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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 10531 (+10716/-185)
ccp: 2999 (+3100/-101)
votes given: 18907 (+18323/-584)
score: 13530


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Archery, Historical_Docs, AltsExposed,
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Good for you. I'm going to give some unwelcome advice.

Shit is going pretty good for you right now, as you are concentrating on one thing.

I'm not saying that you can't do more, what I am going to say is focus on your apprenticeship, and getting your license back.

When that is accomplished, and you've been working a while, then you can think about pussy or a house. The old saying of don't put the horse in front of the cart applies here brother.

Alcoholics/ Degenerates generally go ahead and bunch it all together and then can't figure out why they never can succeed, and then go drink/drug themselves into a frenzy which generally precludes them from achieving any of their dreams, yet ensures their life is a nightmare.

I wish you the best. Focus on the things that matter in the day.

You can always jerk off or buy a whore. Achieving a skill, and being able to perform that skill (having a fucking license) is of more worth to you than anything else right now.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=660e8e3688ede

I didn't read the whole article, but what I did read is the complaining about insurance rates across all spectrum's, and did not talk necessarily about AI in the health insurance, although I could see this being an issue in the future, but that may have been mentioned after I gave up, as the retard writer has no fucking idea of what he is talking about.

If he had any idea, he might talk about who covers insurance for the insurance markets. This is the re-insurers.

> Reinsurance occurs when multiple insurance companies share risk by purchasing insurance policies from other insurers to limit their own total loss in case of disaster. Described as "insurance of insurance companies" by the Reinsurance Association of America, the idea is that no insurance company has too much exposure to a particularly large event or disaster.


However, I will say this, just for people to understand how fucked up shit really is. Insurance companies do not make wild investments like banks, etc... They try to keep the threshold safe by buying safe bonds, usually including treasuries.

Unfortunately, not by current banking standards(but if the old standards were applied), if you are currently holding a treasury that is paying 2%, and the current treasuries are paying 4-5%, not too mention inflation is running(government sanctioned at 3% more or less, but the real rate is 7% or higher), they have a real problem. They are fucking underwater. They need to raise capital fast, lest a calamity strike.

They do not have the assets to cover catastrophic losses. Much like every bank in this country which is actually broke, as the current TBTF count treasuries that are losing money as assets.

The country is broke, but still spending like a drunken sailor to prop up (((Israel and Slava Ukraina)))

This is why insurance rates are going through the fucking roof. Plain and simple. Every fucking bank out there is drowning in useless treasury notes and commercial real estate, and nobody is buying that garbage, so the (((FED))) has allowed the banks and insurance companies to treat these as assets as opposed to the liabilities which they are.

Buy gold and silver, because if the shit goes to hell, they will all realize how worthless crypto coins are, especially when you have no electricity.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ea1ec96e33e

Murder is not necessarily a crime if they don't find a body.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65de7994759b6

Honestly, why do you think @putt called it quits.

First off, I believed that @system had good intentions, and I tried to be as helpful as possible.

The fact is that @system has known bugs( in all theory probably easily fixed(css/ javascript)) that are easily repaired, yet, he does not address these issues.

I suppose that is his prerogative, it is his site.

The fact that he is more concerned about the colors of your fucking screen name, as opposed to fixing said bugs, should key you into where his priorities are focused on.

Once you begin to take a deeper look, and realize that he is gathering more intel then the ny post, well, then it makes you wonder what kind of kikel is running this operation.

Just my thoughts, I'll probably be banned soon, or at the very least, find this site not to be worth my time or energy.

/v/SocialMedia viewpost?postid=654d6cf14aa19

Oye vey, it’s a little tip courtesy of the goyim anchor babies.

Don’t get your ne improved tits in a mazel tov.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=653da9cf80e49

Lol, fuck you and the banana you rode in on faggot.

/v/NewSubIntro viewpost?postid=64dda0d90853f

Nope, no blumen faggot here.

@system just got caught.

He should just fess up and move on, but how many alts does he have?

Is he 19 of the 39 users on the site? I don't know, and it is odd that he wanted to fuck with me, and it didn't take me long to empirically prove what I am professing.

/v/NewSubIntro viewpost?postid=64dda0d90853f

Oh, you can't change it on something you don't control?



Why are you being so mean and angry? I only swapped the graphics to make you look insane.

Edited to give original context:

/v/NewSubIntro viewpost?postid=64dda0d90853f

Generally I am not an angry person, but I have to admit I do have anger issues with (((blatant kikery))).

If you follow the thread by old, perhaps I was a little hostile starting off, but see where that progresses and make your own determination of whether my statement is accurate or not.


The fuckers switched the links, look at the time stamps of each post.

Current link: https://files.catbox.moe/mpekgl.jpg
Original Link: https://files.catbox.moe/3cd4l8.jpg

I don't know, but I would suggest this is @system himself, because I do not have the ability to change a post link unless you hit his arbitrary guideline which I believe is in seconds, but I may be mistaken there.

Either that, or he has granted @gabara the full rights to the system.

There is no recorded history of "edits" on this site, and that very well could be because you are fucking with @system or potentially the (((kikel alts))) that it seems he is encouraging.

"Free Speech". Especially those who work for ...

Hootie the owl asks, Who?

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=64dd935e9791e

Yeah, because you're retarded enough to believe that this was not the original:

Oh, either that you're one of @correctness alts ?

Fuck off dick face, go get some commie kike faggot to shlomo your semitic pain.

You fucking diseased mossad agents really should have a better hand off when the shift changes.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64dd6ac4896cf

You just need to make your p@$$w0rd longer, just repeat that like 3 or 4 times, on all your websites, you should be good to go.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64dd6ab3807e0

ok, color coded:
Green -> At least 15.
Yellow -> Greater than 10
Red -> Again, greater than 10
Orange -> Again, greater than fucking 10.

So, at this point I could really care fucking less, but what are you trying to get at?

Green -> Contains France, Russia, Greenland?
Yellow -> Contains Canada, China, Brazil
Orange -> Australia, Venezuela, and Iran?
Red -> US, Germany, and what ? Afghanistan, Kazakhstan ?

WTF are you trying to get at? Your new and improved map does nothing.

Am I going to catch a fucking disease interacting with you?

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64dd6ac4896cf

Really quite easy.

1) Cucumbers - peeled and seedless are preferred, diced small, but not brunoise more of a even sized matignon. (Yes, peel and seed the cucumber)
2) Greek yogurt, or you can use sour cream in a pinch.
3) Olive Oil - Generally want a good quality, and can even use an infused version if you enjoy other flavors. i.e.(Chili EVOO)
3) Lemon Juice - Fresh is always better, and the zest of rind adds a nice enhanced flavor as well. Don't add too much rind though.
4) Garlic - minced - go till your hearts content, but that gets stronger the longer it stays.
5) Dill, lots of it -> you can add additional herbs, like thyme and chives for extra punch if you prefer.
6) Finish with Salt and pepper to taste.

All said and done, should take you less than 10 minutes to make.

If the flavor is not there, identify what is missing, generally it is the herbs/dill or the lemon jews, although salt can be the finishing touch sometimes.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64dd5d168b108

I don't know, people are pretty fucking stupid, especially the Q crowd.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64dd6444329df

Self-explanatory to who?

Are you completely retarded, or have you identified none of the color codes equals 10?

Good fucking lord, this is a reason why I have been staying away from this site, I might catch something that retarded fucks like you give off.

I have just about lost my patience, please, enlighten me you dumb re-fucking-tard, what the fuck do you think you are talking about.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64dd6ac4896cf

This is an incomplete question.

You can remove 10 countries:

Their people, leaders, what the fuck are you asking op?

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64dd6ac4896cf

A cow needs to be impregnated yearly, or production falls off a cliff after about 10 months after birth.

The same will apply to humans.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64dcfe3204e8c

I don't see where that is happening:

>Many gay folks in America dress up as animals to do kinky stuff, and now they are pushing kids to do the same. It's all part of the perverted, communist, liberal, tranny movement where all straight people, doctors, lawyers, veterinarians, school teachers, and daycare providers must PRETEND that "furries" are real animals and must be treated accordingly, or you lose your license, job, and get sued for discrimination.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=64dcdaea78bb2

Neri: a hundred or more drones

the article:
> with the defence ministry reporting 12 were aimed at Moscow in recent weeks.

So neri fag, how does 12 over a few weeks equivocate to hundreds of drones attaching Moscow at once?

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=64d8202d3919c

Dryas got it:

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d82366ceb97

I think you should nominate your self.

We obviously need a "well dressed" guido in that picture, no?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d5c2f473d4d