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"Who Could Have Seen This Coming?"

submitted by BulletStopper to Niggers 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 14:06:19 ago (+31/-0)     (media.scored.co)


Ummm... me.

"Decades of neglect"

"Apartheid ending in the 90s"

Pretty sure these two have something to do with it.

"But I did have water this morning."


Not one single nigger country has been able to escape poverty and/or form/maintain a civilized society. And every time they've been handed one ready-made, given all the tools and structure needed to succeed, and even trillions of dollars, they've devolved right back into poverty, chaos, and rampant violence.

There’s just no substitute for a White IQ and a good work ethic. When your society is mostly White People, even jobs that seem menial or low status are still being performed by White Men with an inate desire to do every task the right way. You take for granted that you have reliable utilities like power and water. You know the importance of competent linemen and plumbers. Until you stop hiring Whites for those jobs. Then it turns out that a sub-80 IQ race cannot keep the power on or the water running. They just can’t.

The solution is "nigger-shedding".

14 comments block

Are you a sovereign citizen? They didn't mean "water shortage" as in "there is no water", but as in "the water is not being transported to the people".