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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 6 (+6/-0)
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score: 2894

Kikes Turning it up to Eleven     (whatever)

submitted by Boyakasha to whatever 8 months ago


I’ve known forever that kikes own and control our media. What I wasn’t really aware of is how low they keep the volume, generally.

With this current shit, we’re getting a 80/90% volume blast of propaganda that’s fairly surprising. You’re also seeing all of the mid-line, controlled op stuff come out full blast Zionist as well.

The masks have come completely off of anything playing at moderate American conservative. It’s all mega-Zionist.

They’ve focused the Eye of Zion on this issue and you’re seeing a clear picture of how strongly they control comments on articles, narratives on social media, “independent journalists”, etc.

They’re all demanding the outright genocide of Palestinians and muting all opposition.