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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 50 (+52/-2)
ccp: 1398 (+1427/-29)
votes given: 857 (+577/-280)
score: 1448


You want to get even more pissed off. Listen to these same people WHEEZE with each breath. Sounds like theyre breathing through a fucking coffee straw, once I noticed how many people WHEEZE when breathing, I can never not notice it now.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=666c5a8bdf3de

unironically, I used to work with a guy who drank so much mountain dew he gave himself diabetes. no shit. he explained it in a meeting one day, my heads still fucked up about it. imagine being so addicted to one particular goyslop you fuck your organs up over it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66675be0592b5

you are correct. theres also a reason the entire field had to be propaganda rebranded from personnel to human resources, when their actual name should be corporate resources 'CR' and then it becomes super obvious what their purpose is. I had a note (less severe than a write-up) added to my file just last week for insubordination, first time in a decade, but theyre still going to collect that ammo no matter what. its all politics, if you can make a career as a corpo, you can make a career as a politician.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=665f1e796e270

Xantha 1 point 2 weeks ago

I bought a Bosch for my elderly parents, they love it, not one issue in 5+ years now. Meanwhile I have some hoopty fucking Whirlpool that never cleans anything that I would love to shove out of a plane into the nearest volcano.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6653577b06e54

The entire thread is disgusting, but the overwhelming majority are just self-serving idiots who like the 'exoticism' of the other partner and have no idea about how important cultural aspects actually are to people's identities-- which is why their mixed kids are always fucked up about who/what they're supposed to be. Multiple White people can sit in the same house quietly and be totally content to do so for hours--- Latinos are not like that, they're loud as shit in groups and never shut the fuck up-- ever. This 'introvert' is going to love the daily family gatherings of Latinos-- even if it's not possible in-person-- it'll be 24/7 group speakerphone calls.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6653577b06e54

Don't particularly care for the Russian government since its also still full of kikes-- Putin or no. But Putin did make a fair point once that Western governments are fickle/unreliable to deal with in terms of policy because the individual decision makers turn over so often. Every couple years its an entirely new batch of (((grifters))) who lean on things in the directions that will personally make them the most money, before rinse/repeat every couple years. And because they're time-limited they have a very strong incentive to push different directions quickly to make sure they (((get the most out of it financially))) before the next cycle starts.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6650bab4d7e38

Xantha 1 point 3 weeks ago

yeah he was a dumbass from the get go. The only reason this guy got this far is because he's more socially acceptable to support in total libshit social circles. not that any of this fake and gay election shit matters anyway.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664ec7b5d3647

jews are the animals causing this by holocausting arabs for the last two centuries. there's a reason God condemned your entire race. youre not fooling anyone here

/v/news viewpost?postid=664cb8494314a

ICC only sends Whites to prison for protecting themselves. RIP Serbs.

/v/IsraelCrimes viewpost?postid=664b818588eee

You can eat any flavor of jelly bean you want. But you will only ever eat jelly beans.

-Kike Central Banking Cartel responsible for destroying the planet to maintain their unjust position.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=664b6cb961c24

Ketchup is made with the same amount of sugar as sports drinks like Gatorade. Ketchup is technically a sports drink, change my mind.

/v/newz viewpost?postid=664b7ef9bb4ee

Had to drive one for the first time (Model 3) during a recent trip to fagdeau land. Pros: Lots of torque, the mario kart rainbow road autopilot shit is a neat parlor trick.

Cons: Everything else. Interior is super cheap, no fucking grab handles above the windows, everything EVERYTHING required the gay touch screen, the front trunk was hilariously small and pointless-- its just to carry fucking charging adaptors and cords, charging is the most inconvenient bullshit I've ever seen. Regular chargers took 8 fucking hours to charge the vehicle, which means if your car isnt at your house someone could smash/pull/break the fucking plug on it and walk off, completely fucking you. Superchargers took 30 minutes and the nearest one was 15 minutes away, in a major city. So at 10 o'clock at night, its like a fucking swap meet at the super charger stations with everyone standing around like a busy men's bathroom.

The car company even told me don't let the battery get below 20%, treat it like you do your cell phone. LOL OK. Meanwhile in an ICE vehicle I generally don't worry about making it somewhere even if the fuel light comes on.

TL;DR- I will never be buying an electric vehicle. I'd rather make, steal, or use bootleg fuel and just run regular ice vehicles into the ground if they ever stop being sold.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6649133c4f84b

Props to Europeans for calling out kike double standards at least. Why does not-Palestine even participate if ~1/4th of Europe isn't even in the contest (Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Bosnia, etc). Just based on the name I would assume this contest is supposed to be Euro-centric and countries without borders in Europe should not be in it. But not-Palestine's inclusion probably just (((typical kike tricks))) due to their total control of global media.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=66415e2b04d79

gay male-focused (yaoi) doujinshis/mangas/novels etc published in Japan are overwhelmingly written for straight female audiences.

The reason for this is that women are such massive uncontrollable fucking narcissists they will compare themselves to any female characters in the story and will stop reading if the main character/female love interest in a hetero novel isn't exactly like them. Instead they'd rather read the exact same story but with two men instead even though the gender swap on one of them is pretty much just cosmetic-- because women won't stop comparing themselves to other women-- even fake comic book women.

So the totally bonkers ABO stuff you mentioned, is basically the same thing, the beta and omega males in those stories are largely actually female characters being cosmetically portrayed as men-- because if it wasn't men-- women couldn't resist comparing themselves to the female characters endlessly-- which hurts book sales because of women retardation. The Beta/Omega characters also overwhelmingly exhibit feminine traits-- not masculine ones, like being in-touch with their feelings and wanting to talk endlessly-- which is a bigger indicator that these are actually women characters dressed up as men-- and because visually they are men, women aren't threatened by them, which is better for sales. Also theres two men for them to look at instead of one, so similar to most straight men liking to oogle more than one woman. But because men aren't mostly retarded, they aren't going out and buying lesbian romance novels, for obvious reasons.

/v/clusterBbitches viewpost?postid=663fd29895d96

Xantha 1 point 1 month ago

Holy shit, the story of Atlantis makes so much sense now. We're at the part where the shit has just started to sink and no one believes it.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=663e1496157c8

No but diddling girls is grossly common in hispanic families. Ive met a few women who were sent to the US/lower 48 to live as kids/teens because they had creepy uncles, older cousins, etc. Mexicans, Colombians, Puerto Ricans, same shit all over apparently.

/v/TrailOfTacos viewpost?postid=663a2a6390963

this is actually good. do one for jews too

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6639b85337c08

I thought glass scales were always a stupid idea. That's fine for the lab or a countertop food scale, just for ease of cleaning, not for much else. Also given that a lot of women obsessively weigh themselves every 5 minutes, I'm not interested in potentially picking glass out of her feet at some obnoxious hour, since there's a higher chance it'll fail on her instead of me due to her much higher usage.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=663682432d9da

Xantha 1 point 1 month ago

Thankths gay dragon.

Christ is King.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6635a5732cffb

Yeah, just closed the video when he did that. What's the point of even bitching if 2 seconds later you're going to pull some disgusting knob gobbling shit to even slightly walk it back. All that shit does in this context is still push the idea that kikes are irreproachable on some level and need to be worshipped. How about no, fuck that. The subverters and enslavers of nations deserve to be treated like the vile shitbags they are. The reason the western world is so completely fucked up is because kikes are running all the countries through their international central banking cartel. Scott lives in a conquered nation, I don't get the fucking disconnect that 'only the laws are a problem hurr' and not the fact that by their own mythos and creed, non-fucking westerners are running western nations while suppressing people who have the absolute right to rule themselves in their own interests.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6635a5732cffb

There were already women factions in 40k. Sisters of Silence, Adepta Sororitas, etc.

Most of 40k is about exploring humanity's inhumanity or remaining humanity when pushed to the brink. Unsurprisingly the setting is a wall-to-wall gorefest much of the time. Which means the vast majority of women arent that interested in it.

These idiots are pandering to fucking no one, because women still wont like 40k. But GW has always been massive pieces of shit, so this is not new.

The only genderfluid hermaphrodites in the setting are demons. lol.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6627cc2d01c42

Xantha 1 point 1 month ago

Wew. A suspended rotating dome isnt the worst idea actually, like a big tortoise shell with the cannon sticking out. this is obviously improvised, but better than nothing if youre the tank crew.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6626cafe74c11

Low speed road rash takes nearly a month to heal. High speed road rash like this is like being a serious burn victim, this guy is in for months of total agony with very little sleep, and he'll be largely immobilized in the same position the entire time. They're probably going to have to skin graft that big of an area. I'd say he earned his new motorcycle code name of Franken-ass.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662578994e1bf

This appears to be another attempt to create a non-Musk twitter. (((They))) seem to have a real hard-on for this, even though (((Musk))) is one of them anyway.

/v/Jew viewpost?postid=6623a5f11f01c

Xantha 1 point 1 month ago

>cried for four hours

>not a virgin

thanks for the pedantry. but my skepticism remains high.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=66221b4499620