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Redditor almost died on a Boeing flight

submitted by Conspirologist to MeanwhileOnReddit 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 02:17:41 ago (+11/-5)     (archive.is)


15 comments block

[ - ] uvulectomy 4 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 05:36:43 ago (+4/-0)

The 737 MAX uses an adjustable stabilizer, moved by a jackscrew, to provide the required pitch trim forces.

This is how ALL large planes have adjusted elevator trim for DECADES. It's nothing new to the MAX.

Supposedly, this design aimed to prevent stalling.

Adjusting trim is to alleviate control forces so inputs don't need to be held. If an aircraft is trimmed properly, it will stay in whatever attitude you want, even without further control inputs. It has nothing to do with "preventing stalling." You can trim a plane right into a stall if you're dumb enough.

Through inspections, however, it was discovered that there are actually issues regarding the vertical stabilizers on many Boeing MAX jets. The problem involves two fittings that attach the jet’s vertical tail to the rear end of its fuselage; the issue has been described as "significant."

This has fuckall to do with pitch trim and stalling. The vertical stabilizer is responsible for yaw control. At any rate, what exactly are the problems? Surely if this wise redditor knows of them, they know the nature of the problem and are not merely talking out of their ass, right?

the only reason Boeing implemented MCAS in the first place was that the poor engine placement and relative size on the MAX jets messed up the weight distribution of the planes, an essential design flaw that they tried to "work around" instead of remediate.

MCAS stands for "Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System." Note it doesn't say "Stability Augmentation" anywhere. The reason it was implemented wasn't because the aircraft is unstable, but because the change in engine placement causes the plane to handle somewhat differently than a normal 737. So in order to prevent requiring a separate type rating for the MAX, the MCAS was implemented. Yes, this was done poorly, and yes, dealing with it fucking off should have been part of the training, but does NOT make an un-flyable plane flyable. It simply makes it handle like 737 pilots expect. Plebbitor even says this earlier, while still erroneously referring to it as a "stabilizing system."

Then there's the loose bolts on door plugs. And the bolts with missing nuts.

Diversity hire niggers slacking on the job != design flaw.

Airbus is Boeing's largest competitor and has a similar market share. Between 2014 and 2024, there were 264 incidents involving Airbus planes and 971 incidents involving Boeing planes. That makes Boeing's aircraft nearly 4x more dangerous than their competitor's.

And here is the buried lede. The whole thing sounds like some Eurofag Airbus fanboy foaming at the mouth. Define "incident." That can mean anything from some retard forgetting to close a latch and necessitating a return to the field, to a hull loss with everyone onboard dead. Simply counting the number of "incidents" and saying that makes a plane "4x more dangerous" is disingenuous fear porn.

And lol @Conspirolojeet thinking something posted on REDDIT of all places is going to contain anything even close to a factual accounting, or even competent understanding of anything.

Boeing's problem is diversity hire people putting things together. A lot of the recent problems with planes in service have been caused by United having diversity hires and fucking up maintenance. But it's not like the 737-MAX is some brand new design. It's an iteration of an airframe designed by White men decades ago.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 10:12:51 ago (+1/-0)

The whole thing sounds like some Eurofag Airbus fanboy foaming at the mouth.

This is how I feel whenever a "science" journal publishes something.

"Scientist predicts end of the world!"

What the scientist actually said: "Hey man, fuck off, I'm eating lunch."

[ - ] mikenigger 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 11:09:18 ago (+0/-0)

The whole thing sounds like some Eurofag Airbus fanboy foaming at the mouth

cope and seethe

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 2 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 02:38:10 ago (+2/-0)

This is certainly consistent with the claims (scrubbed from the Interwebs whenever & wherever they are posted) by experienced Boeing engineers who were fired for being Caucasian males of a heterosexual (ie: normal & natural) sexuality; that the Boeing engineering division is under the thumb of a mulatto (most likely Jewlatto) tranny & his pet token coon, whose combined skills extend into aircraft design no further than strategic sexual favors, woke folk power plays, sabotage, blackmail, & pushing a broom in a shiftless manner.

NB: Boeing is a maker of unsafe planes.

Isn't this the same Redditor who caught Monkey Pox from drinking the pee pee of random Africans at their yearly international gay piss drinking orgy?

[ - ] registereduser 1 point 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 11:09:28 ago (+1/-0)

"Redditor almost died on a Boeing flight"

That is just not good enough.

[ - ] 4thTurning 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 17:51:53 ago (+0/-0)

Planes for dangerous because George Floyd isn't around anymore to advise engineers.

[ - ] Cellphone 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 10:56:24 ago (+0/-0)

How much money do you think Boeing is spending to have shills on this platform and every other media platform tell you the 737 Max is safe? How much is Boeing paying to convince the public that the root cause of the crashing problem is not because they had pajeets' design failures make the venerable 737 an inherintly unstable aircraft? How much is Boeing paying on these platforms to cover up their mistake of trying to force this 737 redesign in the first place?

Boeing directly represents about 1% of total USA GDP. That is huge. How much is Boeing spending on media platforms to convice us the 737 Max is safe?

Here's the real kicker- Directly and indirectly Boeing represents 20% of USA GDP. https://www.axios.com/2020/02/14/boeing-production-freeze-gdp-impact-737-max

So again and rephrased- How much is Boeing and the USA spending and are they prepared to spend to convince us the 737 Max is a safe and stable platform?

Oh; by the way. It is not legal to design, certify, fly an inherintely unstable civilian airplane under FAA rules in the USA. But Boeing and the FAA did it anyway.

[ - ] Laputois 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 09:24:23 ago (+0/-0)

they will work the problems out in a couple of years and a few more crashes.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 09:10:23 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 08:39:35 ago (+0/-0)

You archive.is.

Good job nigger!

[ - ] Conspirologist [op] 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 08:51:52 ago (+1/-1)

Yeah. ph. doesn't work often. is. is more reliable for some reason.

[ - ] GreatSatan 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 08:06:28 ago (+1/-1)

Downvote this spamming shitskin

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 02:52:41 ago (+0/-0)

Fuckn jew or jew repeater monkey in there says "Yet another example of over engineering to failure". Hahah. Fuckn ditch digger needs to go dig ditches and be useful.

TH EBay cult went crazy on a couple who criticized Ebay and flew to their home town, and put trackers on their car, followed them, sent porn to their neighbour's house in their name, sent them cockroaches and a book on how to survive the loss of a wife. If thy hadn't have been caught and arrested they probably would have burned their house down and killed them or something.

The death of Boeing Whistle blowers isn't surprising. The employees went through those parasite equality seminars that put communist style perpetual struggle in their heads as mental abuse and manipulation, and made them paranoid but deadly loyal to their leader

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 10:53:26 ago (+0/-0)

eBay cult?

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 3 weeksMay 26, 2024 08:39:51 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, cult. There's a specific method to cult. The USSR and China had work seminars that had nothing to do with the work, but were supposed to personally improve the workers. They aren't legal here, but nobody sues.

The afternoon talk show pontificating crap here were a copy of China's progressive students doing struggle sessions. One person stands up and says "I don't agree", and the students peer pressured them. The Oprah Winfrey show had to stop at ridicule. In China it went on to increased humiliation, torture and killing for their mistaken moral superiority. The Audience must agree with Oprah because they gave up their integrity. Like the Ebayers did to someone who was nothing to them but a job guy they could have complained about. The seminars are all through EBay, so how would they know what was right or wrong all on their own?

The work seminars are another version of the 1970s flood of self improvement books. The readers had to reshape themselves to please the writer who's drivel was selected by the publisher. Oppressing and repressing themselves for some writer or Charley Manson or a seminar tax parasite company makes no difference; it's a cult because thy aren't following the proven moral code of a dead prophet who can't lead them of a cliff, but an organized simulation of one.

The EBay nuts followed exactly the behaviour of cult followers. It's why liberals today support violence against conservatives and election cheating. The only humour they display is at the derision of "others". Ordinary conservatives are the enemy "other" a cult needs. THe couple the EBay creeps stalked were the enemy other.

THe Ebay company finaciers and Oprah Winfrey network financiers were the real enemy.