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why i got let go from my pretty sweet job

submitted by Acrophonic to Rants 11 monthsJul 11, 2023 10:09:20 ago (+32/-0)     (Rants)

So ... I think i kinda get it. A large part of it was my fault, but the reasonings are so obscure, i feel better off not working there anymore.

I accidentally billed for juneteenth (the day). I was actually working that day, but HR scolded me for muh reperations, told me I should have been off instead. It was so bad they went out of their way to yank my timesheet, just to mark myself absent that day. Lying is A-ok when diversity is involved!

I accidentally said i was working weekends. They didn't care that i was working weekends ... just that i mentioned it on a call. My boss said he also worked weekends, but I never saw him online. Needless to say, he was very concerned

Sounds like i simply pissed off the wrong diversity hires and called out a liar, so they got rid of me.

27 comments block

That's what you get for working a cuck office job