Eyes In the Skies     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to whatever 2 weeks ago (+2/-1)
Reddit kikefaggots in a nutshell     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by SumerBreeze to whatever 1 month ago (+29/-0)
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edit: lol lots of comments here by our very own antichrist kikeniggers!
Phone fun with paul_neri     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by SumerBreeze to whatever 1 month ago (+22/-1)
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the work of God in creation      (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Christianity 1 month ago (+18/-6)
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Curious Criss-Cross Structure on Planet Mars Extending From Below the Crest of the Hill Downward Into the Dried Up Lake Bed .. the perfect right angle right screen and other outlines on the hillside similarly suggest intelligent habitation     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by TankTinker to Space 1 month ago (+1/-2)
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Screenshot: Nazi Swastika Up Front on the Northern Bank of the Brisbane River in the Heart of the Brisbane CBD at 443 Queen St .. sure it is not a perfect representation however if you jigger the shading in the lower right section a perfect swastika emerges, so what do the "banners" say     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Australia 1 month ago (+1/-3)
Roman Swastika: The "Scutum" or Semi Cylindrical Shield From Dura Europos in Syria Excavated in 1930 is the Only Surviving Scutum From Roman Times, and Has Been Dated to the Roman Battles Against the Sasanian Empire in 256AD Has a Swastika Upfront .. eat yer heart out Dan Andrews     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to Australia 1 month ago (+16/-1)
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Sasanian Empire.
Scutum from Dura-Europos.

Victoria [Under the Tutelage of Dan Andrews] is to Become First State to Ban the Nazi Swastika - With a leading anti-hate campaigner describing the legislation introduced to state parliament as history-making. Under the Summary Offences Amendment "Nazi Symbol Prohibition" Bill 2022, it will be a criminal offence for a person to intentionally display the Nazi swastika, also known as the Hakenkreuz, in public. Doing so could lead to fines of almost $22,000, 12 months’ imprisonment or both, once the legislation comes into effect. In announcing the landmark reform on Wednesday, the attorney general, Jaclyn Symes, said it will send a clear message that Nazi and neo-Nazi ideology has no place in Victoria.

Swastikas have been a recurrent theme in Native American art and Eastern Religions since forever, are the Australians gonna come down hard on the Injuns and the Buddhists?? As well the US rock band KISS that has a strong Jewish representation, has Nazi Schutzstaffel or SS runes up front .. is Gene Simmons gonna get hauled out if he ever comes back to this country??
Take Another Look at the Uniformed Astronaut in the Image From the NASA Opportunity Mars Rover Sol 4182 Returned 2015 - He is seated straight backed with his legs astride a console of some kind, there is a box to his front with control levers like those on a crane or a backhoe ..      (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Space 2 months ago (+0/-9)
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Parent File.

Industrial Control Levers.

ASU.edu - Knudsen Ridge 1.

Knudsen Ridge 2, Four Figures.

NASA Photo Journal, Knudsen Ridge.

Uniformed Astronaut on Mars Op Sol 4183, triangular eye sockets.

There are at least four human figures in the broader "Knudsen Ridge" montage, the same crossed bandolier uniform can be discerned on at least two of the figures.

Bodies, Bones & Human Remains on Planet Mars - Flash Gordon.

Makes you wonder if the same crossed bandolier uniform favored by comic book hero Flash Gordon had anything to do with it, or with previous manned missions to Mars indeed.

NASA Op Sol 4182.

NASA Op Sol 4183.

NASA - Knudsen Ridge, Marathon Valley on Mars.

As inquirers study the shots and become more familiar with the overall Knudsen Ridge situ, it becomes obvious the human figures are in fact Lilliputian in stature.

Image: Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, 1726 - The Lilliputian Band Plays.
Yeah Well the RF Has Been in the News a Lot Lately, Will It Be Considered Bad Manners to Raise the Subject of HRH Enjoying Feasting at the Hollydale Cannibal Restaurant in Los Angeles - The way he stripped Meghan's title as Dutchess away and bestowed it on someone else was unnecessary and vindictive     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to princeharryhate 2 months ago (+1/-0)
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King Charles’ New Titles for Meghan and Prince Harry.

King Charles then POW says, "my thanks to Karina and The Hollydale the people were delicious the setting was lovely, and a wonderful time was had by all. Rather unfortunate for the Danish fellow we were eating but there you have it, some people were made to be eaten and others it seems were made to eat them." The Charles Cannibal Missive.

Elite Cannibal Restaurant in Los Angeles.

Established in 2015, The Hollydale is a purveyor of the finest human flesh, harvested fresh from only the most attractive, willing donors, skillfully and reverently prepared by world class master chefs. Cannibal Cravings at the Hollydale.

The restaurant and staff are privately owned by Karina Belenoff-Windsor, daughter of Somerset Belenoff, Countess of Banbury & Arran and sister to WGC luminary Natalie Belenoff-Windsor, Karina sits on the Board of Governors at the World Governing Council in Luxembourg, she travels frequently to Los Angeles to ensure The Hollydale is always in tip-top shape. Link.

At left Somerset Belenoff, at right Natalie Belenoff-Windsor.

Update: Natalie Belenoff-Windsor was identifiable in a video that appeared on a now defunct Japanese website that hosted snuff porn, riding on horseback beside a fenced area where a group of naked children were being herded toward a European chateau by a large pig .. the tenor of the times says they were for the table.
Rocket Plume From 9 Merlin Engines @ T+0:01:56 in the SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch to Put 23 Second Generation Starlink Internet Satellites Into Orbit, From Pad 39a at NASA's Kennedy Space Center March 15, 2024     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to pics 3 months ago (+2/-0)
Aggressive Zionism, Elon Musk's Menorah - Power pylon adjacent to the Musk owned German factory producing Telsa EV's that was allegedly bombed by the "Volcano Group" eco terrorists March 6, 2024 ..     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to pics 3 months ago (+2/-0)
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Vulkangruppe Tesla Abschalten.

Tesla Germany Suspected Arson, March 2024.

Too damn cute, the Menorah builders are known for this sort of thing .. carrying out False Flag attacks they blame on bs terrorists like the Volcano Group.
NASA Perseverance Mars Rover Sol 1073, Returned Feb. 26, 2024 - Looks like a human skull lower left, the sheets of material to the right in no way seem natural, there could be tracks heading down from the high ground while the smooth object at right could be an "elongated" Martian skull     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by TankTinker to Space 3 months ago (+2/-3)
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Leaning Tower on Mars, Curiosity Rover Sol 995 Returned May 25, 2015 .. to me the piece at the top resembles representations of the Buddha one might encounter in Asian countries     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Space 4 months ago (+0/-2)
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Strange Seemingly Manufactured Object on Planet Mars, Image by the NASA Perseverance Mars Rover Sol 339 Returned Feb. 2, 2022     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by TankTinker to Space 5 months ago (+3/-9)
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Do you really understand "Whiteness"? IBM does, they made a Power Point so you can understand it too!     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by allAheadFull to antiWhite 6 months ago (+6/-0)
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Dreidle Dreidle Dreidle, Your Operating System Gay, How much jew dick did you click today?     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by Kozel to BigBadTech 6 months ago (+4/-0)
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Logged in to a remote machine and what do I see? A faggot jewish dreidle greeting me.
Human Skull Visible in the Latest Return From Perseverance Mars Rover ..     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to Space 6 months ago (+4/-10)
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So I Go to Access My Website http://dockersunion.net/ and Get the Message "This Service is Temporarily Unavailable" is There Any Hope or is It Gone All Ends Up .. It Does Say "Temporarily" Anyone :)     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to AskUpgoat 7 months ago (+1/-4)
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Screenshot - Ok we have had a major crash the images uploaded from https://postimages.org have been replaced by the blue blobs seen in the screenshot - We made a mistake editing the page and the text changed to lower case and the pics went out ..      (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to TellUpgoat 7 months ago (+2/-1)
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This is what we are left with, the trouble started when I expanded the post image page and I couldn't reduce it.
This one is pretty good. Never relax around AI. Shake your head back and forth or shrink it.     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by allAheadFull to Niggers 8 months ago (+17/-0)
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Be warned!     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by Nasturtium to pics 9 months ago (+8/-0)
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Humanitarian Crisis in the Offing at Black Rock City Nevada - Where as many as 80,000 attendees of the 2023 Burning Man festival are prohibited from exiting the site after it was turned into a sea of mud in a sudden rainstorm     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by TankTinker to news 9 months ago (+1/-2)
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Burning Man festival attendees trying to leave this year’s event were confronted with hours of gruelling traffic – with some cars breaking down on the road – as the sweltering Nevada heat approached 40 degrees Celsius. Stuff.co.nz.

Video: Thousands Stranded at Burning Man Festival After Heavy Rain.
Identical Cross & Circle Formations at South Table Mountain, SW Wyoming and on the Nazca Plateau in Peru - We say the resemblance is more than just coincidence that the same [alien] agency was responsible for both constructions     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to pics 9 months ago (+3/-2)
Pump Iron Off World - Curiosity Mars Rover Image Returned Sol 729, Aug. 25, 2015 Has a Dumbell Shaped Object & Human Skulls     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Space 9 months ago (+7/-7)
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Broad Beam & Narrow Beam Lasers Ignite Fires That Brought Death & Destruction to the Town of Lahaina in Maui, Hawaii Aug. 11, 2023 - Officially "the largest "natural disaster" in Hawaii’s history," the signs on the ground and in the air say this was no "natural disaster" at all but a DEW strike     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to conspiracy 10 months ago (+4/-5)
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The official story from the mainstream media is that a fallen power line started a small flame, it was then fanned on by the large winds from a hurricane, however according to Edward Hendrie from Great Mountain Publishing Lahaina was destroyed by Directed Energy Weaponry.

Photos of the city after the fire show trees untouched by flames and mostly intact alongside buildings that have been destroyed by fire .. the buildings were destroyed by directed energy weapons that use microwaves which cause molecular destruction of any materials that absorb them. Living timber remains unfazed because wood absorbs very little microwave radiation.

Similar to the way you can put a paper plate in a microwave oven without concern that it will catch fire, but if you put aluminium foil into that same microwave oven, it will quickly begin to spark and burst into flame - Bearing that in mind, know that one of the the main components of chemtrails is aluminium nanoparticles pdf that render brush fires much hotter than they would otherwise be - The Jews who have hijacked US Defence are waging genocidal war on mankind.