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14 comments block

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 9 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 16:56:58 ago (+9/-0)

The thing is, it's not total mass media blackouts that's rising, it's our ability to see it happening that's rising. It's ALWAYS been this way. Welcome to the revelation!

[ - ] oldblo 5 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 17:36:41 ago (+5/-0)

No it is rising. The internet was different once. So different that many would insult you for simply alluding to things moving towards the current state of the internet. The notion of companies working in tandem to entirely purge something or someone didnt exist online. You were more likely to be shot IRL than have a major event be thoroughly suppressed online.

I really hate to be the "I told ya so person." but here we are. With luck people will notice the next major crisis which is an attempt to gain science fiction levels of absolute control over the human mind. Akin to making people like robotic programmable slaves that can literally be controlled with the push of a button.

As usual I doubt any will listen but thats the path we are on assuming its not already possible.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 5 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 17:49:08 ago (+5/-0)

I know that the internet used to be different, but they didn't just start the journey to where we are now yesterday or a year ago.

If you really make an effort to study our past, and I mean very thoroughly, you'll come to the conclusion that "they" aren't censoring anymore than in the past, we're all just better at seeing it. Maybe the internet of the past seemed more open to you because you didn't know what you weren't seeing?

My point is, take everything you've learned over the past, idk...5 years, about their slight of hand techniques and start reviewing our past with that in mind, and you'll see how complete our brainwashing...had been...this is actually an encouraging way to think about things.

[ - ] oldblo 4 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 18:07:15 ago (+4/-0)

I dont think you are getting me. Or perhaps we simply disagree. The ability to censor the internet as it is now simply didnt exist. The creations of search engines and then the crusade against pornography and subsequent use of AI is what built the framework to make it possible. Then the centralization of the formerly highly fragmented internet consolidated that power.

You didnt have an entire generation of internet users fervently believing the internet was some untameable magic without reason. Their beliefs were ultimately flawed but their existence should show the censorship resilience the internet as a whole once held.

[ - ] beece [op] 5 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 18:28:43 ago (+5/-0)

He is talking about something which predates the internet. Re-read it and then consider the run up to WW2 as an example, but you're both correct.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 4 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 18:30:26 ago (+4/-0)

^This guy gets it.

[ - ] oldblo 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 18:51:37 ago (+0/-0)

If thats the case saying its always been this way is a poor choice of words. The will to create media blackouts was almost certainly always there but not the ability.

[ - ] oldblo 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 18:59:48 ago (+0/-0)

Im aware of pre internet media blackouts. Saying it has always been this or that way includes a lot more than just the pre internet era. Im not saying that the pre internet era wasnt heavily controlled which is why I didnt mention it.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 20:12:54 ago (+0/-0)

Saying it has always been this or that way includes a lot more than just the pre internet era.

Yes, absolutely...that was my entire point. Go back to the 1800s...the 1500s...go all the way back to B.C. times. Truth and understanding have ALWAYS been obscured using the same fundamental techniques all the while. As society evolves so do those techniques, but they're always based on the same principles.

I would ask you to really think about this concept, "Maybe the internet isn't more censored now, maybe you're just better at noticing it. Maybe the only reason it seemed more open 10-15 years ago is because you didn't know all the things being hidden from you."

It's truly a step in the RIGHT direction that it's starting to dawn on people that "the media" blacks out information in the first place.

[ - ] bob3 2 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 22:21:02 ago (+2/-0)

nah, the internet has drastically and irrevocably changed. The forums of information sharing have been shut down or taken over. IRC, newsgroups, search engines, all fallen. Webrings died. imageboards raided, taken over, botted. archives become dynamic. Information disappears in hours. My internet experience is not the same as yours, few of us have anything other than a heavily, automatically, curated experience.
Machine learning has become a battleground. I hope you are weaponizing the bits in your memes, to fuck with the AI that parse them

[ - ] Rawrination 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 12:46:07 ago (+0/-0)

Justice for Tay

[ - ] TankTinker 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 5, 2021 19:11:49 ago (+0/-0)*

Why doesn't the OP come clean and admit he is beating the Assange drum .. June 19, 2012 Julian Assange skipped bail and applied for asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden on charges of rape and sexual assault.

Julian Assange is No Hero.

Julian Assange is Controlled opposition.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange is a Fraud.

Assange Admits Wikileaks is a Fraud Run by Israel.

*Wikileaks Julian Assange is a Mossad Operative and Fraud.

That the Government of Ecuador against all established diplomatic protocols granted him sanctuary no less than the way the British Home office allowed the debacle to continue, exposes both Governments as part of the deception.

Julian Assange says, “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11".. that Assange claims to be "annoyed" by 9/11 truth surely identifies him as a tool of Zion since Jews carried out the attacks.

Julian Assange nuthin', the Swedes want him for rape & sexual assault the Limeys have him locked up for skipping bail, the last I heard the FBI had no interest in him whatever.

[ - ] beece [op] 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 6, 2021 13:26:43 ago (+0/-0)

@Tanktinker - I'd suggest you click on the LyingNewsMedia sub which this single post is placed in so as to better be able to understand the full scope of what is being discussed. https://www.voat.xyz/v/LyingNewsMedia