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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 5499 (+5546/-47)
ccp: 3284 (+3334/-50)
votes given: 15726 (+13116/-2610)
score: 8783


Owner of:
Sewing, Knitting, Embroidery, Bookbinding, Crochet, TraditionalWives, ArtsAndCrafts, Volk,
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He's also a pedo-enabler who has a home in Israel: https://entertainment.ie/trending/quentin-tarantino-defends-polanski-in-resurfaced-audio-says-13-yo-wanted-to-have-it-328066/


/v/funny viewpost?postid=666da2142bdae

Tell me if I'm wrong but I'm going to guess you live in a left-run city of over 100K inhabitants. Maybe a coastal city.

I used to live in such a city and yeah, what you are describing is 100% accurate there.

But let me assure you, it's not like this outside of these kinds of bubbles. Where I am now, non-masculine men are just about nonexistent and there's nary a blue or pink hair female in sight. Everyone's acting accordingly gender and roles-wise.

Move outside of the leftist cities and you too will experience this.

/v/TraditionalMen viewpost?postid=666c8f70b71e4

I lost it when the Dick Van Dyke part started.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6669a70c5755f

He died from an accident. Does "dies suddenly" apply? I thought that phrasing was for the vaxxed now. :)

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=666985b1246a3

I have no idea if I could find it but I watched a video of Scott perplexed that people knew and wanted to know how. Anyone know which one I'm talking about?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6668b1741346d

You can "save" posts. The option is above the post text box.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6668368805d39

What a precious creature. She shouldn't have published her photos though because now this family will get harassed by tourists wanting to get close for their own pics.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6666fbd6515bf

Come on. Please tell me this is parody.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6663bc0630c73

OP is spamming this site again.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6662f8bcc5d6f

Biped Management will be the next term I'm sure now that AI is replacing more humans.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=665f1e796e270

Yeah, a Marrano: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marrano

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=665efe5551165

OP's only here to post his spam.

/v/news viewpost?postid=665f211e6dee6

"Islam is currently the second largest religion in Germany after Christianity, with between 3 million and 4.7 million adherents according to most estimates."

How wonderful.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6659f2e41beb0

That's cool. I'm always wishing for extra storage space. A little drywall, some flooring and lighting and you're set!

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=665784d074cd3

That would be the moment I inspect every single tiny crevice and crack and fill it with spray foam to keep the fuckers out. I'm getting skeeved out just thinking about it, aaaaargh!

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=665193e1311cf

Very cool. Looking forward to diving into this when I get a stretch of time.

/v/PaganFarmRemembers viewpost?postid=664fc97bbb5f3

Yes, it's a full auto AR pistol with attachable shoulder stock!

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=664e538904488

Their screaming is so cringe.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=664de4ef89f56

I was hoping we'd get a tour.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=664d64901aa6c