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Member for: 1.3 years

scp: 32 (+33/-1)
ccp: 1149 (+1223/-74)
votes given: 7994 (+7918/-76)
score: 1181

The Painters Protégé      (whatever)

submitted by Moravian to whatever 3 weeks ago


I'm so proud of my Godson. He speaks 4 languages and he's only 15. He lives in Europe and calls me every now and then. Today we talked for 2 hours. Looks like my education is rubbing off on him because he told me he believes Whites are 100% human, Asians are 75% human, gypsies (sand niggers) are 25% human, niggers 0% human and best of all jews are -25% human. I love this kid. I'm hoping he gets into politics. Next week they're going on a fieldtrip to Auschwitz. I told him to ask them why they made the doors swing towards the inside.
The Goatmobile     (www.vintag.es)

submitted by Moravian to whatever 3 months ago


Comes with a spare goat if you order now!
Czech Tanks of World War Two in German Service     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Moravian to History 3 months ago


Sorry about the youtube link. Many people underrate Czech prowess in machinery. This is due to Czechs timid attitude for taking credit for their inventions.
Looking for information on old man who saved young women from being sacrificed in the woods.     (whatever)

submitted by Moravian to whatever 1.1 years ago


Hello men,

About 8-10 years ago I came upon a true event where a farmer or maybe lumberjack who took a short cut through some forest roads he new about on his way back from another state saw some fancy cars going down a rough road to nowhere. He thought it was strange and got out of his truck to see what they were doing. He saw people in robes and/or naked people dancing around a fire with a young girl tied naked to a pole. They were taunting the women and she was crying. He went back to his truck, grabbed his shotgun and came back. He blew away a few of the fucks and they scattered. He ran into the woods after the guy that looked like the leader. The old man said they had a "running conversation" while he was running after the fuck. The leader tried to persuade him that he new lots of people and to let him go. The old man eventually killed the fucker. He went back and freed the women and took her home. Apparently she had been kidnapped from a supermarket parking lot. The old man was then shot at after the incident and hit mutliple times but didn't die. The police ruled it as "self inflicted" even though he was shot multiple times by different calibers.

That's about all I remember and I can't find anything on a websearch. Fuckers scrubbed it all. The guy could have made it all up but the story and the guy were real and now nothing. Makes me wonder. Anyone heard of this before?

Kids being turned into transvestites      (whatever)

submitted by Moravian to whatever 1.2 years ago


Anybody have that video of the kids in the Netherlands being introduced to cutting off body parts and then saying it's fucking normal? Thanks.
WWII German Soldiers Remains     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Moravian to anything 1.2 years ago


Poor souls