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Having a few issues with my account.

submitted by WittyUserName to TalkDev 3.2 yearsApr 13, 2021 03:31:08 ago (+1/-0)     (TalkDev)

For some reason, I had to log back in to my account several times today. It wouldn't remember I was logged in.

Second, when one of my posts was stickied to a sub I'm part of (oneangrygamer), it doesn't appear on the submissions portion of my account when I click my account name. I still get notifications of replies, though.

Also, my second-to-most recent comment in the comments section of my account doesn't have the post link under it like the others do. No idea why that is.

Just letting you know some odd stuff is going on. I'm sure it'll be ironed out in time.

2 comments block

[ - ] system 2 points 3.2 yearsApr 13, 2021 04:31:06 ago (+2/-0)*

For some reason, I had to log back in to my account several times today. It wouldn't remember I was logged in.

Looks like cookies weren't being set. It should be fixed now.

Second, when one of my posts was stickied to a sub I'm part of (oneangrygamer), it doesn't appear on the submissions portion of my account when I click my account name. I still get notifications of replies, though.

Will look into it again.

Also, my second-to-most recent comment in the comments section of my account doesn't have the post link under it like the others do. No idea why that is.

There was a bug which allowed you to submit a post to no sub for a bit. It's been fixed but some threads were still subless, which is why there is no link .

[ - ] WittyUserName [op] 0 points 3.2 yearsApr 13, 2021 04:39:08 ago (+0/-0)

How weird. Still, thanks for the prompt reply. Much appreciated!