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Writing a national socialist opinion article everyday until Anglin comes back. Day 3.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 1 month ago


Money is fake and gay.

Money is fake. It is manipulated by money changers. The value of it goes up or down depending on what helps them.
Money is backed by nothing and no one. It is the greatest scam known to mankind.
The only thing that gives the USD power and value is that if you refuse to accept it an aircraft carrier will park offshore and bomb your countries govt.

Money is backed by nothing but the promise that tomorrow there will be more of it.

Money has led us all to population collapse. Even South Korea. Money poisons the society and the people.

[b]How to fix this problem and make your citizens wealthy healthy and family orientated.[/b]

Currency value should never be tied to arbitrary spreadsheets and data graphs. Neither should the value currency be tied to the value of gold. We already have something tied to the value of gold and that's gold.

Besides no govt on earth is truthful and honest enough to say how much gold they truly have.

Currency should therefore be valued by citizen work production quarterly.
The more the farmers produce, the more the factory workers produce, the more the industrialist produce, and on and on.

We just solved Half of all societal problems with this one single move.
Banks no longer exist because they don't produce anything.
Social sciences no longer exist because they don't produce anything. Universities would dry up of woowoo nonsense fast.

So now you have money with real true value. The value of another man's hard work in your hands. And now you have a job giving this money. How do you ensure the value of that money will continue to climb up and be worth more in your old age?
You have children. Children produces more workers. More work. More production. More inventions, factories, railroads and science and technology.
There are no limits.

In this way a national socialist nation grows rich and wealthy together as a family.
Working together towards the common goal of societal prosperity and expansion.
Empire building becomes the daily life.

This is the ultimate weapon of the national socialist and the key to building a society more wealth and innovative than all others.

A nation so powerful that take 68 other nations fighting it on all sides to stop it. A nation so powerful the Russians were forced to machine gun their own drafted soldiers to force them to march at the national socialists.

The national socialist soldier fights with religious ferocity because he is fighting to defend not only his family and nation but the value of his work hours.

Remember this is the ultimate weapon of the national socialist. An economic instrument that makes all workers rich.
Writing a national socialist article everyday until Anglin comes back. Day 2.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 1 month ago


Might makes right.

"Nature keeps order using perfect Fascism." -Hitler

All living things in the universe and all living things on planet Earth bow down to the universal rule of NATURAL ORDER.

This is God. This is the true source code of existence.

The strong must be unrestrained to control and dominate the weak. In this way the strong grows and becomes stronger and the weak perish and diminish.

Such natural order is seen throughout all living things.

A bald eagle mother will throw out the weakest baby so that the remaining 2 baby's can receive all the food. And grow bigger and stronger.

A male lion will eat babies from another father because they are a waste of his time.

Do you think you are special? Do you think father time and mother earth will give a single shit about you as you lay in bed dying from cancer given to you by micro plastics and forever manufacturing chemicals in the water?

Do you think God will give one single shit about you as you bleed out in the middle of the street after being shot by a nigger robber?

Nobody cared when my biological father was shot dead in the middle of a street in Texas and bled out. Before I was even born.

There is only one thing that will ever care about you and your life and your safety.

That is your nation and your people.

You do not have either of these things.

In the human species thanks to technology and mass deception the weakest human race with low physical ability and even lower cognitive ability now own and control you like cattle.

The strong are not leading the way forward on planet Earth.

They are being exterminated systematically. So that the weak can take their place. And breed with their women.

Your very genetic material is in danger of ending for all eternity.

You must form a nation and form a people or you will be sent to the dust bin of existence within 100 years time. You will be outlawed. Hunted like animals.

It will become illegal to mention you ever existed at all.

The hour is late and you are being led around in circles intentionally.

Honestly I calculate that white people have less than a 1% chance of surviving this.

The weak Jews have blamed everything on white people and they have made it illegal for white people to point out the Jews are to blame in almost every single white country.

In 40 years time there will be no white country in existence.

Unless you do something about it now.

Writing a national socialist opinion article everyday until Anglin comes back. Day 1.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 1 month ago


Hating women is what Jews want you to do.

Virtuous men do not hate women. They recognize them as the Creator of humans. Creators of the future. Why is society in America such shit? Because the women are shit. They have been brainwashed.

The response to this should not be to hate them. Pity is more appropriate. But also pity the nu-male the soy boy and his ilk.

Women are basically just children in adult bodies. Any man that's been married more than five years knows this is an indisputable fact.

Women operate on emotions. How they feel drives then to act. My children operate the exact same way.

This means women are not supposed to be hated but protected like children.

We must be careful that we do not allow Muslim beliefs to infect and damage our sacred white beliefs and culture.

Women are not to be enslaved. That's illogical.
But it is also illogical to ever allow them to vote on anything.

I'm going to quote Hitler from memory now.

"Man is capable of going out into the world and enacting great change but only if women control and take care of the home and children so that the man can dedicate himself to this effort. In this way the man and woman are linked together to form two parts of the same mission." -Hitler (Odin all father in human flesh)
Is Anglin dead?     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 1 month ago


Your fellow Americans are currently protesting Israel. As they were trained to do by Israel. Now Israel is sending their army to crush them.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 1 month ago


Patriots dot win currently sucking Jew cock and demanding the first amendment be removed.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 1 month ago


Patriots. Win is controlled opposition and I can prove it. Part 1.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 1 month ago


Right now Patriots. Win is pissing their pants because Patriot Front is allowed to march with flags and break no laws.

Right now Patriots. Win is vomiting all over the place that we need to stop the Israel protests on campus.

Right now at this very moment Patriots. Win is talking about anything and everything but what matters.

What matters is that Jews control the federal reserve. The presidential cabinet. Congress. And they control the war in Ukraine which is just extermination of white people.

What National Socialism would look like in America. (The no bullshit version)     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 2 months ago


I'm going to give a quick rundown of what actual National Socialism would look like in America.

You can screen cap it if you wish to try and wake up normies who have been confused by circular deceit. For example just today patriots.win was blaming National Socialist Germany for trans kids when it was in fact the National Socialist Germans who burned the trans clinic down.

So what would a National Socialist America look like?


1. Right to private property. You have a right to own property and defend it.

2. Right to a job with a living wage. You not only have a right to a job... One can and will be found for you.

3. Right to free and open individual expression, thinking, questioning, opinion making, artistic expression and everything that applies. Every single human achievement originated as a thought inside an individual human mind. The state must exist to protect this individuality.

4. Right to the finest healthcare in the entire world. Scientific morality and ethics can be suspended in the pursuit of finding cures. The welfare of the state depends on the fitness of the citizens. Physical exercises and training is mandatory throughout all sectors. Academia, private, public. Those that reject this are crabs in a bucket pulling you down.

5. Right to arms and weaponry. The right of the CITIZENS to arm themselves will be encouraged by the state. The more guns you own the more communists you can effectively remove. Do your part citizen.

6. Service guarantees citizenship. Something given for free has zero value. Citizenship is earned through 2 years of civil or military service.
Citizenship is eternal. Can not be revoked.

7. You have a right to Swift actual justice as a victim of a crime. Capital punishment is the solution to rape, murder, pedophilia, political corruption and treason. Capital punishment will also be available for any jury or judge who is overseeing an egregious case. The accused shall be considered innocent until evidence and not just accusations are brought against them beyond reasonable doubt.

8. Banks are illegal. Federal reserve is illegal. Your local post office will provide for you a bank account, checking account, email account, and will handle all financial transactions for you free of charge. No banking fees or transaction fees or paperwork fees. You also have a right to use cash and bullion. You have a RIGHT to a loan. Loans are interest free. Charging interest on loans is illegal. Failure to repay loan may result in docking your pay. Debtors prisons are illegal.

9. You have a right to not be excessively taxed to death. 3% of your paycheck will be deducted on payday and go to the single National Socialist American Workers party.
Thats it. Local county and State taxes can only exist as sales or consumption taxes and can not be excessive.

10. The right to freely travel around your country. The right to a passport and to travel abroad.

11. You have a right to be educated properly and without political indoctrination that is financed by coporations, media, banks, or outside cultures or nations. A proper college education will also include travel and meeting other young adults for the purposes of dating and marriage. If you have 4 children your home mortgage will be refunded to you after you have raised them to the age of 17 years inside the home.

12. You have a right to national defense. Not just with geographic borders but also with cultural contamination. The military will fight to the death to ensure your way of life and your very DNA will continue.

13. You have a right to chart, track , measure, weigh and account for different abilities in different bloodlines produced by different arrangements of DNA. Genetic predisposition to violence research is LEGAL and NON-CLASSIFIED. Genetic predisposition to intelligence is LEGAL and NON-CLASSIFIED. You own your DNA. Your bloodline and estate owns your family DNA. Designer babies are legal. Humanity is ongoing and evolving and not static. The state MUST ensure de-evolution into idiocracy and morbid obesity will never occur in the citizenry. Each generation should be smarter and more physically fit. This is an imperitive.

14. You have a right to be a good and decent people. Degeneracy and filth will be removed like cancer from society.

15. You will know that you no longer need to fight communism when you wake up and your National government only exists to help the common working man. Therefore. The right to communication through all forms possible shall remain even in times of war and uncertaintly. The people must be informed at all times. The people must be unrestrained from corrspondance both private and public forum. Censoring information is what commies do.

This very basic framework of society would make you unbelievably rich in just a few years. Unbelievably rich.

One final thought. WOMEN.

The only way men can make a strong nation is if their women are at home making a strong home. You are currently living in weak nation times.
Explaining Neo-Nazis and user @dirtywhiteboy     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 2 months ago


Neo-Nazis are a Jewish creation.
They are tattooed drug using degenerate filth. They talk like your drunken uncle and literally do nothing to make the world and society better.

So why do they exist?

They exist so you will associate Nazis and white men with degenerate filth that lives in trailers, do drugs, fuck their cousins and talk like edgy teenagers.

1488 times out of 100 a neo-Nazi is created by committing a felony. Losing his guns forever. Then getting butt fucked up the ass in prison.
This makes them angry little elves.

Also some neo-nazis are just military rejects too retarded to train so they become edge lords playing soldier in the backyard with some military surplus from the local flea market.

Neo-Nazis are NOT good or moral people. The Ukrainian ones for example drink blood and have Jewish commanders.

Hitler would condemn them all for being so pathetic. And ugly. And poorly dressed. And talking like retards.

Hitler demanded that the white man elevate himself to his rightful place. The superior and dominate position of society.

This means being a moral beacon. Being physically fit. Being highly educated. And dressing well. Taking care of yourself. No drugs. And no degeneracy.

Hitler demanded that the you better yourself. Always. Of the youth he demanded they become "Swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp's steel"

Human beings are shaped and molded into hardened and resilient beings. They are trained and exercised to become educated, effective, decisive men.

This process is known as Re-moralization.

You as a society have been De-moralized.

Which brings us to @dirtywhiteboy

His job is to demoralize this board while acting repulsive.

No white moralizing can ever happen when you are being led by degenerates. No white solidarity can ever happen when provocateurs run around calling everyone random names.

No white elevation can happen as long as you focus every single day on dog and frog memes.

Be better.

Recognize the provocateurs for what they are.

@Dirtywhiteboy is either a Failed demoralized white boy who acts retarded.

Or he is an intentional agent. Sent to infiltrate. Divide. Accuse. Slander.

And just flat out act like a Jewish rat.

Be better white man.

Reject the retards who make you look like edgy 16 year old boys online.

Embrace Re-mormalization.

Take a bath. Dress well.
Build something with your hands.

White women will notice the difference between you and the neo-nazi felon who can't own guns and is bitter everyday because he got fucked in prison.

Go buy land.
Ignore the trash on this board.

Set your eyes to Hitler as an example.

Be well spoken. Be intelligent.
And be a unifier.

Fake Nazis were created by Jews to make whites look like white trash and it works every single day all over the Internet. Even here.

The reason why Ukraine has Nazi battalions that drink blood is so that history books will say "we needed to exterminate them and move in Jews because they were blood drinking killers". It's all a set up.

Don't be set up.

Be better. Be white. Act white.

Do not fall for the Jewish characature of a white man.

You might as well be fucking an asshole while calling it a pussy.

You will hear a lot more about this from me.
Absolutely no links on this website work for me anymore. Started couple days ago.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 3 months ago



submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 4 months ago


We do not care about Taylor Swift at all. But currently there is more than a dozen articles on google news declaring that we do. Jimmy Kimmmel gave a monologue about how we just care so much about Taylor Swift.

But we don't.

So whats going on?

Taylor swift commands the largest white voting bloc in america which is 80% YOUNG FEMALE WHITE VOTERS.

Roughly 15 - 20% of the white voting bloc is Taylor Swift fans.

If all of the media can pretend there is a war going on between conservatives and taylor swift fans then the taylor swift fans who are EXTREMELY STUPID AND LISTEN TO ANY GOVT PROPAGANDA will sour on Trump and refuse to vote for him ensuring Biden remains in power.

This plan is working.

Taylow Swift fans will take it personal and will develop hatred and disgust for this fake war against their beloved billionaire girl.

Intelligence agencies will create offensive memes that insult Swift and will promote them across social media, Swift fans will then mentally associate "conservatives" with "meanie bullies who don't like Taylor Swift". They will reject voting for conservatives not just trump.

Odin all father put you on this planet to fuck and make babies with Taylor swift fans. Not fight with them.

As long as the govt creates a fake rift between swift fans and young conservative men then WHITE BABY BIRTHS WILL CONTINUE TO PLUMMET.

Pal world.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 4 months ago


It's really good.
It's literally the Pokemon game that Pokemon fans begged for. For over 25 fucking years.

You can give your Pokemon assault rifles to defend your land.

I propose we start a brand new country.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 4 months ago


We could easily and with very few people take over almost any african area. Remove the natives just like the US calvary removed the indians and then establish infrastructure.

After infrastructure is up and running white women would happily move in and give us a brand new nation.

We could kill anyone that tried to gain entry.

This entire venture would cost less than the 500 million it took to produce the usless Tesla Model S.
Heyooooo! A man just told off those maga pussies leading us to Zion.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 4 months ago



Fuck the boomers and their fake right wing.
The National socialists tried to save you.     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 5 months ago


Everything that is hurting you and holding you back as a human being the Nazis tried to destroy.

The international bankers who enslave you and steal from you by giving you fake money and then inflating it at will.

The media and education system that demands whites be removed from society and the gene pool.
They used the same excuse back then also. "Whites are extreme terrorists" they said. Violent they said.

The entertainment industry that pushes hedonism and drug use.

The anti family movements such as environmental communism and feminism.

Genetic disabilities and diseases that adle your body and brain and prevented you from becoming something great.

The banks and loans that charge you interest.

The existential dread and depression that takes over you when you do not have a meaning and purpose and job.

The anti-social younger generation addicted to everything but having kids

The Nazis tried to save you from everything.

It took 60 nations ganging up on one single nation that had real money. Real nationality. Real families. And real purpose.

The Apollo program was done by Nazis. The shuttle program designed by Nazis.

Now they are all dead.
And you are left alone with those that would drink the blood of your children if it made them one single penny.

You lost.

Your genetics will be cast to the wind and forgotten because any one of you with balls was killed off in wars funded by the bankers Hitler tried to stop.

You lost.

Nuclear weapons are not real.     (media.patriots.win)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 5 months ago


You are all stupid.
The Epstein files dropped. Start naming them NOW!     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 5 months ago


Just how bad the Jewish lies have gotten over at patriots.win     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 6 months ago


Currently there is a meme on Patriots (trump supporters) that has the gay staffer having sex in the congressional hearing room and it says:

This is what fascists do.

Trump supporters are the dumbest people to ever exist.
My daughter is reading books from the library with woke authors     (whatever)

submitted by 4thTurning to whatever 6 months ago


Please list in the comments any book you are aware of geared towards middle school children that is based and red pill approved.

I need white authors to influence my white daughter.

Currently she is reading woke bullshit written by shit skin.