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Member for: 2.4 years

scp: 169 (+178/-9)
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@UncleDoug's Penis Envy post reminded me of      (Jokes)

submitted by Peleg to Jokes 1 week ago


The story I heard years ago.

Obozo woke up one in the Whitehouse one winter morning and looked out the window. What he saw pissed him off so bad he Demanded the secret service to investigate. Someone had written Barry sucks in the snow with their pee.
A few hours later the ss came back with their report. They said, "Sir. We have some answers for you. The urine tested out to belong to George Bush Jr."
Obozo started ranting, "I KNEW IT WAS THAT PUSSY!", when the ss said, "Yes Sir. It was his DNA but it was in Michelle's hand writing!"
HALP! I CAIN'T FIND IT!     (whatever)

submitted by Peleg to whatever 2 months ago


There was a post from pol a long time ago about how people have been brainwashed.
It was the one talking about if you talk to people about the US military killing feather niggers people agree with you, if you talk about crimes committed during the Civil War they will not argue,
if you talk about "war crimes" in Vietnam people will not get mad about it, but if you tell them the truth about the holohoax they loose their shit.
It explained what the disgusting jews have done to everyone in a very eye opening way. It explained that the immediate anger response people "feel" was implanted in them by jew propaganda.
I had this saved but it has vanished. Please share if you have it?
And thank you in advance.
A story from back in my middle school days.      (whatever)

submitted by Peleg to whatever 3 months ago


Others have shared stories so I thought I would also.

This one teacher was a short, fat, jerk of a guy. There were two girls setting in front of me. One was a loud mouth, the other was a very quiet and shy girl. Ol loud mouth was, running her mouth and the "teacher" told her to stop talking. She cussed him and started yammering about her daddy would blah blah blah. So this retard of a teacher, being afraid of loud mouth, gives the quite, shy girl a paddling! WRONG MOVE DUDE!
The next morning that quite, shy girl's dad came to school. This Man was about 6'6" tall. He had worked in rock quarries his whole life! He looked the way Louis L'Amour describes Tell Sackett. Broad shoulders and narrow hips and whatever he put his hands on generally moved!
This tall, quite, rock of a Man dragged that fat teacher out of his class room a Beat the living dog shit out of him!
In those days if a teacher was going to paddle a girl he had better make sure she was really guilty of what he said she was getting the paddling for!
NOBODY said One word to that parent!
The fat stupid teacher quit right there! LOL! He moved back up north. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
That was awesome.
A man went to a wizard and asked if he could remove an evil spell that a priest had put on him years ago. The wizard said it was possible, if he could remember the exact words the priest used for the spell?     (Jokes)

submitted by Peleg to Jokes 4 months ago


The man says, "Yes, I remember. He said and now I pronounce you husband and wife."
Husband to wife: "If you are sleeping, please send me your dreams. If you are laughing, please send me your smile. If you are crying, please send me your tears. Wife to husband:     (Jokes)

submitted by Peleg to Jokes 4 months ago


I'm on the pot. Please advise.
Tomorrow is Happy 6th day!     (Jokes)

submitted by Peleg to Jokes 5 months ago


The day we learned not to take tours in DC.
Especially if you are being escorted by the dc police!
My Ancestry      (Jokes)

submitted by Peleg to Jokes 5 months ago


I couldn't afford one of those ancestry dna kits.

So I announced that I had won the lottery and soon found out who all my relatives were!
Strip clubs are losing money because of a never before seen problem.      (Jokes)

submitted by Peleg to Jokes 6 months ago


They are having to temporarily shut down while waiting for EMS to come and unwrap the new girl's testicles from around the stripper poles!
I'm working on an engine that runs on herbs!     (Jokes)

submitted by Peleg to Jokes 8 months ago


If I do this right i think I will be able to thyme travel!
I met an old Japanese man today. He told me that he was a kamikaze pilot in WW11.     (Jokes)

submitted by Peleg to Jokes 8 months ago


He told me that his code name was Chow Mein.
I asked, "didn't kamikaze pilots commit suicide in their missions? To which he replied, "yes, but I was chicken chow mein!"
You know how in sports balls after a big score they throw the ball into the crowd?     (funny)

submitted by Peleg to funny 8 months ago


For some reason that's not allowed in bowling.

I know that now.
What's the difference between a stoner and an illegal alien?     (Jokes)

submitted by Peleg to Jokes 1 year ago


A stoner has papers!
Another one to add to the huge list!     (nypost.com)

submitted by Peleg to DeathVax19 1.6 years ago


I haven't seen this one yet. I hope It wasn't already posted.
38 is simply too young to die.
Amendment to defund jab mandates fails after 4 traitors miss vote.      (www.lifesitenews.com)

submitted by Peleg to USPolitics 2.3 years ago


I truly despise the establishment!