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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 31 (+35/-4)
ccp: 3491 (+3806/-315)
votes given: 9492 (+9335/-157)
score: 3522


Mexicans ain't never heard of no RCDs, I guess.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=666d4ed7e8c34

The fucker just copy pastes headlines without thinking. I'm figuring he's collecting upvotes so he can start spamming shit later.

/v/Sports viewpost?postid=666d67f9755e5

Sounds like any african country.

/v/news viewpost?postid=666c6a9fa78dd

**All** sexualities are valid, right?

Including pedophilia?

/v/Newsofthestupid viewpost?postid=666b28c66be40

Par for the course for the megacorporation that hates their users.

Mozilla only exists for Google to prevent a monopoly lawsuit.

/v/news viewpost?postid=666b13fe52b8d

Can anyone please explain what the fucking armenians want? Do they want to be westeners? Or turkroach pleasers?

/v/WWIII viewpost?postid=666a058a953ee

Who are the people who don't think that's a problem? Niggers, spics and 90%ers. They're perfectly fine giving away their children to the state to indoctrinate, working two jobs just to be able to afford the rent and groceries, and voting.

/v/based_satire viewpost?postid=666999c02fdf5

This is part for the course for the (((globalists))) at Mozilla. They've been breaking Firefox for years now, infesting it with malware and making it less and less usable (xpi change).

The whole of mozilla is full of woke techies that are far better at hanging around on twitter and chanting slogans at Orange Man than they are at programming.

The days of netscape are gone.

The old internet is dead.

There is only New Internet now, controlled by the globalists. It's saddening, really, to have been witness to the destruction of what could have been a power (knowledge) equalizer.

Now the net is full of tracking, ads and ads disguised as content.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6667f2496eede

The car crash is pretty common. Look at Jörg Haider.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=66672c8e04b9c

That's some nice boomer caps you got there, boy.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6664a6392b92d

It's all interwoven.

Women get voting rights. Jews retain counting rights.

The jews enlarge the welfare state. The welfare state replaces husbands.

The (((media))) explains to women that in order to get likes, they must want to import worthless parasites.

Parasites come to those countries with a welfare state. Ain't never heard of no niggers wanting to immigrate to Monaco or the Vatican, strangely enough.

Etc etc etc.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66647fdeca263

Look up all of the communist organisations that love borderless, uncontrolled migration [to Europe]. All run by jews.

Try to find an organisation that wants borderless migration to israel.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66647fdeca263

First, he will be outed as an "antisemite". They'll find "child porn" on his laptop, he'll be put in prison with a bunch of niggers and then he'll hang himself.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=666385c7d8ca6

Normally, I'd agree with you. The thing is that this human, Emily, is broken and has no place in the white race. Let her and her genes disappear.

It's too bad that she'll be giving the medical industrial complex a bunch of money, but I see it more as schadenfreude.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=66645da157d76

Unless you're a baker who doesn't want to bake a faggot cake.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6661cba47bba7

That lying journalist will never be punished for her lies. Why would she? 90% of society is based on lies.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=666277850073a

Them's some heavy duty chains.

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=6661a4c8df714

Non-whites killing each other should be encouraged and celebrated.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6660791c4a952

The communist ANC, which under apartheid was controlled by the jewish South African Communist Party, have finally lost their majority that they have had since the unfortunate fall of apartheid.

After 1994, with their mission accomplished, lots of jews left south africa for either israel or other white countries.

Now that the ANC has lost its communist majority, does it matter? The country is super corrupt, there is a lack of power and water due to non-white incompetence and the police force is also broken and corrupt.

Is there a way to save SA? I don't see how.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=665daaaeddf55

And the pope is indeed the best (((catholic))) at protecting young children from priests.

/v/DeathToGlobohomo viewpost?postid=665ccaae599b9

It sounds like Derren's jewish manager and Kate's jewish manager got together and decided on a nice story that would increase the PR of their clients.

/v/strange viewpost?postid=665cb42475eb5

Wtf? There were trannies all the way back then?

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=665c9ee3d0b9b