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PSA: Remember to blacklist and block developers who sold their soul to DEI / ESG

submitted by carnold03 to gaming 2 weeksMay 17, 2024 20:07:18 ago (+8/-2)     (scored.co)


It seems like every studio that was once great has been completely overrun by the DEI brigade and are in no way worthy of your hard earned money anymore. Blizzard, Activision, Bungie, Ubisoft and even CD Project Red have all been infiltrated by woke activists.

Having said that, companies going woke might one day look at their barren finances and reverse course, and hell, they might even make good games again one day.

They will hope you have forgotten when they called you names or actively published their hate and distain for you online. They will hope you forgot them race-swapping your favourite characters or turning them into trannies. They will hope you forgot about letting the sweet baby inc’s of the world destroy franchises you once loved.

Don’t fall for it. Never let them forget what they did. Blacklist them and block them on any platform you use. Ignore their marketing and their attempts to get you to come back.

Reward developers who just make good games without forcing ideology down your throat and punish those who destroy your hobby.

1 comments block

[ - ] BrokenVoat 0 points 1 weekMay 21, 2024 07:24:07 ago (+0/-0)

You serious? Think it easy to make games? Diversity hires cant make games.