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It's totally X guys, trust me!

submitted by Her0n to Rants 6 monthsNov 26, 2023 14:23:05 ago (+20/-1)     (Rants)

The amount of retarded conspiracies out there isn't organic anymore.

The newest distraction is only a shitpost away!

Doesn't matter how expensive or elaborate the conspiracy is to achieve, let alone if they are even scientifically possible. You are just meant to be distracted from the jews and the rest of the lesser beings.

Ignore black on White crime! There's flat earth to be preoccupy you!

Ignore the centuries (if not millenia) of jew crimes, we need to worry about clones!

How about women are just insane and traitorous by nature, because these women are the war-brides of yesteryear. Women who resisted were killed, the women who gave in to getting railed by their invaders in front of their decapitated husband's faces were the survivors. That mentality left unchecked is an issue, and kikes made sure a White man can't do such a thing. It's not a clone, it's a typical woman under jewish influence. Why else would women submit when their husbands are actually men?

Someone who doesn't know how to have a healthy relationship with a woman will never understand, and reach out for any reason why they fail instead of self-reflecting.

If you have issues with this let me say this, if you spent half the time assessing the truth behind your personality and setting ego aside as you do these retarded distraction campaigns you'd be far better off and closer to your goals than you are now.

16 comments block

Maybe the problem you have is within, like I said.

I wish that was the case. But the propaganda everywhere, blatant corruption and disregard for the rule of law, invasion of our country, the destruction of the dollar and the corporate hatred of white people hints otherwise.