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Why should I give a shit anymore?

submitted by ZyklonDryCleaners to whatever 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 15:13:48 ago (+46/-1)     (whatever)

Laid off and burnt the fuck out. Credit is fucked. Cost of living is unsustainable. 3 out of every 4 job postings have no intention of hiring anyone. 14 years experience as a computer engineer means fuck all. jews ruined everything. The only thing Hitler did wrong was lose.

105 comments block

[ - ] iSnark 17 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 15:42:22 ago (+17/-0)*

Your driving goal at this point should be to "Never let the Bastards win!" Yes, Your credit is fucked, you owned up to it in front of everyone here on this site! YOU have to develop the mentality that THEY are NOT going to beat ME!

The job market is shit right now, almost non-existent! Find any job that you can find locally that affords you dignity and allows you to eat and pay bills. Take small incremental steps, but make sure you're moving and not sitting on your ass in front of a game counsel 24X7!

This is a challenge, it will shape your character, and define you! When you get past this, you'll look back on it, and realize that you are built to survive!

Chin up, Eyes forward!

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 5 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:33:52 ago (+5/-0)

Honest question, what jobs in your opinion do not afford dignity?

To me, every government employee has proven to be the opposite of trustworthy. Scum of the earth every fucking single one.

Dignity is only derived from one’s peers.

As a man who considers himself to have very limited peers, and a job so disgusting no one wants to do it…, I challenge anyone to use the word dignity who is government employee.

Pigs better pay attention to their corpse just now mentioned. In my mind they are already dead.., just not met my pickaxe as of yet

[ - ] iSnark 8 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 17:02:03 ago (+8/-0)

Drug dealer, Gay porn actor, Any job with the DNC, Sandwich shop sign spinner...POAL/reddit Mod

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 22:56:58 ago (+1/-0)

Haha the fucking sign spinners! One of those bastards hit the company car. Scraped off paint and dented the roof.

[ - ] iSnark 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 23:03:27 ago (+0/-0)

Must've been his first day, I guess he hadn't finished the training program. He wasn't a certified Sandwich shop sign spinner, He was illicit...

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 00:07:27 ago (+0/-0)

I wonder how shitty that job must be sometimes

[ - ] iSnark 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 00:16:30 ago (+0/-0)

I guess at some level, it pays the bills. I guess it would suck to lose an eye or a testicle because the giant wooden arrow wet astray.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:36:37 ago (+2/-2)

what jobs in your opinion do not afford dignity?

"Jobs" where someone other than you is controlling your behaviors. Even if you're not paying income taxes to support jewish supremacy, if you have someone over you saying the equivalent of "Hey Deplorablepoetry, go clean the toilet", you have no dignity.

That's different from a "job" that consists of you providing goods or services to customers or clients who want you to accept them and their money. You're free to accept or reject them, because they haven't purchased you, and don't own you.

If you're an employee, you're someones servant.

[ - ] letsgetit 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 23:39:23 ago (+0/-0)

Hang in there. A lot of people are in this sinking boat too. We need people like you out there, stay true to yourself. Fuck all the other noise

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 04:00:06 ago (+0/-0)

The job market is not shit. The only job market that shit is the jobs that were all bullshit jobs begin with which is you sending in front of a computer somewhere in some office pretending that whatever emails you're sending each other and whatever PowerPoint productions you're sending each other are actually contributing in any way to actual production of any actual good and service. Those jobs are bullshit and they've always been bullshit and they've only been around because there was enough excess money to support a bunch of bullshit jobs and no one had to squeeze the sponge to eliminate the waste which they're doing now. As Elon Musk proved when he fired 90% of the Twitter staff and Twitter perform better than it did before they're only a few people that actually make products. And making a product is what's

And guess what if you're willing to actually make a product which may be serving in McDonald's and working at McDonald's where you're actually giving people food or whether you're a garbage man picking up garbage or whether you're construction worker actually building something instead of sending in an office and making a PowerPoint about it well guess what those jobs are starving for people. They're starting people at $15 an hour in McDonald's with no experience and no anything. And there are plenty of other jobs that are paying 40 and $50 an hour all over the place but you've got to be willing to actually build something and actually do something and not pretend you're an elitist sitting in a cubicle playing with a computer while you masturbate that you're somehow better than the guy who's making something with their hands.

But let me tell you if you're willing to do that then there are tons of actual jobs out there they're starving for people. Everywhere you go there's a sign up saying we're hiring for morning shifts we're hiring for closing shifts we're starting at 15 or 18 or $20 an hour at McDonald's and garbage men are everywhere needing jobs and they get paid sometimes $100,000 a year.

stop being a pussy and do a job that actually makes something and stop letting people look down their their nose at you for that because they're all going to lose their fucking jobs and you're going to have one and you're going to be making more money than they are and when you go home you're not going to have to be thinking about your job you're going to have money in your pocket you're going to be on your way to making your life what you want your life to be because you're going to have fuck you money and you're not going to be in debt

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 12 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 15:18:12 ago (+12/-0)

Sucks that your credit is fucked. Live somewhere cheap, try to find work that won't enrich jews much, and work on separating yourself from the formal jew controlled economy.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 7 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:31:11 ago (+7/-0)

It's hard work but it pays off. Not monetarily so much as in freedom to do whatever.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 3 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 17:43:50 ago (+3/-0)

Yup. Disengaging, even on a budget, feels pretty dang good.

[ - ] MaryXmas 5 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:47:06 ago (+5/-0)

Pretty sure the voat recommendation for success includes, "fuck the jews, don't pay your taxes".

[ - ] x0x7 6 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:50:14 ago (+6/-0)*

Now you know why people are choosing to be homeless. Reducing expenses is where it is at because the number of hours and bullshit it takes to cover those expenses otherwise isn't worth it.

The more you reduce your expenses the more you can say fuck you to the world. And the more you develop in savings the more you can too. Savings/expenses is your fuck-you-ability. That is how much time you would have to figure things out if the world decided it didn't like being told no. Life is a tredmill. The world can handle no a lot more than you think but people never test it because they are on that tredmill. And the fewer and fewer people there are that can say no to the world's bullshit the more the world gets used to never hearing it. That doesn't bode well for any of us. Your expenses are the speed, and your savings are the amount you've gotten ahead. So spending the money is never worth it because what you are really selling is the ability to say fuck you.

And if you can kill the major expense like housing you are actually ahead of everyone else. If they weren't addicted to fent the people living out of tents in southern California would actually be people to envy. They have at least one dimension of figuring things out most people don't.

The only reasons corporations can get away with bullshit like masks and DEI is because people spend too much. If everyone only spend 60% of their check, which is clearly possible because there is always someone who makes 60% what you make and they clearly manage, then within a year no one would put up with bullshit.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 9 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 17:27:37 ago (+9/-0)

I agree with everything you have said except the 60% part. I think for most people even if they turned off their cable and stopped dining out, could only have 15% of their checks left. Housing is really, really bad now and food and fuel have gone up like crazy.

[ - ] PoundOfFlesh 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:18:34 ago (+1/-0)

But the electric jew told me that once you ignore housing and food costs, inflation is totally kind of under control.

[ - ] Clubberlang 2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 21:42:58 ago (+2/-0)

Gaslighting 101

[ - ] PoundOfFlesh 1 point 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 00:17:42 ago (+1/-0)

jews don't lie, ever, you antisemite.

[ - ] Leveraction 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 19:48:39 ago (+1/-0)

Yes, you can thank obiden for your expensive food, housing, fuel!!!

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 21:43:48 ago (+0/-0)

::pedojoe whisper::


[ - ] x0x7 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 21:41:09 ago (+1/-0)

You forgot the part where you can change your housing. That's what the people who make 60% of your pay check do.

But I guess you haven't realized that considering you still live in Queens.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:42:32 ago (+0/-0)

Why are they selling themselves so cheaply?

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:41:05 ago (+0/-0)

Mostly agree, except for the "it's okay to be a wagie" part.

[ - ] x0x7 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 21:43:51 ago (+1/-0)

To lead a horse to water you have to take steps. Becoming less dependent and telling your employer no one too many times is a great way to exit the work force. That should be people's eventual goal.

[ - ] SecretHitler 5 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:44:23 ago (+5/-0)*

Dry your eyes you little bitch. I went from filing bankruptcy and buying ramen so I could make rent to making so much money I stopped looking at price tags and it only took me about 3 years. If you have 14 years as a computer engineer you have similar skills to me and there's no reason you can't do something similar.

All it takes is one day and making some hard decisions on where you want to take your life.

Do something with AI. The field is new and there are fortunes to be made. Besides, we need to lock that shit down before the kikes do.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 21:47:42 ago (+0/-0)

we need to lock that shit down before the kikes do.

Oyyyyyy Veyyyy yoo needuh flamboyant transbrave engineer overlookink yoar werk goy!

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 04:05:45 ago (+0/-0)

" we need to lock that shit down before the kikes do."

The very best reason to get in AI in my opinion.

Be the people in there who can control it or at least throw the wrench in the plans of the Jews who want to turn AI into some super power for them too screw us over even more. If you're inside you can do something to fuck over their plans.

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 11:46:15 ago (+0/-0)

The pattern I notice with new tech always goes like this:

1 White people invent a thing and most kikes and browns don't understand it.

2 Whites achieve power and money with thing. Kikes offer money and browns complain about wanting in. Whites willingly give away their power so they don't have to work anymore, or to prove how "fair and good" they are.

3 Now that Whites are no longer in control of said technology, it's used to subvert us.

It's an easy enough problem to solve. The Whites that know better than to do step 2 (us) just need to be the Whites who are doing step 1. Then just don't do step 2.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 04:11:01 ago (+0/-0)

One of the most important things everybody can do to get out of a bad financial situation is to have The bravery in the common sense to do what every corporation and every scoundrel in America does and that is declare bankruptcy and get out of your fucking debts and start your life free and clear. Every company does it why shouldn't people.

This mother fucker needs to stop crying and he needs to have the moral turpitude and the strength of character to stop worrying about what other people think and to do what's good for him financially and declare bankruptcy and start out fresh and never ever get a credit score again because he never ever should be borrowing any money again ever because that's the Jew. It's going to the Jew and sucking their cock. And if you're going to be fucking stupid and go borrow money to do anything then you're just going to the Jew and sucking their cock. So stop going to the Jew to suck their cock and learn to be fucking financially responsible and never buy anything until you can actually fucking pay for it like everybody used to do and the 19 fucking fifties.

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 11:50:33 ago (+0/-0)

Yep. Bankruptcy is a required feature of fiat banking. Without it the system doesn't add up because the money required to pay interest doesn't exist. It's a fucked up system but if you don't have any assets to lose then it's a good choice when you're in debt.

[ - ] fnbs 4 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:40:45 ago (+4/-0)

You never told us how old you are... if you're past your mid 40's...yeah you're basically fucked... if younger you still have a chance, if you're a White male you also have that going against you in trying to find a good job...sorry

[ - ] Sector2 2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:44:29 ago (+3/-1)

Why are people wanting to be a servant in the first place?

[ - ] Gowithit 4 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 19:15:50 ago (+4/-0)


as my husbands nephew just said the other day

"every tom dick and harry is selling drugs, theres no money it"

He actually applied to some jobs yesterday.

2024 is a new world.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 22:04:53 ago (+0/-0)

Sounds like that nephew just lacks business skills. There are vast amounts of money in drugs. Risk too, but you're supposed to ignore that part until it catches up with you.

[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 11:38:23 ago (+1/-0)

business skills

You would think the drugs sell themselves without any need for business skills. Im guessing more of a location thing.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 13:06:59 ago (+0/-0)

Some products sell themselves, but fancy packaging and presentation go a long way towards justifying higher prices. Location does matter as much as exercising sound judgement in choosing your target market.

[ - ] velocityraptor 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 00:24:13 ago (+0/-0)

tits or gtfo bitch

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 11:40:13 ago (+0/-0)

in current year thats a risky ask.

You a gambling man?

[ - ] velocityraptor 0 points 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 17:41:28 ago (+0/-0)

I apologize for my initial comment, indeed even the lowliest cretin has the wit to make a reply such as I have done. In the future I will make more of an effort in my insults in order to distinguish myself from such baseless minds.

Please please do NOT show me your tits.
If you leave that's still up to you.

[ - ] Localuser 4 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:24:06 ago (+4/-0)

Work sucks too. I have to do the work of 5 people because shitty company won’t hire anyone. Ramp up time for a new person is about 2 years. I’m fucked

[ - ] Jimmycrackerson 2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 17:53:14 ago (+2/-0)

Same here brother. I'm only doing the work of 2 people, instead of 5. But it's a bitch
I'm already certified and being paid more for a new position. Have been for the last 4 months. But can't start working it until they find 2 replacements for me. They are dragging their feet in this process. And the last 2/3 people I've attempted to train have been absolute shit workers.

[ - ] vol09877 4 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 15:38:36 ago (+5/-1)

have you tried prostitution?

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:43:08 ago (+2/-0)

I’m just a gigalo

Everywhere I go

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 21:46:03 ago (+1/-0)

STFU David.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 22:44:17 ago (+0/-0)

Dance the night away!

[ - ] GreenSaint 2 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 01:57:17 ago (+2/-0)

If you’re talking about suicide don’t please. You're gonna die anyways so why rush it? Second of all, just to spite them. Fuck them. We’re in this together. Comrades. In any case there’s still a lot of interesting shit in life. There’s not much in death. I wanna see how this human thing plays out.

[ - ] Rebooted 2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 20:19:31 ago (+2/-0)

Find your tribe. You shouldn'r give up for the simple fact that your enemies WANT you to give up.

[ - ] PoundOfFlesh 2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:27:54 ago (+2/-0)

At this point I think expatriation is the way to go. The U.S. is completely kiked, nogged, pozzed, and fucked.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 19:52:53 ago (+0/-0)

That's great until there's a military coup, or a civil war, or whatever

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 17:23:40 ago (+3/-1)

I’m coming home from a medical vacation that I thought I had completely paid off only to be banged for another $610 yesterday. When I return on Friday, there is an 80% chance I have no job. Bleh.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 04:06:31 ago (+0/-0)

Describe your medical vacation in some more detail. Are we talking medical tourism here because you went to another place to get something done for less than the cost of what your deductible would have been in the United States because if that's the case we'd all love to hear about it because this is a huge thing.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 06:46:37 ago (+0/-0)

Yes. Cheaper. Paid out of pocket. Saved for quite some time. Cost me about 1/3 what it would have cost in the States.

I’m not really at liberty to say what was done, but let’s just say I feel buxom, buoyant and beautiful and a name change is forthcoming.

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 23:08:20 ago (+1/-0)

I hear working remotely at an American company while living in Romania is the way to go now. Cheap life, beautiful White women... might be worth looking into.

[ - ] Trope 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 20:11:49 ago (+1/-0)

You’re all the confirmation I need to know getting out of tech was the best possible decision. It’s hardly a skill as anyone with half a brain can Google how to troubleshoot. However, this gives you full permission to allow yourself to start over in something valuable.

You’d have soon been laid off and replaced with a fresh-out or Indian who can be paid a third of your wages. Tech is not the destination but merely a small step along the way.

Don’t listen to the drunken losers here insisting that you shrivel up and diminish yourself. You have every opportunity to try again.

[ - ] Dindu 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 19:37:16 ago (+1/-0)

Zyklon you are going to have to develop a sense of humor about life sucking. There are things to be seen here that 200 years ago would sound insane. You are a witness. Try to stay alive.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 21:50:11 ago (+1/-0)

that 200 years ago would sound insane....

30 years ago also in perspective.

[ - ] 2Drunk 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 19:04:08 ago (+1/-0)


Some people say this works. I just drink and it's an immediate fix but not solution.

I don't really like most people and have a absolute disgust for jews, spics, niggers, and buddies.

[ - ] DoughGoy 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 03:35:01 ago (+0/-0)

Also jogging. Jogging everyday is how I got through some of the worst parts of my life.
Also, look into moving to another state if you are free from kids/family obligations.
Get a pressure washer and go around asking neighbors to pay you to wash their driveways and houses.
Start going to church.
Keep applying for jobs and pretend to be gay or trans to increase your odds of getting hired, or wear a turban and pretend to be Muslim.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 08:33:51 ago (+0/-0)

Every neighborhood has 10 guys that make the pressure-washing rounds already

[ - ] KangzNSheeit 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:07:03 ago (+1/-0)

If you got an engineering degree from a university, their career center can help you find a new position. It isn't just for students, it's for alumus too. If you didn't get a degree, maybe you can think about what other certificates or degrees you could pursue. Let your job loss be a forcing function for change you'll be grateful for.

[ - ] Bidenguy666 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 15:53:22 ago (+1/-0)

When is your manifesto coming out?

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 21:48:56 ago (+0/-0)

I guess right after the mk ultra kicks in and you shoot up another elementary school?

[ - ] GreenSaint 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 14:48:52 ago (+0/-0)

Did you know Whitey bulger also took part in mkultra? And his crew threatened Dana white while he lived in Boston. So Dana fled to Vegas and now the ufc exists because of Dana. It would have died without him. So basically mk ultra is the reason the ufc exists. So thanks mK ultra 🙏 I love you mK uktra 🥰

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 03:56:30 ago (+0/-0)

Well the first thing you need to understand is that credit is not needed in fact if you have credit or are even pursuing the idea of having a credit score you are totally living life wrong. You need to get out of debt you need to never have that you need to get out of the idea that you're ever going to use credit for anything. You need to not do things that credit is required for. You need to not buy things on debt no matter how much society tells you it's perfectly normal and average and that's the thing to do.

You should take your car and swap it for one that is a low value car you should get into a low value car and have a minimal amount of traceable assets and then you should declare bankruptcy and you will be free from debt you will have no credit and then you go and you take yourself a job that's a cash or not a cash bank but is a is a hourly job somewhere doing some thing and you stop thinking about your worth of your life being attached your job and you use whatever job you take whether it's working in McDonald's or whatever the hell it's going to be it doesn't have to be working McDonald's but there are plenty of people hiring people for 15 bucks an hour now to start with no experience and you go do that job and you make your cash money and you don't use credit and you don't trick yourself into believing you need to have the latest thing that you have to have credit for and you find yourself a cheap way to live whether that's buying a van and living in it which is a great way to live believe it or not or other things like that and you save your money and you never use credit again and you escape the Jew and you live a happy life and you stop associating your personal value with whatever job that you think is somehow better than another job. All jobs are means to the end and none are better than others none hold higher rank than others the only thing a job should do that is of any value is put cash in your pocket. So whether you're a garbage man or you work at McDonald's it's not worse than being a computer programmer. That's all psycho mumbo jumbo bullshit. If as a garbage man you're making more cash in your pocket at the end of the week then you did as a computer programmer then the higher status job is the garbage man. There is no such thing as working with your brain and being better than the guy who works with his hands. That's all bullshit that psychological mumbo jumbo to keep you in a job at less pay. You're still a slave to the guy who's paying you and you're only goal should be there for to get as much pay in your pocket at the end of the week as you can.

Once you accept these realities you will be on your way to true Independence both financially and mentally and you will begin to seek the things that you actually enjoy with the clarity of knowledge that you only need a job to make money not to prove your status or your worth or how high up whatever social ladder you imagine there is. Everybody's a fucking slave until you have enough fuck you money to say fuck you to everybody and the way you get there is to stop trying to protect your credit and to never use debt at all no matter what scheme they want to tell you about how it's better to have leverage to buy a house and you'll make more money no you won't you won't make more money. Stop using debt get out of it start building up your actual value and actual monetary status which means you have debt free money in the bank or somewhere maybe it's gold in your pocket.

So do those things and stop worrying about credit. you want to know how you escape the Jew. you you stay out of debt.

[ - ] ZenoOfElea 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 23:56:04 ago (+0/-0)

The jews want you to feel like that. demoralized. Which is why it's more important than ever to give a shit, get in shape, start a business and never let the jew win.

[ - ] GodDoesNotExist 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 23:38:53 ago (+0/-0)

All part of gods plan, are you an heretic ? bow down and suck his dick

[ - ] Puller_of_Noses 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 23:18:01 ago (+0/-0)

Get out.
There's no winning a fixed game. You will be needed to rebuild, but first, it must collapse under its own weight.

It's own weight in geld.

[ - ] CoronaHoax 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 22:57:08 ago (+0/-0)

I’m doing software and literally getting paid half my previous job.

Currently working to get my portfolio up to date.

[ - ] drstrangergov 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 22:47:19 ago (+0/-0)

get a trade

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 22:40:03 ago (+0/-0)

Situation is changeable. Credit can be fixed. You have to follow your gut no matter how hard it is or if you feel like quitting. Nothing comes easy for guys like us. It may be time to fly to another location and life will start happening. It isn't gonna come to you if you're staying at home. Jump on a motorcycle or i na car and drive to some other place and hang for a week or so and feel around. If nothing there then go to the next place. You'll find your destiny.

[ - ] clymer 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 21:05:42 ago (+0/-0)

"14 years experience as a computer engineer".. Bro, you can land something. Even a front line support gig, or sysadmin.

[ - ] FluffyBunnySlippers 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 20:24:16 ago (+0/-0)

Being done with your life is the best true way to find it. You have nothing to lose now. Sit down and write down your dreams

[ - ] texasblood 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 19:10:19 ago (+0/-0)

That market has been crashing over a decade.
A victim of evolution, my friends have recovered from the trade.
AI has been in progress some 20yrs in the public eye.

[ - ] carnold03 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:29:25 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] kammmmak 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 17:32:01 ago (+0/-0)

Hitler didn't even kill them.

[ - ] iSnark 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:15:32 ago (+0/-0)


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[ - ] Scyber 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 22:20:13 ago (+1/-0)

That doesn't pay shit in this economy. I was making that kind of money 10 years ago and barely scraped by. $15/hr is basically minimum wage now.

[ - ] iSnark 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 22:58:32 ago (+0/-0)

OK, but that's not the point! What is the point is that OP, will be bringing some money in, however little, but, more importantly, he has a current job that he can put on his resume that increases his hire-ability for a job that IS in his career path with the right pay.

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:08:31 ago (+0/-0)

Did they fire you, contract end, downsized?

[ - ] Cantaloupe 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:07:33 ago (+0/-0)*

If you check zippia the best states for computer engineering jobs are West Coast

At Meta (55),
cybercoders 22
EMC 21
HP 21
Mitre 36

It sounds like all you skills are in one area. Without a business or financial focus. There's maybe diminishing returns in that focus.

Credit cards are unsecured debt, so you can negotiate a percentage of the actual bill. If it goes to a collection agency.

Maybe look into what other kinds of jobs you could do. Find out how many and what kinds of jobs are available in different industries.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus -1 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 17:51:11 ago (+1/-2)

Boo hoo nigga get your ass up and keep trying.

[ - ] HeyJames -1 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 17:07:44 ago (+0/-1)

I'm trying to decide if 3 brand new pickup trucks is excessive

[ - ] beece 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 20:14:55 ago (+1/-0)

If each truck you buy makes you money, then buy shitloads more until they don't make you money. If it's just to have 3, then that's retarded and your expenses (insurance and depreciation) would indicate that you are a mark. Having great credit is important, IF you use it to make money.

Organize and execute your life around written priorities. Spend some time reflecting on what's important to you, get some goals, and then get out there and work your plan. Best of luck brother.

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 19:17:23 ago (+0/-0)

buy a fourth. now at 5 its a bit excessive but 4 is fine.

[ - ] registereduser -2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 20:03:47 ago (+0/-2)

Dumb ass, credit is a jew construct. They saw you coming and you eagerly got on your knees to suck that jew cock. Have fun with the bed you made.

If you can't find a job you are not looking. If you are a computer jockey you deserve to starve anyway. Your kind are as bad as those who built all the nukes.

[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique -2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:14:14 ago (+0/-2)

Spoiler Alert: Hitler worked for the World Zionist Congress. His loss was intentional.

If you want, I'll hire you for $20 an hour, full time with benefits; provided you can actually diagnose and fix a computer. If you do well, I can move you into a real job.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 21:57:26 ago (+1/-0)

Sold! weres the dotted line?

Eye kant Reed.

[ - ] BeatUpAll -10 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 15:23:35 ago (+0/-10)

You shouldn't.

Cut down the street, not across the road.

[ - ] firestation7 11 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 15:32:02 ago (+11/-0)

Posting porn, encouraging self deletion. You are a kike faggot, and I don't mean that in the nice way. Please fuck off.

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 8 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:14:18 ago (+8/-0)

It's another one of Blumen's alts.

[ - ] firestation7 4 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:20:09 ago (+4/-0)

Does he always do this. I like this place and this shit is pollution. Fuck whatever is making him do this behavior.

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 6 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:29:34 ago (+6/-0)

If you've been here long enough to remember Blumen4Alles, who we call Blumen (or Blue Man), you'd remember him and his disruption tactics. He got banned about a year and a half ago for doxxing another user, but honestly, everyone wanted system to ban him because he was a pedo and tried to sneak pictures of young 13-16 year old girls on the site. They were intended to provoke a reaction because he claimed they totally legal. He also liked this degenerate artist whose name I don't and won't ever remember.

He was quiet for a while, but he seems to have run through his old alts and now has a new set of alts (I suspect IsraelRespecter is one of them) that he uses to troll the board. What makes him do this behavior is that he's a jew. No other explanation is required.

[ - ] MuricaPersonified 2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 20:12:29 ago (+2/-0)*

The funny thing about this is I don't think that he was the original Blumen. There was a Blumen4Alles on oldvoat and I don't recall that one ever trolling with degenerate crap. This one was likely a highjacked handle. This one gives off NorthSeaPagan vibes, if you remember that pedo.

Here is part of blumen4alle's last post on the last day of oldvoat:

This site and its community served a very valuable role in my life and I will be forever grateful. Years ago I had a mystical experience which was very unsettling and many of the things I learned during it I was able to hash out here. Goats gave me a grounded space to interact with the world with my new perspective. It wasn't until I watched The Greatest Story Never Told (after learning about it from Red Ice Creations) that I was able to break down the programming and realize the truth posted here. Once that dam broke many things started to make sense. Dark skin, dark minds. As within, so without. You can judge a book by its cover! I realized the programming was fighting our nature of recognizing patterns.

I hope I wasn't too much of an hardass but I love this site so I tried to protect it.

My experience here has definitely changed me for the better.

Definitely not the same guy we've been dealing with here.

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 20:59:06 ago (+1/-0)

That's some good research there, and I completely agree with you. I was on old Voat -- I won't say who I was because I was an abrasive, caustic asshole sometimes and I'd like to distance myself from that -- but I don't remember that user. I believe you're correct, because what you posted is totally unlike the Blumen we saw on voat.xyz. Yes, the new Blumen hijacked the user name, which is unsurprising considering his behavior for the entire time he was here. And still is, I guess.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 22:00:32 ago (+0/-0)

Aint nobuddy gone guess mah name awn old voat!

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 17:53:14 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 4 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:34:41 ago (+4/-0)

It’s “Down the road, not across the street”

Dumb motherfucker.

[ - ] BeatUpAll 0 points 2 weeksMay 29, 2024 14:44:30 ago (+0/-0)

That was an appropriate version, you fucking cocksucker.

Shut the fuck up before I pound your face into hamburger meat with brass knuckles.

[ - ] BulletStopper 1 point 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 17:44:42 ago (+1/-0)

Hope this helps.


(The Official Table of Drops, 1913 Revision, is used to calculate the appropriate length of rope for long drop hangings.
The original committee's report was printed in 1888 and recommended a drop energy of 1,260 foot-pounds force (1,710 J). In April 1892, the Home Office revised this based on an energy of 840 foot-pounds force (1,140 J). A significantly revised edition of the Table of Drops was published in October 1913, allowing 1,000 foot-pounds force (1,400 J) of drop energy. From 1939 executioners routinely added nine more inches (23 cm) to the length of drop listed in the 1913 Table.)

Or just chug a bottle of Drano. Either one really.

Looking forward to your account suddenly going silent.

[ - ] Peleg 2 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:38:24 ago (+2/-0)

Thank you @BulletStopper. This little jewel of a chart just might come in handy some day soon.

E.to add. Of course there's no reason for blumen to wait. He needs to go ahead and use it now.

[ - ] BulletStopper 1 point 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 00:46:30 ago (+1/-0)

Am I not a river to my people?

[ - ] Crackinjokes 1 point 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 04:08:57 ago (+1/-0)

Lol. So basically for anyone over 150 lb 6 ft or more of rope drop will do the deed. And an extra foot just to be sure. Of course they didn't say 10 ft because what they didn't want to have happen was the head to actually pull off the body in front of the crowd while they were hanging somebody otherwise if you really want to be sure just make a 10-ft rope in the head will probably pop right off and that person will be definitely dead.

[ - ] BulletStopper 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 11:34:59 ago (+0/-0)*

Remember, these were White Christians (not Turks), contemplating very hard on how to see justice done, "do the deed", but without causing any unnecessary cruelty.

They had been witness to any number of hangings, and so were well aware of what they looked like when they went wrong.

Snap the neck, granting a quick death, but without ripping the dead off.

Death by choking is a ghastly, protracted affair that can take several minutes and can summon calls for mercy even in the hardest heart.
There were also instances of men who had choked to death by hanging, been pronounced dead at the event, only to regain conciousness later on the way to the graveyard.

So they were actually trying to spare themselves repetitions of those experiences. Both speed and surety of outcome was also important.

Personally, I prefer the guillotine. Over and done with quickly, as painless as possible, but with an absolute certainty of outcome every time.