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As I reflect upon the last few years of Talk/Upgoat I realize that there has only been one, maybe two, shutdowns for maintenance

submitted by RMGoetbbels to TellUpgoat 3 weeksMay 12, 2024 21:36:07 ago (+35/-0)     (TellUpgoat)

and no UNPLANNED heroin binges or sex orgy disruptions. So even with a half assed effort, System has done better than Putt.

Good job System, take next Shabbat off like you're supposed to. You deserve it! L'Chaim.

16 comments block

As I remember it the exodus from real Voat started about a year before the closure - due to fears over the presence of the secret police. There were a lot of venerable posters that left well before the Christmas shutdown. Plus Ruckus no doubt depleted the lineup. I left outright myself for months in summer of 2020.

This place is a ghost town by comparison though. Social media in general is basically dead. Mostly a battleground for influencers from rival intelligence agencies. The old days are over.