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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 12361 (+12831/-470)
ccp: 12333 (+14369/-2036)
votes given: 42281 (+29083/-13198)
score: 24694


Women and niggers in government.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=66482407f0c03

I reposted the headline from the article you stupid nigger. Thanks for your useless comment.

/v/Military viewpost?postid=6647a78d35db8

Yeah, they switched to lasers because railguns burn out.

/v/Military viewpost?postid=6647a78d35db8

You know what that gay retard also said? “I dont want to take your guns but if a bipartisan bill is passed by congress I’ll sign it.”

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6647fe190be42

I didn’t hear him say a word about kikes

/v/FunnyVideos viewpost?postid=6647a92a9ff3d

Post time stamp. All I heard after five minutes was fag Pool and a bunch of whores.

/v/FunnyVideos viewpost?postid=6647a92a9ff3d

It’s a pretty big pier. Maybe like $15k.

/v/news viewpost?postid=66477c783f668

Just don’t do it nigger. I’m not sober and probably never will be for various reasons. If you’ve been sober this long you should absolutely stick with it. Get some weed gummies or something. Just don’t drink.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664780269f637

ECM can’t cover the whole front. Hohols also know this because they get hammered with missile and drones regularly. They’re surrendering en masse too. Probably because they’re forced into conscription.

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=6647a4f9577c2

Idk man, they’re not racist or antisemitic. When /r/niggers got shut down it was a perfect fit. These fags have avoided getting shoah’d for many years under pozzed reddit moderation. Probably a bunch of kikesucking fags.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6647938bac6b0

Not many because physical media is dead. They just download digital copies from a server.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66477b8db1709

Britney is all woman. You have troons living in your head rent free.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66473bf3d9813

Actually based. Smoke flavor will have to be done with real smoke.

/v/Food viewpost?postid=664765c4a8535

Everything China produces is shit. You fell for a psyop. The only thing that will bring parity with American goods is the decline of the West.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6644adf76ec15

My old voat account was created in 2015. Try harder kike.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664614fd32e72

He is a kikesucker and wanted to give Israel extra billions just recently.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=66465df5547cd

We just hate outsiders. Fuck off and delete your account.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664614fd32e72

Putin is trying to melt the planet with global warming.

/v/Russia viewpost?postid=6645bc41d1d95

Technical difficulties. Check the gamer uprising forum. He posts there. IDF probably got him though.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6645789203c40

I know I saw more than one chink smiling.

/v/CombatFootage viewpost?postid=66450c18904f2

Voat.xyz master race checking in.

/v/owned viewpost?postid=6644efe047b55

Be patient. They have to fulfill other steps of the prophecy before they get to nuclear armageddon. If they can escalate the Gaza war into a war with the entire muslim world we will definitely see nukes used.

/v/War viewpost?postid=6642ef2d06cad