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3 comments block

[ - ] YamaMaya 5 points 2.9 yearsJul 12, 2021 09:19:51 ago (+5/-0)

Vaccines have been suspiciously and conspicuously linked to injury, death, and pregnancy loss for decades, yet it continues to ve covered up, and vaccines are defended and even foisted upon the public as the thing "responsible" people do. Truth is they are franken vials full of poison which are barely fit for purpose. There is no proof of long lasting immunity from any vaccine, and as was shown with many jabs, does far more harm than good. Everything from damaging the immune system to severe disability, brain damage, and death. Yet they cannot be, and refuse to be held liable or change anything about their methods or products. They continue to bang the drum to the tune of "safe and effective" and "vigorously tested". Neither of which is true.

To add insult to injury, anyone who refuses to participate in the vax pantomime is then ostricised, shamed, and made out to be a bad person. Its a vicious two pronged attack to make sure they maintainncontrol and keep everyone on the medical conveyor belt of "care".

[ - ] doginventer [op] 2 points 2.9 yearsJul 12, 2021 09:39:03 ago (+2/-0)

Yes, it is a satanic industry.