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You Know You're Getting Old When the Cable Channel AMC (American Movie Classics) Shows Movies From When You Grew Up

submitted by Scyber to TellUpgoat 3 weeksMay 21, 2024 23:14:43 ago (+2/-0)     (TellUpgoat)

Watching cable is worse than regular TV or even that Pluto TV app - commercial breaks are at least 5-7 mins & pack more of them too - each one is about 15 seconds.

Reruns galore and the worst shows too. Do people actually pay for this shit?

This isn't the cable I remember.
Pluto is probably the closest to cable but they have a limited selection every month, so after about 2 weeks, there's no point in watching the app when it's just gonna be reruns, yet at least they update their shows and have shorter commercial breaks, unlike cable.
Regular TV isn't much better yet it's free after getting a converter box & antenna.

I don't pay for shit like netflix or amazon prime when I find all that shit for free.

8 comments block

There’s a whole bunch of good films you haven’t seen. Make a list and get started. Fuck TV shows. They’re mostly garbage.