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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 3 (+3/-0)
ccp: 5549 (+5789/-240)
votes given: 9340 (+7024/-2316)
score: 5552


no no senor, he hard workering, only do job muricans no do!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666e6b07bc641

Do beaners cause a lot of DUI accidents? I don't recall a single one when I was in Scottsdale. I wasn't really paying all that much attention to the news other than good morning Arizona so I probably missed a lot.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=666d17cbd753d

Agreed. I just don't see a real need other than for nefarious purposes. And I do consider putting White people out of work nefarious.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=666d187448ee5

That's a bit misleading in that ALL niggers are feral as well as rabid and sick. Best to avoid them under ANY circumstances.

/v/bears viewpost?postid=666bad934c1eb

Nope, niggers and JOOZ have made an ideal world impossible.

/v/bears viewpost?postid=666bad934c1eb

They're proud get it, pride? Yeah I got nothin.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=666a2ac43dfeb

Are you kidding? That's why June teeth was created. Another day to worship at the alter of muricas obsession, the knee-grow! And what better way to worship your god than to pay tithe, or in this case, time and a half. Knee-grows are the ultimate idol. We give them their own holiday(s) and pay them extra. We build them houses and don't complain when they destroy them, we just build them new ones! We pay for their food and clothing and shelter. Jehovah's lucky to get 10% but we wholly support the groids. They rape and murder our grandmother's and wives, kill our children and we don't even show it on the news! But heaven forbid one of our saints is murdered, fentanyl Floyd for instance, we build shrines and temples to worship the best of our gods like Floyd! That is after we burn out cities and towns to pay homage. Does anyone doubt that a few federal holiday will be proposed for that particular saint? Or better yet, they'll just commandeer an existing holiday and give it to big George Floyd! Can you think of a better way to worship our god? Just one...MAKE HUWHITEY PAY FOR IT! And if anyone complains, charge them with a hate crime. Really looking forward to how they'll change the laws to accommodate the new murican knee-grow. Free housing, free food, everything free! Niggers suck and so does this coontry! I hope it changes soon.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=666a2ac43dfeb

Agreed. She wanted open borders and she got it. Be careful what you wish for. You vote for a half breed race hater like Barack then don't act surprised when he acts his culla.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666921e9e720c

I'm sorry but the niggers are getting the cold fronts. If we have to fight for the coons again then I want Virginia or South Carolina. Let the niggers freeze!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6667bae111f27

Holy sheeeiiit! (Hang up, May Morris is listening in on the party line!)

/v/GEN_X_Pub_n_Grill viewpost?postid=6667b96533902

You're right about your original premise however I think if it happens it will start as a revolution but quickly turn into a civil war. You've seen how many of these retards are going to be loyal to the current government and no amount of logic will change that. Once a blue hair always a blue hair. But who knows, people do seem to be waking up to the treachery. I guess it may depend on how many are willing to sacrifice for the good of their country.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6667bae111f27

No, it's FREE raw dough. The fact that it's void of any nutritional value doesn't matter because she thinks Whitey will have to pay for it. And she's right.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6667bf080a3d7

Dey madze a food desurt! Noplase fuh us ta shop! RAYSIS AS FUK!

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6667bf080a3d7

I don't care that made my day! The animals are mad because they know, no matter what the JOO media tells them, they know they'll never be as good as wypipo! They have one thing, sports. We take that we destroy them! 😂

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=6667c379ad1ed

A 16 year old mid level Mercedes is going to be a money pit. If you're expecting "Mercedes" quality in an old E series you're going to be disappointed. And if you're not mechanically inclined you're going to be broke. One good repair can EASILY outstrip the value of the car.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6666644761c31

"...crime, is also increasing by their presence." EXPONENTIALLY! They need to get the fuck out! But that would require a vote.
Who do you suppose the "new americans" will vote for? They can't vote you say? Not citizens? Yeah that'll matter! Not allowing new muricans to vote is...(here it comes)...RAYSIS! 😂 The current administration makes no distinction between citizens and illegals, except they require citizens too pay for the illegals and not complain. Why would they make a distinction between who can vote and who can't?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6666754592812

Article said his dad died at 40 of an undetected heart defect. Could be it hit the son too but you'd think they'd find it if it killed his father.

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=66667774da9df

Is that new, the gay flag on the huWHITE house? Well that's shocking. Fucking hell.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66652c60eddc9

Is this the level of "news" we can expect now? Don't ever remember reading a story like that in a mainstream newspaper.

/v/PedosExposed viewpost?postid=6665272ab30c0

But you said you loved me forever when I put a dollar in your...oh, never mind.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6663d942b440b