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I rarely criticize boomers. But if you're so old and stupid that you still think Russia's communist and you think the vast anti-jewish anti-israel protests going on on college campuses are by spoiled leftist hippy communist then you should shut the fuck up because you're fucking stupid and you're li

submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 monthMay 3, 2024 19:15:38 ago (+26/-6)     (TellUpgoat)

I rarely criticize boomers. But if you're so old and stupid that you still think Russia's communist and you think the vast anti-jewish anti-israel protests going on on college campuses are by spoiled leftist hippy communist then you should shut the fuck up because you're fucking stupid and you're liing ina political reality that hasn't existed for 50 years.

Those kids are not saying free palestine. Three or four paid Soros plants in front of the crowd that the cameras go to are saying free palestine. What you see the thousands of students saying is divest from Israel. They're not even about Palestine although they view Gaza as a genocide. They are against Jews that have now been unmasked by their own actions in Gaza and they want these companies to stop sending money to Israel and Jews.

If you don't understand that you're stupid.

Or you're just a Soros Jewish plant here trying to divide people against the one group that is actually enmass taking on the Jews and Israel and standing up against them at great personal and financial risk like nobody here is actually doing.

24 comments block

Exactly. I've run into fucks like this. Fucking old retard wants to argue with me about I history and still thinks Russia is communist and that communism still exists in Europe. Fuck me, fucking imbecile, which I said to him. Doesn't even know that Europe is in a Schengen zone (no borders). This site and the younger guys here are noticing some common traits among the younger-mid baby boomers. They are selfish. Like get the fuck out of the way you POS retired fuck, some of us have shit to fix. Work to do.