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He is right. Cost of milk protein falls 10x. Dairy industry gone. Huge land becomes available. Power costs near zero. Transportation (cars go to near zero as Uber costs 10x less than your car.

submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 16:19:45 ago (+3/-2)     (youtu.be)


This guy's been right about major predictions in the past. Won't you understand that they can now make milk protein with the same yeast bacteria that they've been making insulin with for 10 years and the cost of that milk protein is going to be 10 times less than the production of protein and every industry becomes 10 times less and the dairy market can't survive that so production of dairy cows will go to near zero that whole industry will collapse they'll be huge amounts of land available because that industry has collapsed he goes on and talks about how solar continues to fall in price and energy cost will be near zero now this of course excludes utility monopolies and that sort of thing but we're talking about the raw cost of the energy and then he talks about the cars how people don't understand that Uber is not just going to be competitive with cars but the unmanned vehicles that will take you around are going to be so much cheaper than almost no one is going to justify buying a car again. I mean sure wealthy will always have cars but the majority of people were buying a car buying it from necessity and they're trying to buy a car they can afford and Uber's going to be 10 times cheaper than that so they're not going to be buying cars.

15 comments block

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 7 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 19:08:37 ago (+7/-0)

I would like to introduce you to two important friends that will enhance your writing: The comma and the period. Feel free to use them to separate and group different sentences and phrases within your sentences.

[ - ] GrayDragon 1 point 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 22:39:45 ago (+2/-1)

Don't forget sentences' tricky but subtle partner: the paragraph.

[ - ] Dingo 5 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 17:29:52 ago (+5/-0)

Consider that poker chips are meaningless to those outside the casino or the owners of the casino. The magic happens when they can convince others to consent to their meaning. Those who print money are running a behavior control gambit on the rest of us using the financial system to do it.

[ - ] prototype 2 points 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 06:09:03 ago (+2/-0)

Consider that poker chips are meaningless to those outside the casino or the owners of the casino. The magic happens when they can convince others to consent to their meaning. Those who print money are running a behavior control gambit on the rest of us using the financial system to do it.

It was so worthwhile to read, I decided to repost it just so people would have to read it twice while scrolling.

[ - ] John_doe 4 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 18:10:20 ago (+4/-0)

I call bullshit on his numbers. If it works better you dont need subsidies.

[ - ] The_Reunto 3 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 17:16:51 ago (+3/-0)

Milk isn't going anywhere

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 17:45:17 ago (+0/-0)

He's saying the cows will go, not the milk. Hopefully I go first. I'm already way past the point of believing electricity itself needs to go because tech has gone too far. "Horrors beyond human comprehension" is a relative concept. New people start with a new baseline.

[ - ] NegaroNegaroNeeegaro 1 point 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 06:57:57 ago (+1/-0)

Cows will go, not the milk, and steaks will go because lab meat. No.

[ - ] localsal 1 point 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 17:14:43 ago (+1/-0)

I've been watching solar and the price has not dropped 85% in the last 10 years. Maybe the "manufacturing" side, but not the (((retail))) side.

In 2012 it cost about $6000/kw professionally installed - or $6/watt. What is it now? A good install is still at least $3/watt installed. If the price dropped 85% where are the $40 for 100watt panels?

The world has changed dramatically since 2010 and I don't think the (((competitive))) market is as it was back then. Why would the filthy kikes drop 60% of their profits?

As for milk, I haven't heard of any FDA testing for milk substitutes yet, and that is a long process, unless the goyslop kikes "warp speed" that shit.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 17:38:24 ago (+0/-0)*

Most solar companies are sales companies and have not been in business five years. Solar typically takes fifteen years for a return on investment and quickly drop in efficiency.

Also the cost of repairs are included in the initial sale.

And putting them on your roof makes it very hard to maintain them.

Also most often you are not allowed to directly use the power on your own house, it just gives you a bill discount, and they to to you off.

If you run in not an issue nobody will help you.

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 19:42:23 ago (+0/-0)

Repairs included in the sale price isn’t such a bad thing unless you sell the property.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 13:19:48 ago (+0/-0)

In 2012 it cost about $6000/kw professionally installed

Building my own 2kw system, will cost about $3k. So about $1,500/kw self-install? It might be more if you're trying for a whole-house system, though if it's big enough you start saving per kw due to the scale of it.

where are the $40 for 100watt panels?

They're $90 right now, though some are cheaper(for lower quality). If you check FB and craigslist you can get some refurb panels from those torn-down solar farms for way cheaper. But those aren't something you can choose the volt/amp/kw/size of.

Inflation sure isn't helping matters.

[ - ] localsal 0 points 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 14:38:00 ago (+0/-0)

Self installs have not followed his "85%" reduction either, although his claim in the video seems to be about "retail" pricings, which have not come even close to what he predicted.

Supplier part prices should be dirt cheap now if his 85% curve is accurate, but that is not the case. Individual panels have been at the $1/watt basis on all fronts for the last 5 years or more, not dropping at all beyond that.

5KWH battery storage is still in the $1500-2000 range, pretty on par with the $20,000 quote for new batteries in a Tesla from 5 years ago and even now, where is the 85% reduction?

That's what I am trying to find, and can't seem to see that 85% drop.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 15:04:47 ago (+0/-0)

That's what I am trying to find, and can't seem to see that 85% drop.

Yeah, there's a lot of bullshit going around about power and power generation. So few people know about electricity it's shockingly easy to dupe them. Also there's powerline costs, copper has risen significantly in price point. You don't want to use cheapo cabling for power systems.

[ - ] NegaroNegaroNeeegaro 0 points 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 06:56:42 ago (+0/-0)

Fuck uber, fuck fake milk.