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[ - ] yesiknow 4 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 06:37:37 ago (+4/-0)*

The NHS did not buy blood from addicts. A jewish blood broker named thomas o hecht did, and sold it.

After the US feds said not to buy blood from San Francisco because of high rates of infection he did. He also bought blood from USSR corpses. Hecht got a nothing charge from that and continued buying blood as dirty as he could find all over world.

Bill clinton was governor of Arkansas and gave his buddy the contract to run the medical company at the Arkansas penitentiary.

They bought blood from the prisoners up to four times a month from selllers who bribed the blood takers with jailhouse shit like drugs to make the sale. THe Feds inquired about overbleeding, but didn't pursue it.

It went through a lab in Canada that the liberal feds had taken over and was under the responsibilty of Paul martin who became the Prime Minister later on, and out into the world.

Vince Foster was lead council at the Clinton's Rose law firm in Arkansas, and Deputy White House Council involved in investigating the blood selling. Linda Tripp had brought him his lunch on the day he was found suicided with two bullets to the head.

Linda Tripp later said she was so disgusted with the Clinton's psychopathy she recorded Monica Lewinsky's slut talk as a way to shine a light on what pigs the Clintons were

Canada had one of those official government inquiries to assuage the public called the Krever Inquiry. Nobody reads the transcropts of inquiries. They want the media to package it up for them and then they think it won't happen again