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Those of you who think "turn the other cheek" is a "jew trick" answer me this - can you seriously imagine jews letting themselves be struck without crying out?

submitted by ripelivanianbeats to whatever 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 11:41:12 ago (+2/-5)     (whatever)

It's the opposite of THE joo trick.

It's the White trick that crushes the joo.

15 comments block

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 11:42:55 ago (+2/-1)

Dude, take your meds.

[ - ] ripelivanianbeats [op] 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 15:25:35 ago (+0/-0)

I do. Meds make the word of God easier to hear. If you listen.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 19:21:26 ago (+0/-0)

I don't think you actually understand what that phrase means.

[ - ] ripelivanianbeats [op] 0 points 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 10:06:52 ago (+0/-0)*

It means let someone slap you and tell them to slap you again, it's not complicated bruh.

Whatever alternative clever meaning you think is true is bullshit.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 0 points 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 10:53:34 ago (+0/-0)

Here's what it means you fucking moron. Back in the day, people didn't touch each other with their left hand because of poop. The first slap was a backhanded put down, disrespect. The turning of the cheek forced the slapper to hit open palm which was reserved for equals. It means force your opponent to see you as an equal. You are an ignorant simpleton. Please go fuck yourself in the ass with a broken bottle and bleed out.

[ - ] ripelivanianbeats [op] 0 points 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 14:38:20 ago (+0/-0)

No, this is all dumb bullshit. Jesus was speaking for eternity, not in dumb kikey technicalities.

I forgive your violent, hateful outburst and encourage you to make more hateful threats against me.

[ - ] account removed 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 15:28:38 ago (+0/-0)

account removed

[ - ] ripelivanianbeats [op] 0 points 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 10:07:45 ago (+0/-0)

What about my post leads you to call me an idiot?

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 12:29:43 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] ripelivanianbeats [op] 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 15:27:24 ago (+0/-0)

Why are you angry?

I'm sincerely asking.

[ - ] account deleted by user -1 points 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 11:53:01 ago (+0/-1)*

account deleted by user

[ - ] ripelivanianbeats [op] -1 points 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 15:29:31 ago (+0/-1)

Jesus meant to let the other guy slap you in the face twice, and probably more as long as he wants to keep slapping you.

Evil men should revel in their evils and gorge on them. Good men suffer what God wills because it is right.

Sodomy is a sin, jesus didn't want you to do a sin.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 15:44:45 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Raycism -2 points 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 11:53:47 ago (+1/-3)

I honestly don’t like how retarded Nazis continue to claim Jesus was some jewish puppet despite Christianity quite literally being the base of all European countries Or the west in general.

Jewish nazis cope

[ - ] ripelivanianbeats [op] 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 31, 2021 15:26:40 ago (+0/-0)

It's pretty sad.

Blessings onto you brother.