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Witches & Anti-Theists – Rebelling Against The Father

submitted by carnold03 to Christianity 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 12:08:41 ago (+5/-3)     (illimitablemen.com)


“Resentment, born of weakness, harms no one more than the weak person himself.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Because it is a woman’s nature to seek to please the most powerful man in her life in return for his protection and validation, when she is possessed by resentment and thereby in a state of aberrant disgust, she wishes for inversion, and she wishes for inversion (that which is unholy and in opposition to divinity and thereby beauty) by toppling, conquering and overcoming that which she should be subject to (man). This in itself is a microcosm of the metaphysical within the individualised negative feminine (which in itself is a byproduct of the immature), given how the lifelong rebelliousness widespread within the growing multitude of mentally ill-adjusted and aberrant women is a developmental stage typical of teenagers, and thereby normal and healthy within them, but when exhibited by otherwise adult women in their 20’s, 30’s and beyond leads to antisocial and narcissistic behaviour that gives rise to the misanthropic, life negating, civilizationally sabotaging witch archetype.

Be that as it may, this is why women are fascinated with men they hate. Because although they hate these men ideologically and disagree with them in principle (in mind), he actually complements her and appeals to her basest needs and desires in spirit. In a way she can’t quite articulate (and doesn’t even want to verbalise or explicitly recognise) there’s “just something about him” – his masculinity is a magnet for her attention, even if she’s going to go about giving him that attention negatively.

Article continues here: https://illimitablemen.com/2024/05/15/witches-anti-theists-rebelling-against-the-father/

4 comments block

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 15:51:21 ago (+0/-0)

Nietzsche thought Christ-Cucks were slaves.
He's not the best person for the Christ-Cuck to invoke if the Christ-Cuck is trying to make a point.
You are the weak person he is speaking about.

Christ-Cucks have no self-awareness.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 13:52:20 ago (+1/-1)

The fuck are you doing quoting Nietzsche in v/christianity when Nietzsche considered you all a bunch of jew worshiping fools?

But anyway, there is a valid point here. However, the reason they're rebelling is because the system as it exists today is broken. It's kind of like the libertarian to alt right pipeline. At first, you figure out your government is broken, so you rebel against it. Then, you realize that what's broken is not government itself, but the tribe running it, and you start to long for the kind of government that would exterminate the tribe that broke your government.

The witches and anti-theists have gotten to the point of realizing that religion as we see it today is broken. They have not yet gotten to the point of realizing that the fault lies with the tribe that spawned christianity, islam, satanism, communist atheism, and randian atheism, though the witches are at least trying to resurrect some of the beliefs their ancestors held before jews came along (even if they're not always doing a great job of it). The christians, muslims, communists, satanists, and ayn rand fans have not yet figured out that their movements are broken, let alone figured out which tribe created them specifically to be broken.

[ - ] VitaminSieg 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 15:25:05 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] DukeofRaul 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 12:12:09 ago (+1/-1)

Its always an inversion of language. I say lets bash some witches heads off