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The Official Sub for Opinion
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Owner: MrGoat


Who Murdered All the Asian Women — and Who’s Covering It Up?     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Opinion 2.3 years ago (+25/-0)
7 comments last comment...
The Mypillow Guy Really Could Destroy Democracy     (
submitted by robotflex to Opinion 2.8 years ago (+22/-0)
17 comments last comment...

Excerpt from article:
"When we walked outside, I thought that I might say something dramatic, something cutting, something like “You realize that you are destroying our country.” But I didn’t. He is our country after all, or one face of our country: hyper-optimistic and overconfident, ignorant of history and fond of myths, firm in the belief that we alone are the exceptional nation and we alone have access to exceptional truths. Safe in his absolute certainty, he got into his black SUV and drove away."

Can Jordan Peterson Sink Any Lower?     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Opinion 1.4 years ago (+18/-2)
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America Is Not Divided; It’s Being Hijacked     (
submitted by coldsoak to Opinion 2.3 years ago (+9/-0)
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Eugenics, Yet     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Opinion 10 months ago (+6/-0)
4 comments last comment...
Insensitive opinion on this bitch     (
submitted by Cunt to Opinion 3.2 years ago (+5/-0)
9 comments last comment...
The video is not long, watch it first.
So I think we can all call bullshit on that she was not a single mother by choice the first time, she chose the dad, what did she expect.

This woman keeps coming up on my FYP going on about how dangerous amber teething necklaces are. Now I will agree with all her commenters that there is no scientific evidence they work but they 100% worked for my kids. Strangulation by necklaces is rare but it is a risk, luckily amber necklaces keep working for hours after you take them off (12 hours to full effect after putting them on and 12 hours after removal they wear off completely in my tests) so no need for babies to wear them unsupervised like when asleep.

This lady blames amber teething necklaces for her babies death. She takes no responsibility for not supervising her kid or leaving him with minimum wage strangers who in reality can not properly supervise the amount of kids that are usually in a decent daycare, and she admits hers was a crap daycare.

And with absolutely no self awareness she picks out a blond haired blue eyed donor sperm rather than bettering herself to attract an actual father for her next son.
Paying Your "Fair Share" Of The Warfare-Welfare State - Taxation is theft     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Opinion 2.9 years ago (+4/-0)
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Peter Navarro unleashes on Jared Kushner…     (
submitted by Reawakened to Opinion 1.8 years ago (+3/-0)
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POLL: Men Only! (Sorry Ladies) Would you kick this gal out of bed for eating crackers in the bed?      (Opinion)
submitted by iSnark to Opinion 2 months ago (+5/-2)
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Ministry Of Truth 2.0 Looms     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Opinion 3 years ago (+1/-0)
VLDL are a bunch of SJW faggots original content     (Opinion)
submitted by v0atmage to Opinion 2.8 years ago (+1/-0)
While a joke about finishing really simple quests after difficult ones in a typical RPG, there is a player called "Tronald Dump" in the background moving around like a newb. After the joke is over, the main hero torches the implied trump supporter casually as he walks by:

In another season, the players complete an achievement where you murder all the village maidens, the joke being some achievements are ruthless. One of the players has the name "Trump", apparently to imply that Trump supporters are unethical pricks in real life or something:

I've never seen anything attacking Biden or left-wing at all to balance it out. Sadly I do enjoy their skits so it sucks they let political opinions bleed into their work, albeit not as pervasively as the typical jewified youtube content.

For those who have no idea who this is:

"We're Viva La Dirt League. A bunch of nerds who play games and makes comedy sketches about games".
Not the race of Dante, Southern Italians are not White.     (Opinion)
submitted by UncleDoug to Opinion 1.6 years ago (+4/-3)
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Degenerate Heeb-nog admixture.

That is all.
Some people on voat are mean pricks.     (Opinion)
submitted by ItalianMan to Opinion 2.9 years ago (+2/-3)
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No explanation needed.
Cryosleep would solve all of the globalists problems.     (Opinion)
submitted by Lovemachine to Opinion 1.4 years ago (+0/-1)
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It gets rid of all the plebs politely, while granting the plebs some degree of hope for a better future all while they remain in complete control without having to cram the worthless eaters into a matrix by cutting off their kids dicks&tits and force vaccinating them like animals (which only breeds their destain, thus) thus avoiding the problem of having to sell their souls to the devil.

Plus cryonics may only ever work if it can be scaled up to mass production.
ONE BIG FAT TURD FAGGOT TOP TEN original content     (
submitted by Monica to Opinion 2.3 years ago (+1/-3)
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VOAT IS A WASTE OF TIME      (Opinion)
submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to Opinion 3.1 years ago (+1/-5)
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Numerous times I have attempted to submit a post and after hitting "submit" my post would dissapear. This site is turning into a big waste of time.
'Extremely disturbing': Iran 'racing towards nuclear weapons capability'     (
submitted by paul_neri to Opinion 1.1 years ago (+0/-5)
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