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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 20 (+22/-2)
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score: 5032

WA Government Bribing Parents with $250 to Sign Up For Digital ID     (archive.is)

submitted by AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior to Australia 2 months ago


And people are rushing out to do it. Sheep never learn.

But I suppose the sheep might have the last laugh if we're all forced to eventually get it anyway. At least they'd get the $250.

Fuck the government.
Tattooed Tik Tok Fatty's Newborn Piglet Dies Suddenly     (archive.is)

submitted by AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior to whatever 4 months ago


I'd blame the vaxx, but this is probably shitty parenting in action.
Sand Nigger With Jewish Wife Reelected President of El Salvadore     (www.rt.com)

submitted by AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior to WorldNews 4 months ago


"US Secretary of State (((Antony Blinken))) congratulated Bukele and Vice President Felix Ulloa with their reelection. “The United States values our strong relationship with the people of El Salvador, forged over 160 years and built on shared values, regional ties, and family connections. Events in El Salvador have a direct impact on US interests at home and abroad,” he said in a statement released by the State Department."

I'm sure it's all just a cohencidence.
Fandom Pulse Writer Whines That Localizer Removed a Tranny From Persona 3 Reload     (archive.is)

submitted by AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior to gaming 4 months ago


I was thinking that Fandom Pulse was going to be a site for non-woke pop culture people, but I'm starting to question that now.

In this article the writer specifically points out how a localizer removed all reference to a character being a tranny, and considered it a bad thing. I'd call that fucking based. I'd actually consider playing that game now. Not buying it, playing it.

Also all of you "but muh jap games aren't cucked/woke" people can go kill yourselves now, as it was the original Japanese version that had the tranny in it.

Tried to make a comment on this article on their website, but my IP was blocked as "spam/malicious". Go figure.
Polio Vaccine is Safe (1954)      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior to whatever 3 years ago


"There has not been a
single case of serious re
action or death among the
438,000 American school
children whp had received
inoculations of the Salk
anti-polio vaccine, the Il
linois State Medical
Society was told."

Compare a properly developed and tested vaccine, to any of the current COVID jabs...

Article from 26 May 1954. Weekly Times Melbourne


The vaccine had been in development and tested for several years prior to that.