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Smoking ban leads to further conversation     (archive.is)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2 months ago


Let's start by making some simple points that I'm going to assume most can agree on. Smoking is bad for your health, like drinking, eating ultra-processed food, sedentary lifestyles and breathing in silica, etc. Not really definitve but it's likely the previous statement is all true.

In a place like UK, Canada, Australia... Anywhere with publicly funded healthcare really, the aforementioned activities create a burden on the taxpayer. Therefore, as a taxpayer, should you be responsible for funding the health problems created by poor decision making?

If not, should those that participate be excluded from public healthcare? If so, then should those that are unvaccinated be excluded? Or what about those with low social-credit scores? What about people that have 14 abortions? 11 children?

The government says "smoking is bad and we're going to eliminate it." Not because smoking is bad but because the money they make off cigarettes is less than the cost on healthcare. The same reason they'll sell a kid a bottle of Pepsi in elementary school but not a cigarette. Both addictive, both killers, both a burden on taxpayers... But the government makes more selling high-fructose corn syrup to children than it costs them in the long run.

The government says, get the jab, stop smoking, eat like shit, sit around, be stressed out, fight EACHOTHER and then die.

A smoking ban is good for people but bad for liberty. Although the UK doesn't have a well-established history of standing for liberty it's an interesting discussion because once a globalist plague starts spreading it becomes hard to subdue.
Which one is it?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 2 months ago


Bullshit scare tactics detected
Recommended reading     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 3 months ago


I'm sure it's been asked fourteen hundred and eighty- eight times but could I get a few book recommendations?

I don't want anything diverse, nothing written by a woman and preferably nothing written since 1990.

Edit: Also where to purchase said book. Thanks.
Internet is claustrophobic     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 4 months ago


I know, touch grass blah blah... but I come from a place where the internet was freedom. I was a 90s kid. Not perpetually online but no stranger to online activity. I didn't spend a lot of time here but also didn't know what to expect when I was here. Everything and anything. Nothing was surprising.

It's crazy how watered-down, controlled and pathetically small the internet has become. What used to be an entire universe of ideas reduced to nothing but a couple small cities.

It's crazy how divisive such a hypothetically unifying thing has become. A mutated, hate-filled brainwashing hypnosis chamber.

One day, I'll sit around a campfire with my kids near the edge of humanity and look up at the stars. I'll tell them that the stars in the sky were all the different ideas on the internet, now, travel to the city and search for the stars there at night. That's how many ideas are allowed to exist in this world now.

It's all so claustrophobic.
Difference of perspective     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 5 months ago


I don't generally have conversations with women. I have a wife, Mom, Grandmother, Sister. My life quota on women is maxed out, the rest of them are some other guys problem but I was conversing with my friends wife while he was outback with his dog.

She was describing her neighbour and said he was just an average guy, nothing special. So I said... You mean normal?

I realized it's an odd perspective shift between men and women. Men enjoy being normal people, not average but a regular, civilized person who is in control of their life and vices. To women this is average.

That's an odd language difference and speaks volumes on why women behave the way they do today.
Drinking water makes me feel like shit     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by OriginalGoat to AskUpgoat 6 months ago


I drink water, not a lot. In the summer I drink it a lot but it makes me feel tired and groggy.

Thought water was supposed to be a miracle beverage.

Should I be taking electrolytes or something to help the water hydrate me better?

It seems to just pass through without absorbing. I piss so much when I'm on the water.

Is it my diet? My guts? I want to help my body but it seems to reject all attempts at healthiness.

I'm doing something wrong. Getting more tired despite being more active. Getting less limber, feeling unhealthy and mentally drained.

I drink water, sleep 7-8 hours, eat homemade meals, cut sugar. Still feeling hampered.

Any advice to reinvigorate my weary bones?

I'm 35.
Does anyone have a link for that parody news?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by OriginalGoat to AskUpgoat 7 months ago


Talking about niggers etc. It's hilarious but I lost it. Any help appreciated.
There are no good guys     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 8 months ago


Whether you're discussing Russia and Ukraine or Kikereal and Hummus...

If you don't want to get involved in a big disagreement and burn bridges you just have to make it clear that there are no good guys in these conflicts and the world would be better if they just killed one another.

Most will agree and just shrug.
Who is Seth Rich?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by OriginalGoat to AskUpgoat 8 months ago


I know he was killed because he was a whistle-blower but beyond that I can't find any answers.

I'm trying to talk about him with a friend but have no real answers.
Discussion with wife, tldr: stfu about covid     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 10 months ago


She mentioned that Covid has re-entered the news cycle.

Although it's too late already and the seed has planted it's important to understand that even we voaters play a role here.

Merely talking about Covid, like I'm doing right now, gives it life.

Negative memes, counter-covid culture and conspiracy theorists are crucial in the re-emergence of covid.

Don't talk about. Not at work, not to your family and friends.

Everything in life dies twice. When your soul leaves your physical body and ascends into heaven and the last time somebody speaks your name.
A Marijuana Dispensary started naming joints after world events.     (Jokes)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Jokes 10 months ago


The Fukashima, Chernobyl, etc. Because of how much they'd fuck you up. They were all selling great and got rave reviews except for the Auschwitz. Customers claimed they were burning too fast.
Canada's greed backfires, Canadian news blocked by social media giants     (www.reuters.com)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Canada 10 months ago


With the federal government of Canada standing strong on this topic it must be intentional.

If internet news readers can no longer access the news and funding is stripped from journalists then the only remaining Canadian journalists would be federally funded government journalists.

Since people share anti-government news on social media, the blackout benefits the government in ensuring that only pro-government news is accessible by Canadians.
The fiction we live.     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 12 months ago


Varying tiers of fiction.

Tier 1) You watch fiction movies and they are fiction.

Tier 2) Influencers posting fiction on social media

Tier 3) Mainstream News is fiction

Tier 4) Politics is fiction

Tier 5) Global conflict is fiction

Tier 6) "Health" care is fiction

Tier 7) Public education is fiction

Tier 8) Mass agriculture providing food is fiction

Tier 9) Interracial harmony is fiction

Tier 10) Niggers functioning in a society is fiction

Tier 10) The lopsided coincidence theory of jews in positions of power is fiction

Tier 11) Regional evolution theories that deny intellectual deficits in non-whites is fiction

Tier 12) The holocaust is fiction

Tier 13) Slavery as a black problem is fiction

Tier 14) Hitler as an antagonist is fiction

Tier 15) Historical world builders as anything but Scythians is fiction

Tier 16) Kikes as members of our society is fiction

Deep through the fiction we live, we traverse the tiers and learn the truth about what's around us. We must find some solace in the fact that they had to create an entire simulation of reality to convince people that we aren't the greatest thing that's ever happened to this planet.
In case you faggots were to busy to get anything for your fathers I made this for us     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1 year ago


You're welcome.
Surveys, quotes from media etc. (Rant)     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1 year ago


I have been noticing a dangerous trend recently whereas townships, city councils and municipalities are using skewed methods to achieve results on projects/bylaws/rules that are not indicative of actual opinions. This method of "faking" results is more widespread and used by almost all sides at this point and makes the oxymoron "information is fake" borderline truthful.

We usually delve into deeper and more concerning topics on Voat here and I understand that this is surface-level shit but I would argue it has more of an impact on our day-to-day lives than most of us care to realize.

I want to shoehorn in a quick anecdote here that acted as my first indicator of an easy manipulation tactic that's being used. My area was looking to pass a bylaw that banned fireworks outright, even on the otherwise acceptable holidays. They said "give us your opinion by responding to a survey." The survey required a job application level of information to even start and then the questions were phrased in the way of "have you ever been bothered by fireworks in your life?" Or "Should fireworks be controlled so they're not being used in residential neighborhoods at 3am on a Sunday."

Due to the barrier of entry into this survey most people who do not care, which based on common receptions to the survey is most people, care so little that spending 20 minutes entering info to participate in a survey just did not care enough.

Lo' and behold, this survey was used as evidence that my municipality supported the control of fireworks although in reality the majority of people did not.

The survey was setup to garner an exact response, not to get insight into how people felt about the topic but surgically dissect and amputate the responses they wanted.

As a side, this did pass and created a committee that gets paid, likely staffed by women and useless minority hires, to handle the fireworks.

The same can be said about when an article has that profoundly retarded and anti-journalistic phrase "many reddit users voiced outrage" or "twitter users in an uproar over..."

These sites have most of us banned or buried beneath bot controlled comments that if truly an open forum would be scrutinized but today's world is less microscopic to the truth.

On a larger scale, having those members of your community or inner circle that are completely removed from reality and perpetually online would believe that something as unsupported as gun-control or internet-censorship is required based on similar credentials as stated above.

Even trying to call out the complete inaccuracy of the information provided creates a barrier conversation of "well how do you know it's fake?" "Maybe they were banned for a reason" a conversation we've all had but is an exhausting waste of words that inevitably ends without even reaching the core point.

The entire system that attempts to gather opinions and insight from the public has been entirely manipulated to create more government oversight, fester a self-censoring society and embellish false narratives.

Also, just to pat myself on the back here and piggyback my post. My 4th child was just brought into this world a couple days ago and my wife and baby are healthy and home.
As ice cover dwindles on the Great Lakes, researchers scramble to write a narrative that fits their agenda     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 1.2 years ago


How deep does the hole go?     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.2 years ago


I'm probably more of a brainwashed faggot than most here, or in the very least less inclined to unabashedly hide my retarded levels trash consumption.

Sometimes I'll be listening to something presumably neutral and there'll be a pointed comment made by the youtuber, podcaster, etc.

Let's say it's just some generic video game reviewer but they sneak in a seemingly innocent jab at all republicans being braindead. Or some tutorial about increasing the power of my air fryer and they bash Christianity.

Without getting too sidetracked I understand a lot of people on this site have an issue with Christianity but they're also likely critical of the other religions as well and if push came to shove they'd likely back us Christians before the kikes or pedo-worshipping camel fuckers.

Despite my mass-consumption of dogshit 'entertainment' I've retained my ability to think critically or at least my ability to believe I have.

Anyway, are people generally just brainwashed and so they turn out to be retarded? Or is there nefarious funding involved even on a small scale?

I think the greenroots influence is more dangerous to the youth then any mainstream bullshit. Either it's been mastermind levels of bullshit-layering to achieve the micro-levels of success or outright manipulation of the small creators.

I wonder, how deep does the fuckery go?
Democracy     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.2 years ago


Many years ago when I was a little bit more retarded I ran a fantasy sports league. There was myself, a vice-commissioner and then 14 other managers.

I started the league and created a ruleset, league ran well under my rules for 3 seasons until year 4 when everyone wanted to start voting on things. Voting on trade vetoes, rule changes etc.

Eventually fair trades were being vetoed strategically to stunt competition, rules being voted in that created statistical imbalances, the buy-in steadily rose increasing the desire to utilize shady tactics and collusion.

The league switching from a dictatorship to democracy catalyzed a rapid degradation in integrity and promptly lead to the league falling apart.

Dictatorships and fascism are far superior to democracy if the goal is a balanced and functioning society. One person acting on what they believe is best for everyone is better then everyone voting on what they believe is best for themselves.
Science evolved into a bastardization of science and is a cult.     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.3 years ago


1. It uses psychological coercion to recruit, indoctrinate and retain its members

2. It forms an elitist totalitarian society.

3. Its spokespeople are self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable and have charisma.

4. It believes 'the end justifies the means' in order to solicit funds recruit people.

5. Its wealth does not benefit its members or society.

Although it may sound like I'm describing science with the above list it's actually a checklist used to identify cults.

Trust Christianity. Betray science as a cult.
On the changing tides     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.3 years ago


We didn't take the shot and they vilified us. Condemned us to an early death, wanted to take our children and kept taking away our liberties to encourage us to bend our knee to their authority but we didn't. You see, something they used to control people was fear, fear of an early death, fear of missing out on life but their games can't undo human conditioning. Men who've descended from the ancient Scythians don't fear death they fear an easy, indentured life of servitude and would die fighting against it.

We're militant in our pursuit to strike down those that wish to enslave our minds and we do so with the strength of Jesus Christ's hand on our shoulders.

While they were busy trying to mock and ridicule us into joining their Stockholm cult, we were busy fighting to be left alone. Their greatest fear seems not to be death but to be ignored and have their faces spit in when they come knocking. They seeth at the mouths and fly into an irresponsible, child-like rage that boils their problems down to shame. They're ashamed they've given up everything for tangible gains showered onto them by their kike masters and the Lord has always professed we must be wary of the fact that misery loves company.

With the shifting attitude that happens when men hit rock bottom and their blood begins to boil we are witnessing a shifting tide. People like Scott Adams call out the problem and own up to their shortcomings as men and the Lord would have them.

Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
No gloves in winter.      (Retarded)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 1.4 years ago


Took my kids skating today and realized my youngest daughter forgot her gloves... Begrudgingly popped into a local department store to get her a pair...

"Sorry sir our winter wear is out of season." Standing next to a window, during a blizzard with over a foot of snow on the ground....

The merchandising 6 months ahead world is fucking retarded.
Oh shoot, are you going to sick your nigger and tranny army on us? Shucks.      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 1.4 years ago


Rebuilding Communities     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.4 years ago


I know that sometimes when people type up long posts they can be poorly enunciated dribble that lacks any real punctuation or structure. I always try my best to make the format and content as easily digestible as possible but today, maybe today I just can't seem to get my head to properly wrap itself around the message, or question, I'm trying to get out.

It seems that without a doubt we are a varying type of people here on Voat; almost unanimously conservative by traditional definition and equally appalled by the term conservative being tossed about so loosely as to diminish its meaning. We have varying beliefs in what government works best; you have the closet-cuck libertarians, the national socialists, the diehard conservative Qfags... We have some non-political anarchists with the "kill 'em all" mentality, albeit this mentality has also been adopted by glowniggers trying to force some retard insurrection.

I read a lot of the articles that get posted here and would say that I fall into the lower-echelon of understanding what's truly going on and although my mind is open it seems that I have a hard time getting enough information into it to form proper arguments while out in the world. I can enunciate well when I'm typing but when someone says to me "oh and how are the JeWs ReSpOnsiBLe foR aLL tHe WaRs aNd The ReCcEsSiOn" I generally clam up and say something along the lines of "Look, you've got kikes flooding our borders with niggers, filling our schools with retarded inbred camel fuckers, kike-led universities brainwashing our teachers into being communists and turning our kids into faggots and you want me to go over the history of how the kikes got us here? Go read a book you nigger lover." ...And then I don't get invited back to Christmas dinner.

The problem with this is that the kikes started increasing their control back in the 70s although I'm sure it dates back further then that I think it really took a turn for the worse with the neocon movement. I think they realized that in order for the bolshevik poison to spread they had to go undercover and it worked so well that now you've got kikes hiding in every crevice of society like a bedbugs. And to stick with the previous comparison, they really are like bedbugs living in our house, feasting on our flesh and (maybe literally) drinking our blood. The problem with bedbugs is that they're extremely difficult to get rid of and sometimes, depending on the level of infestation, you have to burn your mattress, sheets and bedframe and the start the whole thing over although I'm not quite sure we're there yet.

As previously mentioned I'm naïve, relatively incapable of forming coherent thoughts on the fly and (luckily) uneducated. I come from an upstanding neocon family that had all the means to send me to post-secondary school but I told them to go fuck themselves - dodged that bullet and a whole lot of brainwashing. You see, the problem that I face now is that I'm smart enough to understand the problem but incapable of devising a proper approach to fixing it and yet everyday I learn more and more about measures the enemy is taking to concrete their place for future generations.

Global warming, energy crisis, tanked economy, fake wars, faggot marches, nigger parades... This is all surface level but what's happening below the surface? We're still participating in the game they've developed. I don't think it matters whether you're fighting for or against the faggots as long as we're still fighting... or abortion, or niggers. None of it really matters at the end of it all as long as we're still so distracted that we're fighting with one another. Or, you take the Chad route and go live in the forest? Oh, what's that? They're devising plans to take that too? Interesting. Well, at least we still have our guns right? Oh, they're reverse trickling the guns away one-by-one. "They'll never take my fucking guns. They'll have to kill me first." Well, I think we all know they would gladly kill you if it came down to it.

The media is fake. The government is fake. All our conflicts are fake. The very essence of what people think makes them who they are is fake. Tradespeople so proud of their trades yet still just slaves. Faggots, so proud of their sexuality as though where you stick your dick is a part of your personality. Niggers are proud to just simply be niggers these days. It's wild. And then you've kikes rubbing their hands together as they continue to beat their heads against the wall trying their hardest to win a war they've been losing for centuries.

God's chosen people wouldn't have been created to look like rats and everyone knows this. There's no way that deep down the kike actually thinks they're Gods chosen people, talk about the biggest cope of the century "b-b-b-b-but a few millennia ago a kike said we were great because my mommy loves me and I'm gods chosen one." Fuck off.

This entire debacle... Subverting societies, planting yourself behind enemy lines, allying with the enemy to take over what they built... The kikes are jealous. They've lost everything over and over because they're a conniving bunch of bloodsucking cimex that belong nowhere. They accumulate all this wealth but then they look at the blond-haired, blue-eyed girl and realize that even with billions of dollars their children will still be hooknosed cave-trolls. They take over governments, media and wage wars with other peoples kids on their behalf for what? Because at the end of the day, they're still just ugly little rat-faced kikes... At the end of the day we all know that Christians are Gods chosen people and it only takes a simple side-by-side analysis to understand why.

I guess after all this ranting and raving I've come to my own conclusion that the part that hurts the most out of all deception and trickery we've endured for our entire lives is the community. The kikes have effectively managed to breakdown our communities into nothing more then nigger-worshipping welfare states and that's rough. I think I'm going to try and focus my efforts on somehow rebuilding a Christian community in the area that I live, or take my family elsewhere to a place that one exists and just be happy that my life doesn't revolve around being a jealous little rat.
How it's been feeling lately.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to funny 1.4 years ago


Reporting in on eggs in Canada.      (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.4 years ago


Just bought 2 flats for 3$CAD/Ea. 60 eggs for 6$CAD (4.49$USD). As usual we're behind the times.

Will eat 50 eggs tonight while I still can.