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I Fucking Hate Teslas & The Assholes Who Drive Them     (Rants)
submitted by Scyber to Rants 2 days ago (+45/-4)
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They're taking over my area. Saw about 15 just this afternoon.
They all look like iPhones on wheels. I wanna ram every single one I see with my car, pull the prissy ass driver out by their hair and beat them senseless in the middle of the street BECAUSE THEY ALL DRIVE LIKE ASSHOLES. You can't hear these cars coming from behind and 2 cut me off today and the second one kept brake checking me for about a half mile because I was on his ass.
Between them, BMW drivers, and the occasional Prius, VW Bug & PT Cruiser assholes, I hate the tesla fucks more than anything.

Thanks for raising the cost of living in my area you smug fucking assholes. Take your faggot white claw drinking asses back to wherever the fuck you came from.
The plague of academia part 2     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 3 days ago (+10/-0)
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I decided to pull the guy's code to test it out locally and holy shit .... no words. Hardcoded references everywhere, structure was just complete vomit, hardcoded local paths to his machine with obscure reasons why, changing the execution path for no reason going beyond what the API called for, hardcoded credential files that didn't belong at all. The code is so unusable it needs to be completely re written. It's not even functional on the machines of other devs because he hardcoded the interpreter path too.

We looked at the library he used to set it up, and it was EXPERIMENTAL. This nigga used a beta product, and his response as always was fuck it, not my problem. Now we have to fix the entire thing since it's broken, and our academic PHD overlord has no idea how to fix it. What's weird is he wanted to use Python because he didn't understand the other framework. This made no sense, since instead of adapting to the new framework like a normal person, he FORCED his choices and ideals onto us without bothering to ask or question if this was a good idea. It broke everything, and now we have to fix it. Guaran fucking tee when its fixed this guy will be lauded by upper management for his "skills".
why do states bother suing the feds?     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 5 days ago (+7/-0)
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Same shit on staten island, its like people need to be told what is and is not allowed, and they need to sue to know what is and is not ethical. Why bother with this bullshit? Take the ball and go home, stop playing these stupid games with a gov that is incompetent and clearly doesnt give a shit. Makes me so mad seeing all this money wasted as if suing an immune government with unlimited money is gonna go anywhere ...
Academic vs everyone else     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 4 days ago (+2/-0)
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They are pretty smart, but the academics tend to live in their own world where they assume everyone else is just like them. I was working with one and sure, what they were saying was great academically and in theory. The problem became more apparent when you need to transform the theoretical into practice. Academics tend to add boxes and buttons randomly on a screen, and they expect the user to just know what the button does, or what it's for. And when you tell them their idea is retarded, they look at you like some peon piece of shit for not going along with their delusional ideals. Heck, sometimes the idea isn't even physically or practically possible, it works as an extension of another system, but on its own, it simply cant work without heavy review.

A great example, I was working on a piece of code. The academic wanted me to just add a button to add bounding boxes to a picture. I told him that doing so adds UI complexity which needs to be accounted for. He looked at me in disgust, as if such a basic task was beneath him. Of course, when it came time to implement, sure enough, we ran into problems getting the UI right. The reason was simple ... because what he was asking for was a collection of multiple screens, ui changes, and pretty much would require rebuilding the entire component.

At least they can sleep soundly knowing its someone else's problem to fix, not theirs
Australians mask-up as Winter looms. A mask will help protect you against the Covid, the Flu and possibly Syphilis. Don't listen to The Americans for they are Insurrectionists, Rebels and Waco Weirdos and their soldiers can't march properly!     (Rants)
submitted by paul_neri to Rants 1 day ago (+1/-8)
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My ol' man, a WW2 Veteran (Pacific), said you could always tell soldiers were American because they never marched in unison and were sloppily dressed unlike the snappy Brits and Aussies!

Economy strong as hell /s     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 1 week ago (+6/-0)
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The economy is in shambles, even places that were supposed to have lots of jobs are just deserts when it comes to hiring. Tried and true companies aren't hiring anymore either. I just can't see the jew plan working out that well, take away peoples' jobs, their homes, their livelihoods, their community, and then what exactly? Expect them to silently sit there and just die? Plan comes off as arrogance and hubris mixed into one
IOS app developers must be getting desperate for revenue     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 1 week ago (+6/-0)
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I've had multiple emails from a few apps I have, and they are all slashing their prices to bring people in. Strong as hell! In all fairness, these apps were priced so high, it was questionable why. 70$/yr for a dieting app seems a little ... much to say the least. I mean, at the end of the day its a basic timer, some presets, and a note taking app, and that's it
what the fuck is wrong with this slimey kike?     (
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 6 days ago (+2/-1)

I know its youtube, but what the fuck is wrong with this guy?!
I'm in a telegram channel with 125+ subs and the comment sections have about 8 comments..... because they keep banned everyone      (Rants)
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to Rants 6 days ago (+0/-0)
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Why even have a comment section. And once you're banned you can't even view other comments anymore.

We're on fucking Telegram. Why are they censoring comments and banning people
kikes always seem to vehementally deny their own books, and christ cucks enable this behavior     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 2 weeks ago (+15/-5)
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Whenever i talk about jews i mention the talmud. Apparently, per the jews, its only a social commentary and no jews take it seriously. Except, when you read the talmud, it says lying to goyim is a-ok. Why does no one question how a book that says you can lie to your "slaves", would allow the people reading this book to lie to the slaves?

Then we have the torah which isnt much better. Since the talmud is based off the torah, then it stands to reason that the torah ALSO has the same writings that were used to create the talmud. If the New Testament of the Bible complements the old, why is this identical logical process not applied to the talmud and the torah?

It's simple logic. And many a christ cucks have told me the talmud irrelevant since its a social commentary and not relevant. Except, they never ask themselves, what is it a social commentary of? if its a social commentary of the torah, than its extremely relevant.

Its like the christ cucks just regurgitate shit without ever thinking it through.
The state of nursing: I'd rather die     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 3 weeks ago (+33/-0)
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I mean, practically both ways you'll be dead but still. One of the nurses had to come back to the hospital and had to do something basic: take blood pressure. This nurse forgot how to do the test so badly, my cousin had to REMIND her how to do it. She ended up having to google the procedure, because she couldn't remember how it was done. She then failed to understand how blood pressure works since she forgot that blood pressure can be done on the legs or arms, but will give different readings. She was very ... confused why this was.

These are the same retards doing surgery and complex operations. We are so fucked as a country
NYC is literally a hollow shell of l iberal retardation     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 3 weeks ago (+14/-1)
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I like to analyze the liberal ideology a lot since its so .. messed up. The common NPC will say these people are smart, but i think they just keep throwing shit on the wall hoping something sticks. Attributing rational thought to a nigger or a woman as if they can think like a White man would drive anyone crazy. Ocam's razor surmises that these people are insanely stupid, BUT the smart people on top are using the stupidity of their diversity pets to confuse everyone. It's akin to having a concrete plan, but its double blind since neither the manipulator or those being manipulated have a clue what happens next.

I've noticed that compared to what you saw in movies (Really my only reference point for how NYC was prior), the place is just hollow. Everything is boarded up, people are leaving in droves. The only people stupid enough to stay around are me, and gov employees. I decided to look up the solution to the CRE implosion, and as I envisioned, the solution is to tax the people who own the property even more. Because when something isn't selling, making it even MORE expensive is definitely the solution!

People leaving due to things getting too expensive? Just tax the shit out of the people who are stupid enough to stay. Someone living in Florida who'se no longer a resident? Make them file a stupid form and force them to pay taxes cause fuck you (this is apparently a thing in NYC, if you leave and become a resident somewhere else, NYC will audit you for leaving and make you pay fines). NYC and NY see themselves as above the law, they are the law, and they can use the law any way they want.

Watching women and niggers run NYC and NY is proof neither should be in charge of anything. Dont like Trump? Just indict him on bullshit charges and literally REWRITE your entire legal system to go after him. Doesnt live in the state? Fuck it, well do it live! These assholes banned guns to the nth degree, and yet the crime is through the roof. They import third world criminals, than act surprised that third world criminal problems occur. But they sit comfy in their ivory towers, away from the problems. Wouldn't be surprised if Mayor Adams isn't even a NYC resident and defected to Florida or something.

the war on meat     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 3 weeks ago (+19/-0)
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I never realized just HOW much misinformation there is out there on meat. I come from farmer land and angus land, so we always had our fair share of delicious red meat around. My healthiest I ate a strictly carnivore, almost 90% meat diet with some vegetables and butter. My parents decided I should try a non meat, vegetarian diet. I instantly gained weight and felt like absolute dog shit. Biologically speaking it makes sense, my body isn't used to the lack of proteins coming from alternative food sources. Really, I end up eating 4 times more since my body cant find the nturients it needs in the alternative foods.

If you think about it from a jewish asshole perspective, banning or severely restricting meat is a great way to force people to pay 4 times more for inferior products. On top of that, you end up paying 5 times more for meat. You get screwed any which way. AND you lose any ability to build muscle mass. You become a malnourished subject of the state.

So I looked up the results on google, and sure enough, every article is anti meat, using very deceptive, jew written language. They never outright admit its bad, just that it "could" cause problems, it "might" give you cancer. This way when people see the article is full of shit, the jew can immediately state that the weasel language makes them innocent.
Medical supression is real     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 3 weeks ago (+2/-1)
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I had a favorite calculator i used for certain metrics for the bodies. I went back to it today and ... its gone. They deleted the page and the calculator no longer shows up. Instead you get bullshit articles about the metrics. They had tons of calculators and they shitcanned most of them. Cant have the goy doing their own analysis of their body metrics, best to indebt them with thousands of dollars instead
i swear we live in nonsense land part 1     (Rants)
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to Rants 2 weeks ago (+2/-4)
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I was driving around yesterday and I noticed (again) that each and every single person I saw driving an SUV was in it by themselves and they weren't hauling anything.

I rode in my friend's SUV today and he doesn't even have any items in the fucking vehicle nor would he ever haul anything nor would he ever have more than 1 other person in the vehicle or transport anything inside of it. And on top of all this he doesn't even have money to spare to drive that gas hog around. Why. The. Fuck. Do people buy these vehicles? Do I even need to say anything about women? God, the only time I ever saw a woman "use" an SUV is when they were riding in the passenger seat and there were kids in the car. Every other time I see a woman in an SUV she's driving it alone and I don't remember 1 instance where they had kids that were* with them, except my sister (who is a terrible mother and almost the epitome of the dark state of western culture minus apparent sexual degeneracy, thank fuck)

I went out to eat for the first time in a long time and yep, people are tipping 30-50 fucking percent with the common 100-200% tip thrown in. I knew this is where tipping was going and this is why I've always hated it. I was traveling about a year ago and INSTANTLY - first restaurant - I'm with some clown I met out and about, and he's harassing me into leaving a 200% tip at a place that doesn't even have tipping. Of course it was an American. These people need a beating and to be robbed afterwards just to send a message. And it needs to happen as many times as needed until they die or get the message.

Next rant will be on the professional field and how it is not the "honor" it was pitched as. No time to keep writing now
Elon needs to shut the fuck up about free speech     (Rants)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to Rants 1 month ago (+28/-0)
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The chutzpah of this fucking jew. His website is shit and any speech not approved gets suppressed or removed. I cant believe the average idiot believes his bullshit and pays for twitter every month.
being a Christian is not jew worship     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 3 weeks ago (+4/-3)
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Holy shit, so many fucking pastors worship jews and preach israel first. It's sickening to my core, and i wish i could just curb stomp these assholes. People just eat the shit up, dont question it, just keep eating the goyslop.
ell we used to do X so why dont you do it that way?     (Rants)
submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 3 weeks ago (+2/-1)
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Dealing with liberal transplants is so fucking frustrating. They all have this idea that because they did something one way, it HAS to be done that way. And no amount of telling them no, this is not the case, ever deters them. Because they lack the capacity to think, they keep doing the same shit over and over and over again, failing predictably as one can assume. Do they learn? Hell no, they keep ramming their shitty beliefs down my throat because they never worked prior, so they must be done again and again until they do. The idea isnt the problem, its YOU that's the problem.
I'm might be drunk but the youngest holohoax surviver is 79 years old?     (Rants)
submitted by 2Drunk to Rants 1 month ago (+11/-1)
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Can anyone remember shit from when they were 5, 6, or 7?

Once again the numbers don't add up. I was 10 years ago when the holohoax happened and I remember the masterbation machines.

It time to remove the parasite we have allowed to feed off us for good.
I was monitoring a Christian couple's counseling, i weep for the amount of horrible advice given to these people by neo liberal church doctrine     (Rants)
submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago (+29/-0)
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There's only so much you can counteract at once, but holy shit, I weep for this new generation of men having to deal with these hyper entitled spiritual Narcissistic cunts. Some gems from the couple's counseling I had to endure:

This one guy was running his own business and had to travel for part of the year. The complaint was that he should GIVE UP his business and become a W2 employee because wife felt lonely. Did the wife try to find new hobbies? Fuck no. They 100% blamed the man who was furnishing her entire lifestyle to be around more. As always, here comes the church siding with ... the wife.

Another guy said his wife was too verbally abusive. Based off how the wife was talking, and based off prior experience, I completely understood what he was talking about. Was the church's response to find ways to ensure she could speak without being hostile, and self reflecting on how her actions can be perceived by others? Fuck that, it's the man's fault. The guy got told he needed to cater to his wife some more because fuck you! See when women decide to act like rabid cunts, its the man's fault because wife is always right. Even when she's dead wrong and clearly bitching about nonsense, you gotta just listen and believe! Ephesians is outdated, were all about progressivist bullshit now. The woman will be even more hostile and violent, as she's been enabled by a church that her horrid actions are now justified.

They had a guest speaker come in about "refuge" work in some middle eastern shithole( I suspect its either Egypt or Syria, he didn't say). Their primary problem was the border control of the country as kicking out anyone who was there illegally. Did the church stop and reflect if breaking laws of another country was a Christian thing to do? As always, self reflection was nowhere to be found. Not that they were ever welcome before, but the complaint was the country had decided to institute the death penalty on people smugglers. Typical jewish behavior, subvert a nation than SCREAM when that nation kicks you ass to the curb.

And there's many more such instance, these were just the more apparent ones. I highly highly doubt there is much that can be done for these relationships. Through the church enabling them, these womn think they are gods amongst men. Everything they decress is gospel. Their requests are demands that must be met. They dont want a husband, they want doormats, men who grovel to them. This has cemented my idea that modern churches are some of the most evil, vindictive, spiteful places in existence.

I'm no longer welcome at this church and was told my "advice" was problematic. I know im not perfect, and as i got more redpilled and older I held to my convictions. I realize that i was conditioned (and to a large degree, I accepted these conditions making me complicit). I made amends of my behavior to the kids, apologized. But now that Im awake, the road to help others is riddled with back stabbers, traitors, yes men, and all kinds of horrid influences. And yet, i will never give up the fight, and will never back down.
Youtube has become cable TV     (Rants)
submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago (+6/-0)
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Subscribe to this, ads all over the place, unskippable commercials, forcing you to fill out ad surveys. Would be surprised youtube makes any money
Dindu nuffin is real in their mind     (Rants)
submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago (+35/-1)
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He really is THAT stupid and short sighted. See the dindu cant understand the past, the future or the present. So dindu nigger really THINKS he didnt do something, because in his small mind the person he is now, is not the one who did something prior. In their mind, the past version of their own selves is NOT the same person as who they are now. Hence why a nigger can be a criminal piece of shit 5 minutes prior and think they are a saint now. You see this a lot in niggers, they are seemingly incapable of understanding even the most basic concept of consequences, or future planning. And yet, the ENTIRE of society has to cater to these moronic retards as if they are one of the same as White people.
Went to a Christian retreat: felt more like a combination of cult worship with blatant corporate adverts     (Rants)
submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago (+7/-3)
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Went to a retreat over the weekend, and holy crap, I never realized just how commercialized these events are. They had a guy come from a really big Christian company, explaining the perils of running a business. Did he answer any questions about Christianity within a business environment? Fuck no! It was just a massive advertisement for his company. That's all it was, just an hour long seminar on buying his shit mixed with some Bible verses. Did I want to hear it? Not really. But as is tradition, I get dragged to these events by family, so why not at least have some fun with their content.

My friend even made fun of me about this, he said that organized religion and me simply dont mix. You can not mix a free thinking individual, with whatever the fuck it is I witnessed. What makes these events so funny to me, is they constantly clamor about not labelling Christianity ... and yet within 5 minutes i can predict the ENTIRE sermon of what someone will say, because I properly labelled the core theological principal used. And its true, most modern day pastors all went to the same schools, learned the same concepts, applied the same approaches. There is very little to ZERO difference between two modern day pastors.

And of course odinism made its way into the conversation because god forbid these neo marxist pastors ever look into WHY people are rejecting the modern day church. I can't imagine odinism is THAT popular, but the rejection of the modern church has nothing to do with odinism. Dont matter, most pastors will just mix the two together. God forbid the people Christian pastors have been shitting on for 50+ years grow a backbone and actually try to fix a problem. Best to do jack fuck and sit there whilst your enemy kills you.
It looks like Im the weird one      (Rants)
submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago (+22/-0)
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I was talking to my neighbor about dogs. I had mentioned that when I used to own a dog, I would sometimes cook the small mice and stuff he brought back to me, and then give it back to him as cooked food. My neighbor is now disgusted at me and thinks im some kind of deranged serial killer in hiding.
Liberal christ cucks are full on delusional     (Rants)
submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 month ago (+8/-4)
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I was talking to some of them and mentioned the Balkan wars, and what happened in Africa with Rhodesia. I was talking about how when the going gets tough, niggers will kill, rape, steal and not be on your side. The church I go to is convinced that savages will not devolve back into their savage ways, and that through the power ofd universal reconciliation, a nigger who kills you who is "saved" can still go to heaven .... needless to say i dont go to that church anymore.

These morons would rather cuck for inferior savages than have an ounce of self reflection on what's going on around them.