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Dindu nuffin is real in their mind

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 monthApr 12, 2024 18:31:00 ago (+34/-1)     (Rants)

He really is THAT stupid and short sighted. See the dindu cant understand the past, the future or the present. So dindu nigger really THINKS he didnt do something, because in his small mind the person he is now, is not the one who did something prior. In their mind, the past version of their own selves is NOT the same person as who they are now. Hence why a nigger can be a criminal piece of shit 5 minutes prior and think they are a saint now. You see this a lot in niggers, they are seemingly incapable of understanding even the most basic concept of consequences, or future planning. And yet, the ENTIRE of society has to cater to these moronic retards as if they are one of the same as White people.

26 comments block

I meant the revelation was natural.
Jesus christ, relax