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23 comments block

[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique 1 point 3 weeksMay 21, 2024 19:30:36 ago (+1/-0)

Nukes are fake and gay, otherwise Israel would have used them already and blamed Whitey.

The videos of the original tests are fake af. TNT can easily make mushroom clouds.

The videos of the Chinese tests are laughably fake.

The claim that nuclear material effects steel is also a fake af narrative as car exhaust has far more of a measurable impact via the heavy metals from catalytic converters.

The Jews purportedly were so smart that they were the first to build the bomb... and if you trust the Jews about any kind of doomsday weapon, well, they also have a lot of bridges and vaccines to sell you, as well.

Scientifically, your smart phones have far more processing power and text books have far more nuclear knowledge than was available in the 1940s. Any group of people, now, especially physicists, especialy nuclear physicists and nuclear chemists, should have no problem building a bomb. However, it turns out that they are great at making clean energy, instead.

The energy cartels want you to fear nuclear material more than anyone because it keeps their profits high.

If nuclear energy was allowed to proliferate, electricity and fresh water would be virtually free.

Nuclear fear porn is just like COVID fear porn.

It's fake af.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 3 weeksMay 21, 2024 19:06:36 ago (+0/-0)

It's a show of force being used to remind the west that if they interfere with a regional conflict with direct involvement, that they (Russia), technically, are more powerful and can respond with devastating attacks that would decimate any nation, regardless of how powerful that nation thinks it is.

Does the US government really want to get 300 million Americans killed defending a jew fuck politician and his secret CIA operations on the border of Russia? The US wouldn't allow China to operate military operations in Mexico. Or, Russian operations in Cuba, for example.

And, even if the USG might be willing to get 300 million Americans killed in that effort, we 350 Million Americans might have something to say about it.

Same with any country in Europe and the European people.

[ - ] 4thTurning 1 point 3 weeksMay 21, 2024 19:15:06 ago (+1/-0)

Nuclear weapons are not real.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 0 points 3 weeksMay 21, 2024 19:38:32 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] 4thTurning 0 points 3 weeksMay 21, 2024 20:51:54 ago (+0/-0)

Explosions are real. Govts creating super massive explosions are also real.

That much energy releasing itself instantly from a warhead less than 50 kilograms is a violation of the law of conservation of energy.

It's not physically possible

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 0 points 3 weeksMay 21, 2024 21:09:30 ago (+0/-0)

You speak the language of science. Yet almost no relevant scientist agrees with you.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 06:47:38 ago (+0/-0)

Maybe, maybe not. If nukes are not real, then Russia is in a far better position versus the US. Mutually Assured Distruction benefits the US and NATO position. But let's not forget, the world's population believes its real. Exposing that truth would be an issue.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 1 point 3 weeksMay 21, 2024 19:29:11 ago (+1/-0)*

From my conversations with him President Putin does seem to think he can win a nuclear war with the US. And he has said stuff publicly to that effect. Seems to involve a combo of him thinking Russia has better nukes, Russia's strategic depth (size), and better positioning of launch sites away from population centers. I'd also add this - though hitting it might blow EVERYTHING up:


When I was in solitary in September, shortly after being informed of the Rockies business, I was given a copy of this book about an eco-terrorist group based in the, erm, Rockies that buys a nuclear missile in order to hit that thing and radically reduce human population. Think Pentti Linkola meets Sector2 with a post-Soviet Russian playing the lead bad guy:


It's all pretty academic anyway. The Russian AI system putting me at the top of the mindframe has compelled the US to offer up only token resistance in Ukraine. But to the US it's about defending the US dominated international system. Zbig put great emphasis on preventing Russia from dominating Ukraine for a reason. For one thing, by doing so it'd control global agricultural markets. You then add food blackmail to the usual gas blackmail. It marks the end of the American imperium. You have a power balance more akin to when the Soviet Union existed.


[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 06:44:32 ago (+0/-0)

President Putin does seem to think he can win a nuclear war with the US. And he has said stuff publicly to that effect.

Where? Links.

I was given a copy of this book about an eco-terrorist group based in the, erm, Rockies that buys a nuclear missile in order to hit that thing and radically reduce human population.

More boomer fever dreams.

compelled the US to offer up only token resistance in Ukraine.

"Token resistance" - $200 Billion, 500-700,000 dead Ukrainians. 40% increase in energy costs for Europe sparking record inflation. The loss of US Dollar hegemony in the world. And, Russia and Chins enjoying the closest relationship in world history.

Zbig put great emphasis on preventing Russia from dominating Ukraine for a reason.

Yeah, he's a Ukrainian filthy fuckin' jew, like Nuland, and hates Russia. If they didn't want Russia in Ukraine, they wouldn't have put CIA bases on the Russian border with Ukraine and operate bio weapokns labs in the region. They would have demanded that Ukraine stop killing their own people and agreed to not allow Ukraine to join NATO instead of publicly inviting them to join.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 14:23:39 ago (+0/-0)*

Zbig wasn't a Jew, Yuri, but thanks for yet another slowball.

I don't have "links" to my conversations with Vladimir Putin. Lulz.

One thing I will note is that you simultaneously insist I'm a "glownigger" - i.e., US intelligence yet wave away my open avowal that I'm locked in the Russian intelligence nexus with throwaways about my not being able to afford movie tickets. In terms of consistency you rival beece. Just probably with a stranger accent. You rarely make sense though. So this is ok.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 15:47:44 ago (+0/-0)

Nigger, you said that Putin said he could win a nuclear war against NATO and you also said the he, Putin, had made public statements to that effect. Let's see those public statements.

And, you talking to Putin? You're full of shit, you dumb assed fucking nigger.

And no "glownigger" does not imply that you're "US Intelligence", you fucking idiot. It implies that your are attempting to help law enforcement snare retarded fucking idiots too dumb to know better than to fedpost online around fuckwits like you. Ray Epps was a glownigger. The fed faggot involved in the Whitmer plot was a glownigger. The fed faggot involved in the Hootari Malitia was a glownigger. The founder of Attomwaffen was a glownigger. At least one of his roommates was a glownigger. The FBI agents involved in every single one of the 150 cases where the FBI were caught setting up Muzzies were glowniggers. The guy who helped set up the Christmas Day bomber in CA was a glownigger. Additionally, I think you're completely full of shit with regards to being "locked in the Russian intelligence", but makes does make complete sense that you're so fucking broke that you can't afford a day in a theater and too fuckin' stupid to watch a movie without having to pay for it at the theater.

Odd, the you claim to be "locked in the Russian intelligence" while also trying to insist that I'm Russian Intelligence, ya fuckin' idiot.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:01:11 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, glownigger, fed, etc., means US intelligence, Yuri. The FBI is US intelligence. But you know that already.

But I'm glad we figured this out. I'm a broke federal informant who spends years not getting paid to entrap people. Granted, you Russkies don't pay me anything. So there's that!

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:16:29 ago (+0/-0)

No, nigger, a "fed" in no way implies "US Intelligence".

The "fed" that was initially involved in the Whitmer kidnapping plot was a former beat cop who quit the force and started an "internet monitoring company" and called the police about the forum he found the guys that were arrested for the plot. The idiot was not a cop, not an agent, not a part of the USG, not Intelligent in the most remote sense imaginable, and simply was given money by an FBI agent to set people up.

And, you getting paid or not, I have no idea. But yeah, you're probably a fucking idiot that's no better than a Jani and you do it for free.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 0 points 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:22:07 ago (+0/-0)

You're in no position to call anyone an idiot, Yuri. You think Zbig, a known Polack, was Jewish. You even implied he is still alive. You get paid to be stupid on the internet. I don't get paid, unless you count that $100 bucks from the FBI or your boss assisting me with getting goods through behave tech, and I still don't make the stupid basic errors you do. You're probably even a much smarter guy than you act here.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 06:49:17 ago (+0/-0)*

I still don't make the stupid basic errors you do.


Still waiting on the links to Putin publicly saying Russia can win a nuclear war against NATO. Did you forget or wut?

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy [op] 0 points 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 14:14:55 ago (+0/-0)*

That link doesn't get less retarded the more you post it.

As to your question - I misread you initially and I'm put off by your demanding tone. You need to be nicer. Or maybe try faking it. I saw it briefly in a YouTube video. It involved his recent public statements regarding nuclear weapons.

So you can dig if you want. But why ask? You know what your boss thinks as well as I do.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 14:20:35 ago (+0/-0)


Kaarlo was a cool guy, and doesn't afraid of anything.

It's been known for years that the Yellowstone_Caldera has been disconnected from the source, and has no potential to supervolcano. There's a deep earth map somewhere on the internet showing the structures underlying the mantle.

Some youtube geology professor from Washington (I think) did a video on the history, and Yellowstone has left a trail of hotspots all the way out to the Washington coast. Surprisingly watchable, so probably findable.


I've read a few books like that. You really have to suspend critical thinking and just go with the flow.