money and control. They don't care about the health of the planet. This list never ends, you don't even need to do evidence at this point, if a democrat tells you they're concerned about something and they want to help, you can guarantee they're about to completely destroy the thing they 'care' about while stealing billions or trillions in the process. It's all bullshit.

[ - ] Roy_Batty 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 22:11:59 ago (+2/-1)

When you boil it down, it isn't too surprising. The zealots of the Branch Covidians (they are all zealots) are operating the same as all religious throughout history.

[ - ] mememeyou 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 22:43:30 ago (+1/-0)

blind belief in the (((Woke Science God)))

[ - ] TFS 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 15:17:50 ago (+1/-0)

medicine = (((snake oil)))

[ - ] account deleted by user -7 points 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 15:48:59 ago (+1/-8)

account deleted by user

[ - ] PostWallHelena 10 points 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 15:51:36 ago (+10/-0)

Somebody’s gotta case of the Mondays. :’-(

[ - ] fnbs [op] 5 points 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 16:08:15 ago (+5/-0)

Let the butthurt flow..

[ - ] whiteflourguy 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 16, 2021 21:59:35 ago (+0/-0)

Don't be so racist