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Keep your dick in your pants     (whatever)

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 21 hours ago


For the love of God

Love him or hate him, Rabbai Trump would have saved himself a TON of trouble by resisting his own sexual urges and following the rule of never being alone in the same room as a woman he isn't married to or related to.

If you are going to fuck around, don't do it with a slut who fucks on camera and has a brand around her pussy. The guy is truly a dumb ass.

If you're going to fuck whores, do what the smart rich guys do and go on sex tourist vacations to Thailand or Moscow. Nobody will ever believe some no name Russian hooker slowly dying from heroin addiction.
I can post now without fuck faces swarming down votes on me but I can downvote them due to my sweet ratio!!     (NutziHiveKickers)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 1 day ago


We are entering a new era Boys

What should I grill or smoke?
The estrogenic western man     (whatever)

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 1 day ago


There are a few factors, environmental chemical poisoning is one commonly talked about.

Another factor is lack of exposure to the act of killing. Men used to kill for their meat. It was common for the household to have a few goats or chickens. Hell even fishing for sustenance. Those who were caught practicing witchcraft or pedophilia were killed by the village. Violence was accepted and embraced as a form of justice. Now, we are told "violence is never acceptable" even though the male brain craves it.

Men do not battle the elements anymore. Every modern "man" spends his days indoors with climate control. It used to be that only the women were inside the home doing domestic duty. Now, many men "work from home" and do not weather the elements or perform much actual labor. The human mind will subconsciously believe it is a woman in these situations.

Perhaps the final blow, however, is the emasculation of accepting the authority of a woman. A woman boss, a woman governor etc. Our brains are hard wired as men to follow a strong male leader. A woman giving orders is enough to again subconsciously convince a man that he is a woman.
The end of the supermarket will cause chaos     (whatever)

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 1 day ago


Genuine chaos will happen when the power goes out and the supermarket shelves empty.

There has been a decrease in male competency since the 1970s era of de-industrialization and feminization. It has reached critical levels, as self reliance and crucial survival skills are at an all time low.

Any political or cultural "happening" is absolutely meaningless from the lense of a climate controlled work-from-home supermarket fed lense.

Then there are men like me who have done such things as pulled an all nighter replacing a power pack on a CAT 739D heavy mining truck. Such physical capability and hands on skill are not only rare, but legendary in today's technologically cucked west. Those cylinder heads torque to 325ft/lbs in case you were wondering.

I cannot predict when or if the collapse will happen. I only know that your average vitam D deficienct office male on 5 different big pharma medications will likely not survive. The prospect of collapse is actually exciting to me. The bodies of the feminized college cuck men will be piled high and any man with reasonable practical competency will be granted a kingdom in the end times simply by virtue of survival
Should the metric system be banned on this website?     (TalkDev)

submitted by HeyJames to TalkDev 1 day ago


I don't want to fucking hear these eurocuck and kike metis numbers
Tiktok trend states all men are violent rapists     (whatever)

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 1 week ago


There's a tiktok trend in which women are asked whether they'd rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a man. The vast majority say a bear.

This reveals that society has been well trained to be good goys and believe the feminist bullshit that every man is a piece out shit waiting to act out. In my experience most men I associate with are just trying to do their best to support their families and live a good life.

A grizzly bear will become aggressive towards anything that it sees as consumable if it is starving or saving up for winter. A polar bear will just fucking clean house. There is very little anyone can do against these animals if they see you as food unless you have very powerful rifles.

This doesn't apply to non-whites however. I would absolutely understand preferring to be alone in the woods with a bear over a nigger. At least the bear will give you a quick death with no rape or torture involved. Niggers are more evil than any creature on this earth.
When all else fails, vote rooftops      (whatever)

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 1 week ago


Vote until victory
Dangus gets an idea      (youtube.com)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 1 week ago


Dangus learned how to use three friendzone to his advantage      (youtube.com)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 1 week ago


Except he does this in New York
The absent sea     (youtu.be)

submitted by HeyJames to music 1 week ago


The life of dangus is very hard     (youtu.be)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 1 week ago


I have fulfilled @mikenigger reasonable accommodation request      (www.upgoat.net)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 1 week ago


Due to his disability, he will be granted a sticky of this post per /v/NutziHiveKickers ADA retard hugging guidelines

Slabber Ukraine @mikenigger ! (Or however the fuck you say it)
I don't need to post anonymously to fuck with someone     (NutziHiveKickers)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 1 week ago


@Rotteuxx is a metis beautiful bronze kike-rat

Ukraine is a loser kike country @mikenigger

All kangaroo niggers must be hung @uncledoug

Talking shit is not that scary to do publicly especially on a forum with anonymous user names
Genuine chaos     (whatever)

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 1 week ago


Genuine chaos will happen when the power goes out and the supermarket shelves empty.

There has been a decrease in male competency since the 1970s era of de-industrialization and feminization. It has reached critical levels, as self reliance and crucial survival skills are at an all time low.

Any political or cultural "happening" is absolutely meaningless from the lense of a climate controlled work-from-home supermarket fed lense.

Then there are men like me who have done such things as pulled an all nighter replacing a power pack on a CAT 739D heavy mining truck. Such physical capability and hands on skill are not only rare, but legendary in today's technologically cucked west. Those cylinder heads torque to 325ft/lbs in case you were wondering.

I cannot predict when or if the collapse will happen. I only know that your average vitam D deficienct office male on 5 different big pharma medications will likely not survive. The prospect of collapse is actually exciting to me. The bodies of the feminized college cuck men will be piled high and any man with reasonable practical competency will be granted a kingdom in the end times simply by virtue of survival.
When people talk about their problems, I talk about myself      (NutziHiveKickers)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 2 weeks ago


Other people's negative thoughts can be intrusive and personally I stay focused on making my life the best it can be. The problems of others aren't significantly meaningful to me unless they're looking for advice or help in actually improving and making them better. These are some responses I typically give when addressed with whining and negativity. Women in particular actually like these responses because I'm an intelligent and interesting person with a lot of value to add.

>I don't feel good today!!!"

I start talking about how good I feel and how I'm having a good day

>Oh I'm so stressed about this!"

Everything is actually going really well for me and I'm doing great

>my car is such a piece of shit!

I've been keeping up on maintenance so my vehicles always stay really reliable

>everything is so expensive and I need money!

I make a lot of money and money always comes easily to me. My bills aren't that high and I'm able to always put money away

>it's so hard to eat healthy and exercise and I have this or that health condition

I always make it a priority to take care of myself and my health is actually really good and I take zero medications and have no chronic health conditions!
This is why Dangus isn't legally allowed to own pets anymore     (youtube.com)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 2 weeks ago


He calls other people "cat pervert"
Peckerwoodperry, what life advice do you have for the younger generations?     (AskPeckerwoodPerry)

submitted by HeyJames to AskPeckerwoodPerry 2 weeks ago


You seem like a man who has lived a lot of life and experienced a ton of good and bad and have a perspective that may be unique and helpful to certain people
We wuz kangz!     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by HeyJames to HDLunited 2 weeks ago


Been sitting here in the dark listening to early 2000s music and every time I look up an artist to remember what they look like I'm shocked at how normal looking people were back then     (NutziHiveKickers)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 2 weeks ago


Everything is so fucking fake and niggery and feminine and fucking gay now
Father of the year and she's still a dumb bitch     (youtube.com)

submitted by HeyJames to ThotPatrol 2 weeks ago


Jews are turks     (phys.org)

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 2 weeks ago


9mm fags always whine and cry about .45ACP but .45ACP shooters just laugh and fuck the prom queen when they get home from the range     (NutziHiveKickers)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 2 weeks ago


I shoot .45 because they don't make a .46

I have a few 9mm pistols for the wife though. She likes to shoot them and so do faggots who bitch about 9mm being " just as good and cheaper bro!"

Don't cry and make excuses in life. I always get the best because I am the best

One of my trucks sounds really badass     (NutziHiveKickers)

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 2 weeks ago


One of my diesel trucks sounds really based. 5 inch turbo-back exhaust with a muffler that definitely lets some noise through but isn't terribly obnoxious unless you really stomp on it.

I have a 6.5in tip that exits out the side. You can hear the turbo-brake really really loudly because the DPF is gone. It's still tuned to burn clean though, rolling coal is for fags. My other two trucks are much newer and nicer but this ones my favorite and the most fun. Kids love it and always want to check it out.
@Blumen4alles flees Tennesee!     (archive.md)

submitted by HeyJames to Reportblumenthepedophile 3 weeks ago


Chimp shoots coal burner in the face right before pigs goodify him     (youtu.be)

submitted by HeyJames to CoalBurners 3 weeks ago