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Discussion on Mainstream Media's potential for waking up Whites and saving the White race

submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 06:51:42 ago (+3/-0)     (WhiteNationalism)

The only reason White Nationalism is hated is because access to the mainstream masses on television and youtube is restricted to "colorblind" anti-racism/anti-Whiteism. Television and youtube determine what people think more than anything.

Changing what the world thinks depends on having a regular presence on television or youtube because those are the only ways to reach the millions of normies in the world.

An alt-right website is secluded off to itself on the internet and does not reach the normie masses, so it has less chance of changing the world.


Insofar as the jews destroyed the West, the weapon they used was "anti-racism", as programmed through constant mainstream media propaganda exposure.

Constant mainstream media propaganda could also be used to liberate White minds, turning everyone into White Nationalists who save the White Race.

The press shapes public opinion, and as such the mainstream media is imperative to saving the White Race.

Jews would fight to the last breath to prevent White Nationalists from broadcasting daily in the mainstream media thereby saving White people. That should tell us how important msm is.

Mainstream media is the quintessential issue of our time, and everything depends on it.

1 comments block

[ - ] Stonkmar 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 11:06:18 ago (+0/-0)

I agree.
Remember the end of 'They Live'? He had to destroy the stations to get the truth out there.