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Member for: 1.9 years

scp: 2666 (+2845/-179)
ccp: 8009 (+9272/-1263)
votes given: 6124 (+4272/-1852)
score: 10675


> preach community working and progression, where as you don't see that with white people

Well, that’s an incredible assumption. Just today I helped out an older white woman, and tipped a white waitress extra. Community and all that. Just because I berate people on the internet about their knowledge of history doesn’t mean I wouldn’t physically help them irl. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think either of those women were followers of Jesus - or even knew that He was right about the jews. But the simple fact remains that the jews have undermined Christianity (and the rest of the world, for that matter) and turned evil deeds into being considered good, and vice versa; Tikkun Olam = clown world.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666dd3c6ccc39

SumerBreeze 1 point 58 minutes ago

Yet the the Hasbaara Agreement happened. You got this guy talking about two parties controlled by jews, yet sucks jew dick anyway.


/v/Jews viewpost?postid=666f45b8da1e1

The Lutherans reprehended Martin Luther late last century for his antisemitism (one of the books he wrote was THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES), and formally adopted the noahide laws a few months ago (literally saying that the belief in Jesus as divine is blasphemous - which is the very thing the jews condemned Jesus to death for).

The Lutherans have leapfrogged past any other Christian denomination as the most antichrist to date

Jesus was right about the jews.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666f4fe4ac2ab

Yea exactly - Hitler pushed all of Germany’s wealth into Israel before his isolationist plans. Why would Hitler be the largest funder and supporter of Israel if he hated jews so much? He was literally Israel’s greatest ally - then the jews used him as a scapegoat to murder millions of Germans.

Your faggotkike idol pushed the Haavara Agreement and was a catalyst in the creation of the abomination Israel.

Can’t believe the jews are doing the same shit to Trump - who is also guilty of being a massive kikesucker. With jews you lose. Every. Single. Time.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666cef5f4a9d6

These fuckers are going cross country murder spree.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666e679dd95e9

> Psalm 121:3–8 continues the theme of God's protection of His people. It portrays Him as the guardian of Israel who never rests from His care of His people. He would watch over the travelers to Jerusalem both day and night. He would protect them from the blazing heat of the sun and from the cold nighttime temperatures.

Yes, the Israelites of the Old Testament have ZERO BLOOD TIES to the Canaanites, or the jews - even Rabbis openly admit this in their Jewish Encyclopedia (1925) ed. vol.5 p.41, and the Jewish Almanac p.3, “jews are not Israelites, or Hebrews.” Skip to 36m38s of this video for more info, or go to a library and find those books:

> You can downplay it, ridicule me if you want, but I learned how to fight, learned how to kill, and learned what loss is. I wonder if you have learned these things?

So you have killed people, and now you think that automatically proves you godless AND enlightened? And on top of that, this automatically proves that your ignorance of Jesus, Israelites, the jews, etc is validated? Stay on topic.

> Really chaps my ass when some people assume some shit about another person without evidence and they just want to degrade someone else's experience because they get to proclaim their distain for a race of parasites.

But it’s ok for you to do the same when mentioning Jesus. Shouldn’t I be calling you out for actual evidence of your experience - not just some words written on the internet? You could be copy pasting or even be a bot for all I know, yet I haven’t denigrated you - just called out your ignorance, which is a trait all people are guilty of to one degree or another.

> It's funny that no nigger nor a jew has attempted to diminish my life experiences as much as the people here will do.

Again, no where did I diminish your life experiences, but you definitely need some humility, because you made this into a counseling session about yourself - whereas we should be on the subject of Jesus vs the jews.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666dd3c6ccc39

>Jesus is just some dude that knew magic tricks and amazed the dumb kikes of the day

He humbled Roman leaders and was written about in a very awe-inspiring way by them. There are documents and letters that describe Jesus’ presence and authority by the highest Roman authorities - not just His disciples, who had seen war and tortures worse than what we’ve experienced.

>Bible even says (each of them I seen) that Christians shall protect the jews. Part of the reason I don't do religion.

The Bible says that jews are of their father, the devil, and are of the Synagogue of Satan. Please, show me where it says Christians should protect jews. Even the first dozen or so Catholic popes said that the jews are the most vile and reprehensible. Sure, the worldy influence and jew lies and manipulation and money has destroyed much of what the modern popes represent. I’d argue they are antichrist. Maybe your ideas on “religion” was cemented in your youth and you are haven’t actually examined the “rules” that were written down. But whatever, I’m sure there’s more important things that will keep you entertained.

>I been in war, seen the battlefield and I can promise you that there wasn't any gods there to save them or save us.

So you fought for jews, and are now claiming that you are above them with your ignorance of Jesus as proof.

>No Satan, no god, when you die.

We won’t get into any conversation about what definition of God or Satan is, because we are limited to our personal experiences - be it war or mass media manipulation. But I do know that the human mind is too limited to even scratch the surface.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666dd3c6ccc39

Kid didn’t haul or mix or pour the concrete - this is an excellent way to get the kids involved, and crouching over delicate finishing touches gives me back pain.

/v/WhiteCulture viewpost?postid=666e50285ace0

This story and a white minority is just a sign of our strength!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666e679dd95e9

But (((Tikum Olam))) says that forced love is love, regardless! How dare you call this man illegal?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666e679dd95e9

Jesus said that those child rapists should be executed. The kikesuckers that buy the “Jesus said to adopt black children and forgive faggots” are fully judaised retards that have proven to have no understanding about history; there is no use paying attention to any of their opinions if they’ve fallen for the anti-Jesus rhetoric that jews have spent thousands of years trying to fool their victims into. You aren’t an antichrist clown, as far as I’m concerned.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666dd3c6ccc39


/v/ArtsAndCrafts viewpost?postid=666e04c35874b

You should watch this video about jewish supremacy:

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=666e10478c9bd

>consistent barrage of bullshit
Those patterns are easily detected and removed. The person who doesn’t understand that Jesus was right about the jews (and killed for it) isn’t going to offer any enlightened conversation. I’m not blocking anyone that doesn’t believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, but the fully judaised ones are worse than garbage spam - which also belongs on the block list.

I don’t even have enough time, sometimes, to look through whatever is left over from that!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666dd3c6ccc39

I only saw two posts mocking the dude for fuckin up his car drunk. The rest of the kikefaggots that like to say “christcuck” didn’t make it past my filter.

YOU can easily start organizing your own stuff and start blocking the obvious judaised retards.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666dd3c6ccc39

Are you the one complaining that we are posting too much content about the kikes here? Meanwhile, pushing reddit… 🤮

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666dd3c6ccc39

You wouldn’t understand - as a woman, you shouldn’t be addressing any man, but in this scenario, the slob is hardly considered a man.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666cef5f4a9d6

Yes, you should have been there, and I know not to ever argue with fools; there is no “big man” that is successfully changing the mind of a lost liberal dimwit. The innocent eyes realizing that their fat sloppy liberal retard father is partly right, but not actually sharing the whole truth, is the best outcome of the entire situation. You could tell that he regretted opening his mouth in the first place.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666cef5f4a9d6

Wait, what good content is being posted on reddit?
Everything is a scam there and you will not find an honest answer or anything remotely funny - unless you are a fully judaised retard that enjoys Marvel and Hollywood garbage.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666dd3c6ccc39

Well the recruiter is paid to lie about everything to you. Fighting for our freedoms? LOL

/v/news viewpost?postid=666d9e23f26b7

See? Now that’s a white beauty - and with a great sense of humor!

Jesus was right about the jews.

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=666dc1e497310

Weird how he remained a silent cuck when a stranger addressed the issue directly.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666cef5f4a9d6

Yea same thing - nothing wrong with being racist. It’s only bad when you believe in the jew lies intentionally fed to everyone - to purposely destroy the white peoples; their culture, ethics, and morals.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666cef5f4a9d6