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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 2309 (+3169/-860)
ccp: 3787 (+4978/-1191)
votes given: 38111 (+29899/-8212)
score: 6096


Owner of:
Christian, Drifting, Drag_Racing, Leaving_Babylon, CarTubers, WarAesthetics, ElectricUniverse, Esoteric,
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LeavingBabylon, DragRacing, BANANA,

So not only is this an attack on the community, it is spiteful on your part.

This place is not and never will be reddit.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=665821ad25498

This feels like community punishment.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=665821ad25498

Block them so they can keep spamming trash for everyone else to see?

I think it's too tight of a ratio.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=665821ad25498

And you're less than 30 downvotes from being under 4:1.

I think @system underestimates how many retarded comments and submissions there are on this site.

Clearly, most of us are extremely opinionated, and/or retarded.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=665821ad25498

I don't think so, and I upvote a lot, I am below that threshold. Nice to meet you, baffled.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=665821ad25498

The spirit of the kike is strong with-in you. KYS

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6654e92e2a3de

You kikes are disgusting. KYS

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6654e92e2a3de

It's how you do. Not like you could recognize the truth.

/v/EarthIsAFlatPlane viewpost?postid=66515c966ad39

My condolences. With any luck, she'll become distracted by a shiny object or a romantic gesture and proper functionality will return in a timely manner, God willing.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6653577b06e54

The Bosch are probably the best, the quietest, and have a decent sanitize function with heaters built in to the unit (last model I remember), so you are actually getting sanitizing temperatures and not simply relying on the water heater.

KitchenAid are alright and so are the Electrolux, but they are so insanely expensive and the service on those I am not as confident in.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6653577b06e54

Dishwashers suck. I sold appliances for 6 years and they all hardly work and they take forever.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6653577b06e54

Science isn't a person, stop anthropomorphizing it. And 'round' does not necessarily mean 'spherical'. You're really bad at this.

/v/EarthIsAFlatPlane viewpost?postid=66515c966ad39

I'm glad you're home, welcome back!

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6652300e3a9f3

Just because you say so doesn't make it so.

/v/EarthIsAFlatPlane viewpost?postid=66515c966ad39

Sounds like a good idea to me. Not many people I know are open to that and barter on the other hand. They tend to get paid in USD.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66513b45cf4e9

Who is James and why should I care?

/v/EarthIsAFlatPlane viewpost?postid=66515c966ad39

Every time I break one of you losers you go into projection mode. lol

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=664fb34e609a3

I believe the Bible and the Word of God, Jesus Christ.

It is telling that all you can do is fantasize and hypothesize about what other men think.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=664fb34e609a3

Give to Caesar that which is Caesars.

However, to whom are you 'paying taxes' is the question?

I pay state because it's where I live. I don't participate in the 'federal' fraud scheme, so I do not pay that, but they steal it anyway (even if you put exempt they still steal something, so in that sense, I suppose It is paid). That being said, you don't have to rat on yourself (filing).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66513b45cf4e9

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. - 2 Peter 1:21

That is the whole point of the sacrifice of Jesus' perfect life on the cross. Anyone can be saved in the Lord Jesus Christ because he paid the debt for our sins. You only have to believe and make confession with your mouth.

If you do not believe and accept the free gift of salvation then you have to pay the price for your own sin, which wage is death and hell.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=6650e41a60f33

>Actions speak louder than words

Yes they do; Jesus Christ's perfect, sinless life and subsequent death on the cross for our sins says 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' - John 3:16

>How real is the shroud of Turin? rofl

It's not, stop believing the kikes and their shabbos.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=664fb34e609a3